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Thread: Boomer's Scores

  1. #11
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    had a couple of weeks off. We're in the process of selling/moving and we've been working our butts off to get the house ready for FHA crap. Bleh. Scrape, paint, scrape, paint, rinse, repeat. Anyway - we'll be making up last week.

    This week, though, we got our final sign-off for that so YAY!

    Bowling? Meh. 596. Felt better than it was. 4 splits. Lots of spares.

    Practice - GREAT look. Smashing!

    game 1 - what happened to that look? Oh - I'm rolling my hand over instead of finishing UP. Sigh. At least I pulled the end of the game out' my arse. . . 209.

    game 2 - actually DID better, but scored lower. Just didn't string any, and had one through the nose. 189.

    game 3 - still, better but scored lower. One split, and I whiffed a 10, but otherwise had a good string of 10. I did swap from the Marvel to the IQTP and moved 10b right. That really worked. 198.

    Grindy grindy grindy.

  2. #12
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    Not even going to bother doing screenshots and such. Was . . . Just . . . SO . . . Bad.

    Came home from vacation earlier in the day feeling mostly relaxed so . . . should be good, yes?


    Got to the center thinking we were bowling a team with some of my favorite people and it should be a blast. Well, it was fun bowling with them. They're REALLY good people.

    But I could barely find the pocket and when I did, I left strange things.

    I just could not get a read on the lanes.

    I started with my baseline and the Marvel S - feet at 22, lay down about 15, out to 10 - never came back. I mean I took out the 6. :O
    I moved right - but even at 20, I went in the nose. That much change in 2 boards? Really? HMMMM
    OK, let's move left, get the ball farther down the lane and drop ball speed - went out to 10 and just flattened - left the 2-8-10.
    OK, make the adjustment . . . nada.

    I threw it up the stick - lay down 7, out to 5, and in but it was SOOOOO touchy . . . Miss a TOUCH left OR right and through the nose.

    I know the lanes were screaming at me . . . but I have NO idea what they were saying. Was just too tired from loading up the trailer, driving, unloading the trailer, etc. Brain did NOT work.

    First time in . . . years? . . . that I didn't even break 475. 144-171-148

    OOH - and add to that, EVERYBODY's averages are all hosed up. Whoever's been putting them in BLS has been screwing it up BADLY. Last week, they had my son-in-law (average about 103 - I know, working on him) bowling a 296 for his third game. :O

    A few weeks ago, it has my scores listed to my wife and her scores listed to my father in law and his scores listed to me. I mean, COME ON.

  3. #13
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    Makeup - much better first two games. Third game - should have changed balls.

    First game, started with front four then went a touch high to leave a 4. Made a move but too much so came in way light on the next two frames. Split the difference and finished with X X then tugged it for spare strike. 210. Felt SOOOO much better than I have in quite a while.
    Second game, carry on. Stupid first frame (DOH) but then turkey, ring-10, double, 7, double and then pocket 7-10.

    Most of the strikes were mixy ones. No "power" strikes, just kinda "everything fell down" - but very consistent. I hit my mark, they all came down.

    However - lanes broke down. I should have moved to the IQ and gone laydown-10 out to 5, which I had tried in practice and knew it was there. . . but I started struggling on the left lane. 7 pin spare, strike, ring-10, strike, 2-8-10, strike. 1-2-4-8 spare, pocket 7-10. Washout, strike and spare fill. Bleh.

    Oh well - 595. Two solid games. Let's see if I can repeat that tonight in "regularly scheduled programming"

  4. #14
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    I was SOOOO much more comfortable swinging the ball. Started with the Marvel S - I know, it's old. It seems like that, when it's done, it's DONE. I'm learning to NOT try to keep it working. . . just accept that it's burning out and move to the IQTP (which is also old). IDK - maybe I'll try and extract some oil with a hot water bath. . . we'll see. Anyway, that's what I did and I liked it.

    Game 1 - stood 30, crossed third arrow - worked GOOD. good hand position for 1-3, then let my thumb lead in 4 and ball never did anything but picked up the 2-8. Strike in 5 but again bad hand position in 6 to leave the 2-4-10. Meh. Strikes in 7,8, mixer leaving the 7 in the 9th and then strikes in the 10th with another 2-4-10 to fill. 222. Good enough to money in side pot. WOOT!

    Game 2 - Starting to have to move, now to watch to see what the old minty man wants. . . first two, ring 10, pulled shot in 4th to leave the 2, couple more strikes. Went light again in 7th, and then WAAAY pulled the spare to miss the 2-4. Bah. Dumb. Strike in 8, then left the 2-4-8-10 (left the 10). Picked up the washout in the 10th (1-2-4-6-10) and then 7 count to finish. 187. Marvel felt like it was starting to struggle . . . he's an old man, let's put him away and grab the butterscotch-bomb.

    Game 3 - Moved 8 boards right with my feet and 5 boards with my target - 22 and 10. Front 6. Big 4 in the 7th - my own dammed fault. Overcompensated in the 8th 1-2-4-10 (left the 10) then strikes in 9th and front of 10 with 4/ to finish at 226.

