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Thread: Rule Change

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryster View Post
    Honestly, I have had to resign from 2 leagues in the past 25 years. I did it in writing, and paid the 2 weeks of league fees as required by the rule. In neither case did I ever receive a prorated payout of the prize fund, nor did I expect to.
    You should have made a claim for your share of the prize money when you didn't receive it.

    The statement in the USBC rule book says it is "common practice" to prorate prize money, however it is not a rule that bowlers who resigned receive any kind of payout.
    In the USBC Rules it clearly states that "Regardless of how long bowlers compete with a team, they qualify for a prorated share of the team’s prize money provided they resigned in accordance with Rule 114a or were replaced by the team captain. (See Rule 104a.)" and " requires the team captain to pay each member of the team within 15 days after receiving prize money in accordance with any verbal or written agreements."

    In regard to this:
    "When a member has bowled part of the season and is unable to be a member at the end of the schedule, it is common practice for teams to prorate prize money between the member who resigned and the replacement based on the number of games each bowled and paid for during the season."

    What they are saying here is that using proration as the method of determining how much the players get paid is the "common practice". Not that you have the option not to pay the resigned member .

    The team could do it to be "nice", but they are under no obligation to include the former member in the payout.
    Yes they are under obligation to include the former member in the payout, if they properly withdrew from the league. It's just that most player's don't know under (The Rules) that they are eligible to get a share or that they (The Capt) are required to pay it out.

    I know because being a team captain (and Leag. Officers) I've had to pay it out and few times the League Sec./Treas. even had the prize money already divided up for me to include a resigned player.

    Now if a player doesn't resign properly or if they and the Capt. have a verbal or written agreement in regard to any prize monies. That would change things.
    Last edited by bowl1820; 01-13-2021 at 01:37 PM.

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  2. #12
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    I got clarification from the USBC Rules department. They agree that if a bowler resigns in accordance with the rules, they should receive a payout of a prorated share of the winnings based on the team's final league standings. If the bowler is not receiving a payout, the league has to inform the bowler (preferably in writing) as to why there is no payout being paid to them. If the bowler disagrees with the reasoning, the bowler would then escalate the issue to the USBC.

    Sounds like the leagues at our bowling center have to make some changes as this has never been the case. I have been a team captain several times and a league officer on a few leagues over the years, and this was never done.

  3. #13
    Pin Crusher classygranny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryster View Post
    I got clarification from the USBC Rules department. They agree that if a bowler resigns in accordance with the rules, they should receive a payout of a prorated share of the winnings based on the team's final league standings. If the bowler is not receiving a payout, the league has to inform the bowler (preferably in writing) as to why there is no payout being paid to them. If the bowler disagrees with the reasoning, the bowler would then escalate the issue to the USBC.

    Sounds like the leagues at our bowling center have to make some changes as this has never been the case. I have been a team captain several times and a league officer on a few leagues over the years, and this was never done.
    It's all in the rulebook. More team captains and officers need to give this a read. I admit, I have read them and sometimes can't find what I'm looking for and have to ask for help. But we should all have the basics.

    I posted as our diminished league was a bit confusing on exactly how to handle. Even the rules department at USBC wasn't much help. An USBC rep in our area assisted more, and with our more laid-back league, we muddled thru this morning.

    We actually went on the basis that the majority of the BOD could motion and vote on the matters at hand. Since the rules should not have stated a firm number of teams, we treated it lightly and went with the majority of vote. It actually passed 100% of the BOD members attending. Some opinions felt that if teams had resigned they were no longer part of the BOB, but others felt that if the two week notice was still in place they were still part of the BOD. Thus, the reasoning of going with the majority of the BOD handling the league issues and not necessarily a rule change requiring 100% written agreement.

    So all is good, we are now a 12 team league (instead of 16) and only have a vacancy or two. Not bad for starting the second half, after a really rough holiday season and Covid outspread.
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