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Thread: Scouts

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Scouts

    It's been brought to my attention that during my son's high school bowling this spring he has had scouts there watching him. His coach reached out to me and let me know that they contacted him about my son. They asked where he usually bowls.

    Apparently they have been in watching him incognito at my center and like very much what have been seeing according to his coach. He literally bowls every day and they know who he is. He stands out like a sore thumb as he has taken it upon himself to buy himself a wardrobe of Motiv bowling polos with his name on the back which he wears every time he bowls.

    In my center anyone who shoots more than 140 is a rarity so he frequent tends to draw a crowd. He also tends to get rather eh... animated while he bowls. 🙄 He's even got a group of what I call 13 yr. old stalkers that are his little fan club that visits daily to watch. They leave Google reviews for him, post him on snap chat and keep begging him to take selfies with him. LOL

    So what's the deal with these scouts? They obviously don't make their presence known. I'm pretty sure they are aware I'm his bowling coach and his dad. Will these guys ever approach me? If they like what they see so I've been told then what's next? All I know is that one of them is from a college in TN. I don't know where the others are from.

    Even though they are incognito, I'm pretty sure I know who a couple of them are. They sit at the bar behind him watching and have asked a few questions about him and make comments about his bowling and nothing really more. Pretty low on chit chat otherwise. My job is to chit chat with customers especially the ones sitting at the bar.

    They usually have one beverage maybe two and leave. Not really my typical customer, that's kinda why they stick out in my mind. I know my customer base. Aside from the one off now and again having a quick drink waiting for a train to Chicago, most people come to hang out for a few hours, shoot pool or bowl. I never get people in there too simply watch people bowl. So, what can you guys tell me about these people? I'm guessing Rob will be answering. LOL

  2. #2


    Okay, since my response was expected, here goes. I have never heard of scouts for junior bowling, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Every other sport has scouts at the high school level, so why not bowling. People will go to any length to make a few extra bucks. Oh well!

  3. #3
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Hmmm... a response was expected but not exactly that one. LOL So yes they do have them for junior bowling. It's one way they give scholarships. I don't remember the college in TN that bowling is huge with. My son knows. That's not the college in TN the scout was from though. He's definitely hoping to get scholarships.

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    I was also surprised to read of scouts for bowling. I get scouting for football, baseball, and basketball due to the money associated with those types of college programs. I just never figured there would be that much of an interest in actively recruiting junior bowlers. Lets be honest, bowling doesn't have the same level of attention as other sports (even at the professional level.)

    Those stalkers sound creepy. I mean, leaving Google reviews for a person? Whacky.

  5. #5
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryster View Post

    Those stalkers sound creepy. I mean, leaving Google reviews for a person? Whacky.
    I'm thinking with things like Junior Gold and all the new youth interest with two handing it has brought more attention back to the sport. I know at the BPAA meetings a lot of time is spent on each meeting about youth leagues, youth programs, youth coaching and youth tournaments. They are REALLY trying everything and pulling out all the stops to get the youth involved. Without them bowling will fade away to the likes of the dodo bird.

    Nah, they aren't creepy. They are harmless. We think it's kinda funny that they are so interested. Like I said, my son likes to put on a show for people. It's his thing I guess. I just look down and shake my head. Me, I prefer just to go bowl and do what I do. If it attracts an audience then so be it but it's not my goal. I do confess that I have done it on purpose too when I was young so I can't really talk. It is fun but I'm too old for that shenanigans now.

    As far as the reviews, nothing wrong with being mentioned by name as long as it's good. My corporate office monitors reviews daily. They love it when customers shout out kudos to specific individuals. It gives them confidence in our staff and in our management. Plus it keeps them from watching us like a hawk if they feel that good things are going on.

    When it comes time for employee reviews it makes it much easier to get better raises for them. It's something I can bring up with the office to prove their worth to the company. Bad reviews on the other hand getting called out, well you just hope that doesn't happen. LOL

    My previous GM was mentioned once for yelling at a 5 year old and popping his balloon making him cry by a customer. She said that "That old far needs to retire already!" Oh did he get an *** chewing for that! A hilarious read though, I crack up every time see it. He was a jerk though and deserved every bit of that review and 100 more just like it.