    Felt REALLY solid.

    I need new inserts so I'll put in an order this week. They work, but they hurt my fingers. Meh - Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever. :P

  5. #15
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    Feeling even better, although I need to get new inserts for me and my wife, both.

    Game 1 - started with the Marvel. Which was stupid. We're on 21-22 and the middle of the house prefers the IQ, which is polished and goes a bit further. Marvel just burns up. I knew the IQ was working - I started practice with it and had a line . . . but moved over to the Marvel. No idea. Tried to make it work - which I'm learning is a bad idea. Sigh. The term Dumbarse comes to mind, yes? LOL Just in and around the pocket - really really sensitive to ball speed. Plus I HATE the 3-6-10. 179

    Game 2 - I noticed their anchor (REALLY nice gent, we play off each other nicely. We'll be going to Nats together in June) was just DIVING down and in and crushing it. Hmmm . . . OK, let's take the IQ, flatten out the hand, move about 7-10 boards right and roll it down 7 (I'm still shy about 5 and out) . . . crush. Front three, bit of a tug and lo and behold, spare the 3-6-10, three more, touch high leaving the 4, and then sheet - 256.

    Game 3 - I START with my hand flattened out and up the back but I let my hand drift up the side and increase revs. 4-pin, strike, 3-6-9-10 (picked up! WOOO) 3-6-10, chop, brooklyn, 6-7-9-10 and then OH YEAH DUMMY! Sheet from there (left 10 pin in 12th) for 212.

    Sigh - good evening overall. We took 3 (I think) and I'm back to feeling much more comfortable. Only fell off the shot once (very last shot).

  6. #16
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    OK, 592 is still good. . . had two good games and ground out an OK game in the second, but could have been SOOO much betterh.

    I had a BANGIN shot. Just NASTY. Took the old IQTP right up 10 (belly to about 7) and it came in HARD. Pins fly. Wonderful sound. Only thing that could mess me up was . . . me.

    Game 1 - ok, stone 8 in the third. But then let it WAY out (missed 4-5 boards right, out to ONE, came in way light) to leave the 2-7-10. Bah. My fault. Then left the 4-7 in the 10th and whiffed it. 209 could have been 220s but noooo - had to whiff. 209

    Game 2 - just tossed my hand position and ball speed out the window. Balance? What balance? three opens. Ppppbbbth. 173.

    Game 3 - got my head together . . . high 4 picked up, four strikes, pulled it (self sabotage again. . .) for a 6-7-10, two more strikes, then a pocket 4-9, strike and baby split in the fill for 210.

    Overall Stats
    Games 3
    Average 197.3 197.3
    Simple Bowler Rating 114 113.6
    Power Rating 177 177.3
    Advanced Bowler Rating 233 233
    First Ball Stats
    First Balls Thrown 31
    First Ball Average 9.3 9.3
    First Ball Non-Strike 8.2 8.2
    Strikes 18 58.1% 58.1
    Pocket Shots 26/31 83.9% 83.9
    Carry 18/26 69.2% 69.2
    Double 9/18 50.0% 50.0
    Target Hit 29/31 93.5% 93.5
    Miss Percent Left: 50.0% 50.0
    Average Miss 3.5 boards
    Second Ball Stats
    All Spares 5/13 38.5% 38.5
    Single Pin 5/7 71.4% 71.4
    Multi Pin 0/2 0.0% 0.0
    Makeable 5/9 55.6% 55.6
    Splits 0/4 0.0% 0.0

  7. #17
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    So no posts for a bit - been extremely frustrated with my game and my equipment and have gotten the marital approval for a: a birthday present and b: a replacement and c: a donated ball which we are using to experiment.

    Been talking at length with my new PSO, who's been subbing for my F-in-Law for 5-6 weeks (he's 86, still averaging around 170, but has aplastic anemia so is really up and down. He's FINALLY accepting our advice to SUB . . . no cost to him and he can bowl when he feels good) so he's been able to watch my game. His first insistence was to re-fit me, which I don't think has happened, except for size, for maybe 20-25 years, maybe? so yeah, time.

    He's taken off maybe 1/4" off my span, which is a LOT, right? and I thought maybe too much, but once we got my thumb close, it feels COOL! Going back to my WD for 10-pins felt HORRIBLE. I was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!!!

    So we're using a donated DV8 Diva, which is obviously old but hey - we can experiment on it. Plus it has very few games on it, so it's really fresh. Comes from a ball-o'-da-week bowler . . . LOL But hey, we can experiment at will.

    Not a great outing, on its face. 170-188-188 - Would have been better without some issues.

    First game - spent practice and the first few frames sticking tape in . . . wow I've been spoilt with my IT. Up to 5 pieces of tape plus a half-piece deep. :O Would have been much better except the Greek Church in the 10th. But as long as I lined up and paid attention and on line to get to my point downlane, it was there.

    Second game - much better (except the blasted 3-6-10 . . . my NEMESIS - oh, and the gutter in the 11th - bah)

    Third game - again, much better (except the Greek Church in the second and a couple of way misses in the 6 and 10) - I found I had quite a bit of hold outside and as long as I kept my ballspeed up (easy now with 15#) and kept my fingers in (which . . . well, I need my thumb!!!) it has recovery!

