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Thread: Coronavirus surge...

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post

    Besides...have you watched the TV lately? It's not like this World is really making much of a case for itself. It's one terrible poop storm after another. Everyone hates everyone for all kinds of different reasons...we're gonna die of some hurricane or forest fire or nuclear holocaust. Riots in the streets, shooters taking out people at public gatherings, a national debt so high that I can't even figure out what the number even means anymore, college education out of control, healthcare unaffordable, open borders, inmates being let out of overcrowded prisons, statues of the founding fathers being torn down, etc... And Murder Hornets! For crying out loud! Murder Hornets! There's times I watch TV and think I want to lick somebody with Covid.

    But hey, I bowled a 251 thats cool. That makes me less depressed. Was it worth the risk of contracting a potentially fatal disease? Weighing my risk factors...yes. Had I bowled a
    I used to work for a boss who had two sayings that I would hear almost every week. One was “ don’t get old”. The other was “I’m glad I’m on my way out”. I probably heard “don’t get old” when I worked for him in the summer of ‘79, the on my way one started around ‘82 or ‘83 when I was a full time employee.

    Remember that the media is a business whether they’re pulling for the right or pushing for the left. If it sounds horrific it will get eyeballs and that means money coming in. The only reason you get the occasional good news/ feel good story is to provide some contrast to make the rest even scarier.

  2. #62
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    The problem is people have this weird internal battle between rational thought and emotional thought. Some are more rational, some more emotional. Neither is wrong...unless you get so far to one extreme that it causes problems.

    With Covid, it's the perfect illustration of this. People that watch a lot of CNN think Covid is lurking outside their house...waiting to kill them. They think if they go outside, they WILL die...that every decision is a game of Russian roulette. There is no safe place. Our only hope, is to embrace the fear...stay inside...avoid all contact...wrap our faces in multiple layers of cloth and fibrous materials....and put some goggles on if we have some.

    On the flip side, you have the more "conspiracy theorists". "Covid isn't real." "All those numbers are made up." "Most of those people died of something else." "It's all a conspiracy to elect Biden." Etc...

    Like most things, the somewhere in between. Yes, Covid is real. It IS like the flu...but more contagious and more lethal. And yes, you can take extra precautions to avoid getting it...wearing a mask "can" help (but it's not foolproof...a virus is small enough to go through fibers of cloth easily...the cloth just stops virus contained in moisture droplets)...limiting indoor gatherings can help...limiting travel can help...certainly.

    BUT...everything has a cost. Every "ying" has a "yang". Complete economic shutdowns could mean complete financial collapse. Total lockdowns could mean a disruption in communications, energy, transportation, police, fire, food production, etc... So, we have to "meet in the middle". Some people are going to say it's too restrictive, some will say not restrictive enough. If it were ME...if I were President...I'd have used the stimulus money to buy everyone one of those suits from that "Outbreak" movie...that way everyone would be protected and could still go about their jobs. Granted, there wouldn't be 350 million of those suits available...but would have been far cheaper than a trillion dollars.

    For the people that are "too analytical" takes knowing somebody who gets the virus and dies from it. It takes that personal connection. And even though over 330,000 people have died...I know far too many people that say, "I don't even know anyone that had died from it." Without that connection, Covid is just one more thing the liberal news media wants to scare us with. And for those who are terrified of Covid...they need to take a step back and look at the actual numbers. I'm not talking about "talking points" about how Covid has killed more people than this war or that war...I mean that Covid has killed < 150 children. Or, that 85% of fatalities occur among the elderly. Or, that among the elderly, only about 10-15% of deaths are related to Covid-19. Those numbers are facts. They aren't emotional or don't have any agenda. They are simply math. If you are 25 or under, your chance of dying from Covid-19 is 2 in 1000. So, college should probably be in school. But, will need to wear protective gear until vaccinated...and if you're over the age of should be teaching virtually. See. How hard is that to use data to solve a problem?