  6. #6
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    He literally bowls every day
    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    He stands out like a sore thumb as he has taken it upon himself to buy himself a wardrobe of Motiv bowling polos with his name on the back which he wears every time he bowls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    In my center anyone who shoots more than 140 is a rarity so he frequent tends to draw a crowd.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    He also tends to get rather eh... animated while he bowls. 🙄
    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    He's even got a group of what I call 13 yr. old stalkers that are his little fan club that visits daily to watch. They leave Google reviews for him, post him on snap chat and keep begging him to take selfies with him. LOL
    Sometimes we answer our own questions.

    Is your son attracting attention because he bowls like Kyle Troupe? Or because he acts like Kyle Troupe?

    It sounds like he attracts a crowd because of the fact that he dresses up like a bowler, happens to be there every day, is the only person that can crack 140, and has convinced little kids and people online that he's a really good bowler. Maybe the scouts get there and realize that.

    I know that sounds harsh...but take it from someone who used to bowl everyday, dressed up like a bowler, was the only person in the center that cracked 140, and convinced little kids/people online/and others that didn't know any better that he was a good bowler...I doubt a scout would walk into a center I bowled at and see me bowl and go, " thats the "Aslan" I've been hearing so much about. I gotta ink this dude to a deal NOW!" If they did ink me to a would be NOT to throw any of their equipment or associate with them in any way in excahange for something out of the vending machine.

    Or...more likely...being that you're near Chicago...maybe scouts are in the area and they make their rounds to various centers while they are scouting legitimate talent. If your son is bowling there a lot, has his swag on with his name on it...and he's throwing good shots...they might write down his name.

    If HE were a SHE...he'd have a good shot at at least a partial college scholarship. Unfortunately, he's a "he"...which means...he's gonna have to really dominate the Illinois junior competitions and high school events. I don't say that to be's just simple mathematics of the sport. There are FAR more male bowlers for roughly the same number of spots. I have a cousin (female) that barely averaged 200 as a junior and went on to get recruited and get a scholarship and have a decent career in college. I know a boys high school bowler that just made a college team this year...I don't think he got a scholarship out of it...a much smaller school...and he averaged over 200 as a junior bowler. I know at least two junior boys bowlers that I bowled with recently that never even got looked at by colleges and they were both 200+ averages when they bowled in high school and are still 200+. If ya don't believe the math...just look at this site. Can you name 5 female members of Can you name 3?
    In Bag: (: .) Motiv Trident Odyssey; (: .) Hammer Scorpion Sting; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 175; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.7mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 181

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  7. #7
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Sometimes we answer our own questions.

    Is your son attracting attention because he bowls like Kyle Troupe? Or because he acts like Kyle Troupe?

    It sounds like he attracts a crowd because of the fact that he dresses up like a bowler, happens to be there every day, is the only person that can crack 140, and has convinced little kids and people online that he's a really good bowler. Maybe the scouts get there and realize that.

    I know that sounds harsh...but take it from someone who used to bowl everyday, dressed up like a bowler, was the only person in the center that cracked 140, and convinced little kids/people online/and others that didn't know any better that he was a good bowler...I doubt a scout would walk into a center I bowled at and see me bowl and go, " thats the "Aslan" I've been hearing so much about. I gotta ink this dude to a deal NOW!" If they did ink me to a would be NOT to throw any of their equipment or associate with them in any way in excahange for something out of the vending machine.

    Or...more likely...being that you're near Chicago...maybe scouts are in the area and they make their rounds to various centers while they are scouting legitimate talent. If your son is bowling there a lot, has his swag on with his name on it...and he's throwing good shots...they might write down his name.