    Need a bit of practice with it, but not gonna get that until after the move which is end of the month so . . . boy do I want THAT to be over and done!!!

  8. #18
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomer View Post
    So no posts for a bit - been extremely frustrated with my game and my equipment and have gotten the marital approval for a: a birthday present and b: a replacement and c: a donated ball which we are using to experiment.

    Been talking at length with my new PSO, who's been subbing for my F-in-Law for 5-6 weeks (he's 86, still averaging around 170, but has aplastic anemia so is really up and down. He's FINALLY accepting our advice to SUB . . . no cost to him and he can bowl when he feels good) so he's been able to watch my game. His first insistence was to re-fit me, which I don't think has happened, except for size, for maybe 20-25 years, maybe? so yeah, time.

    He's taken off maybe 1/4" off my span, which is a LOT, right? and I thought maybe too much, but once we got my thumb close, it feels COOL! Going back to my WD for 10-pins felt HORRIBLE. I was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!!!

    So we're using a donated DV8 Diva, which is obviously old but hey - we can experiment on it. Plus it has very few games on it, so it's really fresh. Comes from a ball-o'-da-week bowler . . . LOL But hey, we can experiment at will.

    Not a great outing, on its face. 170-188-188 - Would have been better without some issues.

    First game - spent practice and the first few frames sticking tape in . . . wow I've been spoilt with my IT. Up to 5 pieces of tape plus a half-piece deep. :O Would have been much better except the Greek Church in the 10th. But as long as I lined up and paid attention and on line to get to my point downlane, it was there.

    Second game - much better (except the blasted 3-6-10 . . . my NEMESIS - oh, and the gutter in the 11th - bah)

    Third game - again, much better (except the Greek Church in the second and a couple of way misses in the 6 and 10) - I found I had quite a bit of hold outside and as long as I kept my ballspeed up (easy now with 15#) and kept my fingers in (which . . . well, I need my thumb!!!) it has recovery!

    Need a bit of practice with it, but not gonna get that until after the move which is end of the month so . . . boy do I want THAT to be over and done!!!
    Your grip may have been a bit stretched 20 years ago, it was thought that the longer span gave you more leverage. Most of the change is probably from your hand changing over the years. For adults it’s recommended that the grip be checked every two years.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by boomer View Post
    So no posts for a bit - been extremely frustrated with my game and my equipment and have gotten the marital approval for a: a birthday present and b: a replacement and c: a donated ball which we are using to experiment.

    Been talking at length with my new PSO, who's been subbing for my F-in-Law for 5-6 weeks (he's 86, still averaging around 170, but has aplastic anemia so is really up and down. He's FINALLY accepting our advice to SUB . . . no cost to him and he can bowl when he feels good) so he's been able to watch my game. His first insistence was to re-fit me, which I don't think has happened, except for size, for maybe 20-25 years, maybe? so yeah, time.

    He's taken off maybe 1/4" off my span, which is a LOT, right? and I thought maybe too much, but once we got my thumb close, it feels COOL! Going back to my WD for 10-pins felt HORRIBLE. I was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!!!

    So we're using a donated DV8 Diva, which is obviously old but hey - we can experiment on it. Plus it has very few games on it, so it's really fresh. Comes from a ball-o'-da-week bowler . . . LOL But hey, we can experiment at will.

    Not a great outing, on its face. 170-188-188 - Would have been better without some issues.

    First game - spent practice and the first few frames sticking tape in . . . wow I've been spoilt with my IT. Up to 5 pieces of tape plus a half-piece deep. :O Would have been much better except the Greek Church in the 10th. But as long as I lined up and paid attention and on line to get to my point downlane, it was there.

    Second game - much better (except the blasted 3-6-10 . . . my NEMESIS - oh, and the gutter in the 11th - bah)

    Third game - again, much better (except the Greek Church in the second and a couple of way misses in the 6 and 10) - I found I had quite a bit of hold outside and as long as I kept my ballspeed up (easy now with 15#) and kept my fingers in (which . . . well, I need my thumb!!!) it has recovery!

    Need a bit of practice with it, but not gonna get that until after the move which is end of the month so . . . boy do I want THAT to be over and done!!!
    We all have those nights. The important thins is we keep trying. I also shortened my span by 1/4" a couple of years ago and that took some strain off my hand and a easier grip on the ball. Ball speed is definitely a main player in my game. Sometimes a small amount is the difference between a strike or a Greek church. Steve
    Current arsenal...Roto Grip Nuclear Cell, Hustle PBR, Roto Grip Gem, Idle Helios and Own It Spare. 300 rev rate, 16 mph off hand, 13.3 tilt,61 degrees rotation pap 4 9/16 over 1 1/8 up.

  10. #20
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    Won't discuss last night.

    SOOO many splits. I've been packing for the move (starts Thursday) and I'm SORE all OVER . . . plus the new fit (which I'm kinda questioning) so . . . shot 461.

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