    Unfortunately, this pandemic has become a "debate" and each side has dug in. Those on the one side don't want to hear about the demographics...and those that think it's a bunch of malarkey aren't gonna care until they lose someone close to them.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

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  3. #63
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    One of the people on our league is still in the hospital and really struggling. A few more people, including employees, have also tested positive and are experiencing some symptoms. Meanwhile, the bowling center remains open through the shutdown order and is gearing up for New Year's parties later this week.

    The vaccination is not a "magic bullet" either. People seem to think they get jabbed and then all is right with the world. Very far from the truth. Even after getting the vaccine, you will still need to wear a mask, socially distance, blah blah blah. People that have been vaccinated can still carry and spread the virus...they may not get physically sick but they can still come in to contact with it and potentially carry/spread it before their vaccinated body fights it off. There is also virtually no data on how long the vaccine lasts. Could be as little as 3-4 months or could be up to a year or more. No one knows [yet].

    Vaccine distribution is a whole other mess. First the "general population" was told it would be available spring 2021, then summer 2021, and now some are projecting maybe fall/winter 2021 before there will be enough vaccine in the channel to make it available to anyone who wants it. Meanwhile, some healthcare providers are getting in trouble for "diverting" vaccines to other locations, where they are then being administered to non-essential, non high-risk "regular" people. We all knew that was going to happen...people trying to jump the line.

    It seems as though 2021 is going to be pretty much a repeat of 2020 unless some sort of miracle happens. On the news this morning they were already talking about the restrictions that are supposed to end on January 4th being extended because the infection rate and hospitals aren't getting better. Local businesses defying the shutdown orders are getting shutdown, losing their business licenses, etc. Just more of the same.

    There was a show on recently about the 1912 pandemic and the similarities between what happened then and now 108 years later are striking. Same arguments, same fights, same challenges, same general thinking. It is sad that we haven't progressed all that much in 108 years. My favorite moment was when they were showing women seamstresses at the mask factory making layered face masks (out of gauze). The seamstresses were not wearing masks while making the masks. A couple of us in the room just laughed and said "yep...not much has changed at all!"

  4. #64
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    "Those numbers are facts. They aren't emotional or don't have any agenda. They are simply math.

    This is why we're in deep trouble. 'Mericans don't like math, it's too much like work. Same with statistics. Most of us do not really understand probability, I know I don't and I majored in math back in the late 70s. The only thing I found useful from the statistics and probability course that I took was that you can define what a success is.

    I think it was Stalin who said that one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. We are not motivated by statistics, but we are by stories. So one side focuses on overworked nurses in hospitals that don't have enough ICU beds while the other side talks about the family owned restaurant that went out of business because they couldn't break even on 50% seating capacity and take out.

    Yeah the truth is somewhere in the middle. The trouble with those 17-25 year old college kids is they have grandparents over 65 or parents with diabetes or heart disease, and for some reason Mom, Dad, Nana, and Grandpa still want to see them.

  5. #65
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    But it's also politics.

    Here in SoCal (Riverside, Corona, Norco) we are being told that we have zero beds left

    - BUT -

    We know for a fact that the Feds acquired the old Sears building (on Arlington and Brockton) and are holding it as a Covid ICU center. We used to use the parking lot to teach our kids to drive (it's HUGE) but it's entirely blocked off. It's been prepped (wife's ex is one of the EOC heads for RivCo) and ready to go but. . . NOBODY is in it. Why are we not counting those beds? They EXIST but are not counted.

    We know for a fact that the old Riverside Juvenile Hall (RJH) has been acquired by the State as a Covid ICU center. It was decommissioned as a Juvenile Hall (the offenders were moved to other county facilities - wife is in RivCo Juvenile Probation and I'm a county commissioner for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - say that 5x fast) and is ready to be used but NOBODY is in it. Why are we not counting those beds? They EXIST but are not counted.