    If HE were a SHE...he'd have a good shot at at least a partial college scholarship. Unfortunately, he's a "he"...which means...he's gonna have to really dominate the Illinois junior competitions and high school events. I don't say that to be's just simple mathematics of the sport. There are FAR more male bowlers for roughly the same number of spots. I have a cousin (female) that barely averaged 200 as a junior and went on to get recruited and get a scholarship and have a decent career in college. I know a boys high school bowler that just made a college team this year...I don't think he got a scholarship out of it...a much smaller school...and he averaged over 200 as a junior bowler. I know at least two junior boys bowlers that I bowled with recently that never even got looked at by colleges and they were both 200+ averages when they bowled in high school and are still 200+. If ya don't believe the math...just look at this site. Can you name 5 female members of Can you name 3?
    No he doesn't bowl like Kyle (2 handed) but yeah he acts similar in his own unique way. He doesn't just crack 140, he is constantly over 200. It's more rare for him to shoot under. He has his bad games now and again but his bad games are still good games. On and given day he typically will bowl low 200's to 230 with a couple high 200's peppered in. He's got quite the knack for stringing strikes, 8 in a row isn't rare. The reason he hasn't hit a 300 yet is because he doesn't analyze his strikes. Much like the bowling Robot in it's early days couldn't shoot a 300 because it didn't realize although he was doing the exact same every time that the strikes were getting higher and higher in the pocket, eventually causing it to fail. My son figures they all went down so do the same thing, make no adjustments for the next shot. Common error.

    He is definitely a natural. It wasn't long ago on this very forum I was talking about how I was teaching him the approach in the kitchen. He's come a very long way in a very short time. He's the real deal. That said, he's still has a very long way to go. I can still kick his butt all over the lanes when I want to. His shortcoming is definitely not throwing strikes. He can throw way more than me, I credit it to his axis tilt as to why he can miss the pocket by a mile and he just splatters the pins all over the place. However, he misses WAY WAY too many easy spares. Plus he gets frustrated when it wasn't a strike especially when he clearly missed. Until he can match me in his spare shooting abilities. The other day I shot 7 games with him. I went 4 games and 4 frames CLEAN until I left a pocket hit 7-10. He threw a ton of strikes in all 7 games, I had way fewer but I still beat him 6 out of 7. I keep telling him if he remembers the Karate Kid movies, no matter how good Daniel Son got... he never kicked Miyagi's butt! I only say that to take him down a peg, I know it's not going to be long where I will completely struggle to beat him if I'll be able to at all. I look forward to it to be honest. I couldn't be prouder of where he is right now.

    As far as the scouts go, like I said before that they contacted his coach. They were at his bowling meets in the spring but they contacted his coach since asking where he specifically bowls, where his home house was. Like I said before, I know they have been there too because again they told his coach. I just don't recall when exactly and if it was a day where he was killing it or a day when he was being an ***, neither were uncommon. Now that he knows they are lurking around, he's taking it much more seriously. I have a lot of faith in him.

    Can I name 3 female bowlingboard members? No, off hand I can only name ClassyGranny and Daisy. From what I see with my limited use of the board these days is nothing but mostly us old farts and a small smattering of younger guys like you.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    Can I name 3 female bowlingboard members? No, off hand I can only name ClassyGranny and Daisy. From what I see with my limited use of the board these days is nothing but mostly us old farts and a small smattering of younger guys like you.
    Is Daisy still with us? Or did all you old farts run her off? Daisy...Daisy...calling Daisy!

    Maybe just one lone granny here.
    Proud member of bowling forums & winner of bowling ball give-away!
    High Series - 704; High Game - 290 (a long time ago) Current Average - 150

  9. #9
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by classygranny View Post
    Is Daisy still with us? Or did all you old farts run her off? Daisy...Daisy...calling Daisy!

    Maybe just one lone granny here.
    It's been quite some time since I have personally talked to her. Probably right before Covid was the last time actually. I should shoot her an email. Glad you hung in there with us.

  10. #10
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by classygranny View Post
    Is Daisy still with us? Or did all you old farts run her off? Daisy...Daisy...calling Daisy!

    Maybe just one lone granny here.
    I forgot about Daisy. I remember Bunny...but I ran her off after bowling with her one season and making some comment (in jest) she didn't like. I don't take credit for running Daisy off. I've been better behaved since Bunny.


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