    We know for a fact that the Corona Fairgrounds are hosting a Covid ICU center in one of their huge exhibit halls. You know the ones - they're huge and yes, they are ready to go. However, NOBODY is in it and those beds EXIST but are not counted.

    We are being told that we are at zero ICU capacity - but I know, for a fact, that this is not true. The Feds, the State and the County all have capacity that they are not using.

    I'm not saying this as a conspiracy theorist (I'm not) or as a nut (which I might be, but this is neither the time nor place) but as someone who has more than a glimpse inside and is seeing things that don't match up.

    Unfortunately, Math sometimes comes up against Politics.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomer View Post
    But it's also politics.

    Here in SoCal (Riverside, Corona, Norco) we are being told that we have zero beds left

    - BUT -

    We know for a fact that the Feds acquired the old Sears building (on Arlington and Brockton) and are holding it as a Covid ICU center. We used to use the parking lot to teach our kids to drive (it's HUGE) but it's entirely blocked off. It's been prepped (wife's ex is one of the EOC heads for RivCo) and ready to go but. . . NOBODY is in it. Why are we not counting those beds? They EXIST but are not counted.

    We know for a fact that the old Riverside Juvenile Hall (RJH) has been acquired by the State as a Covid ICU center. It was decommissioned as a Juvenile Hall (the offenders were moved to other county facilities - wife is in RivCo Juvenile Probation and I'm a county commissioner for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - say that 5x fast) and is ready to be used but NOBODY is in it. Why are we not counting those beds? They EXIST but are not counted.

    We know for a fact that the Corona Fairgrounds are hosting a Covid ICU center in one of their huge exhibit halls. You know the ones - they're huge and yes, they are ready to go. However, NOBODY is in it and those beds EXIST but are not counted.

    We are being told that we are at zero ICU capacity - but I know, for a fact, that this is not true. The Feds, the State and the County all have capacity that they are not using.

    I'm not saying this as a conspiracy theorist (I'm not) or as a nut (which I might be, but this is neither the time nor place) but as someone who has more than a glimpse inside and is seeing things that don't match up.

    Unfortunately, Math sometimes comes up against Politics.
    Politics is definitely involved. There are other factors besides the physical space. Even if you have the beds you still need the staff to cover them. I also know that in normal times my state, Connecticut, regulates how many beds a hospital can have. When the population of Bridgeport decreased, at least one of the hospitals in Bridgeport had to take beds out of service.

  7. #67


    There are lots of factors involved in the whole hospital vacancy thing. From my own experience being hospitalized for Covid, I was released from the hospital by my Doctor on Saturday morning. I actually left my room at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon. The hold up was that it took two days for the hospital burocracy to obtain portable oxygen to go home with me. The story was that they only had one case worker for too many patients, and she was overwhelmed. The bottom line is that the hospitals are asking for, and getting, incredible work and dedication from nursing staffs that are clearly overwhelmed. At the same time, the "business" of the hospital will do nothing that will negatively affect their bottom line. The result was two days of my being totally pissed off in a room that was needed for someone else because the hospital administration couldn't get their act together.

  8. #68
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    My regular doctor told me a few months ago to not even bother calling them if I thought I had acquired the virus. They said they were overwhelmed already and simply didn't have time to deal with it. The instructions were that if I thought I had it to get get tested. If it came back positive, stay at home unless I had severe symptoms at which point go to the hospital. But they were clear that I was not to even involve them. Pretty scary when your doctor tells you not to call them.

    This pandemic has been such a nightmare for healthcare providers and their staff. Now we are even going back to what was happening a few months ago where elective and "routine" procedures are being postponed/canceled because hospitals simply do not have the space and/or the PPE needed to deal with virus sufferers and regular patients.

    Oxygen shortages are starting to become a problem as well.

  9. #69
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    Our Governor lifted the most restrictive restrictions effective Monday morning so we will be back to bowling Tuesday. Will see how it goes
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  10. #70
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    Good luck! Our center defied Wolf and remained open, but a lot of people still avoided the place just out of principle.

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