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Thread: Boomer's Scores

  1. #1
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    Default Boomer's Scores

    I thought Winter League (LOL - it's 100F . . . winter, sheesh) would be a good place to start posting.

    Monday the 13th (ugh - love FRIDAY the 13th, hate Monday the 13th)

    First game - guess I'm losing weight again (YAY) but my inserts were way too big so had to swap them out during practice which threw me off. No big deal - but had to deal with my nemesis, 3-6-10. HATE that. Anyway - made a few adjustments and got lined up at fifth frame (stand 27, target 12, slight belly at 8-9) and went sheet after 6 - 225.

    Second game - stone 8, missed two 10-pins (CRAP!) for 224.

    Third game - missed the pocket bad in second frame and guttered the pickup for 3-9.

    Felt GOOD. Stood much more straight, good pushoff, allowed myself to be late.

  2. #2
    Pin Crusher
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    Nice night.
    Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
    2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650

  3. #3
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    That makes me think...maybe I need to strike more!

  4. #4
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    Week 2 - struggle

    On the high end (39-40) and bowling one of the top teams. REALLY friendly and fun team to bowl with - plus first week in several months to have my 88yo father-in-law back bowling with us. He pulled off a 500 series. My wife bowled really well too - 210, I think, in her second game (she's a medium speed backup bowler - REALLY consistent)

    Can't blame the lanes (which I don't do anyway) - buddy bowling against (Eddie) was ripping it UP. His third game was front 5, church (he pulled it, he said he found extra friction but . . . LOL) and then sheet. But boy did I struggle.

    Game 1 - started getting fast on ball speed. Slowed down and re-found the pocket but really struggled with carry. I wasn't off enough to actually MOVE so I just fine-tuned to try to get it better. I did try to swap balls from the Marvel S to the IQTP in the 8th but it . . . did . . . not . . . move. I hit the 3-6 pocket. Welp - back to the Marvel S.

    Game 2 - just grind it out. Pocket 7-10 really disheartened me.

    Game 3 - still a grind (and big 4 sucked) but 208 felt better.

    Worst series since June 21.

  5. #5
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    Week 3

    Bowled a couple that . . . well, let's say that they're streaky. If you let him get going, he's GONE. But if you hang with him, and don't make a mistake when HE does, he can get down and start making unforced errors.

    So, first game he started with a strike and I had my nemesis leave (I HATE 3-6-10 or 3-10 - chop them all the time) which I picked up - then I went sheet for 290. He made a mistake in the 9th which put me ahead, and then he left an open in the 10th which left us tied. That's with all three on their team (one vacancy) bowling well. The air just left their sails.

    Second game, I sped up my feet and didn't realize it. Took me half the game to settle back in but then recovered for a 202.

    Third game - back to that nemesis which I picked up (was REALLY happy - didn't leave one of them . . .) and a couple of splits which were my absolute fault. However, in the 3rd frame I JUMPED left 8 boards (settling back to 7 boards) from 27 with my feet to 34, and I moved my target 3-4 boards at the arrows. This left my break point fairly close to where it was, but I wasn't fighting with any of them. I am NOT comfortable with that line but was able to execute it except for leaving the big 4 in the 8th (that was a REALLY slow ball - knew it when I let go)

    Overall - 710 - me HAPPY with that. First 700 in a while, and we took 3.5 points on the night.

  6. #6
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Start off the night with a 290!!

    Now thats some good bowling.

    Granted, I'd spend the rest of the night thinking, "I wonder if anyone has ever bowled a 290 and then failed to get a 600 series...or could I be the first?"
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  7. #7
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    LOL - yeah. I was kinda worried about bonking the evening!

    It was fun seeing the other team crumble, though. Esp their anchor.

  8. #8
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    Bad start - good end

    During practice I had a decent look with the Marvel S - good pin action, good drive through. I pulled in the IQTP just to see how a straighter ball would work and I THOUGHT it gave me more so I moved to it.

    Wow - "he chose . . . poorly" - just could not get anything to work. Back to the Marvel S for second game . . . maybe I'm just more used to it lately. . .

    Game 1 - not much to comment on. Just ground along to a 166. Even flush hits would leave 4 pins (meaning a touch high, typically) so move a touch and . . . same result. Blech. Lane talking, me not listening.

    Game 2 - TOTALLY DIFFERENT - a couple of adjustments in the first 3 frames and then it was nasty through the end. 10th, left a ringing 10 (and noticed the 6 was starting to bounce to get the 10 so I knew I'd have to move soon) - 247

    Game 3 - continuing to pound. Tried to move back a touch (my typical ring-10 adjust) and that didn't work, so move a board left to pound the pocket hard. Yep - that worked. I missed once in the 6th, left the 2-8 but picked it up, then went sheet for 268.

    681 series (not sure if I won the pot - we only had 5 on the lanes so we were done EARLY) - can only imagine if I'd pulled my head out (OR NOT PUT IT IN in the first place! LOL) for game 1.

  9. #9
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    It's a grind

    In practice I had a great look with the Marvel S - bit of hold if I pull a couple boards left, tons of grip if I sway a couple boards right. Standing 30 and crossing 12 out to 4-5.

    Game 1 - let it swing WAY out in the third to leave a 10 (it came back to flush but way deep in the pocket) and then a bit high in 5. 7 was a pocket 7-10 - ok, I was a TOUCH straight into the pocket, but I did not expect THAT. Then sheet until the second fill. Still - game felt fine. 223

    Game 2 - Game started feeling fine, but the lanes started transitioning but they weren't advertising it so I didn't really read it. Marvel was over-reacting and it was either jump left to get back into fresh or . . . ok, let's try out the butterscotch-bomb. IQTP more or less straight into the pocket could be devastating but . . . well, I was either precise or I got slapped. In the 10th, I got slapped. Open in the 10th meant 188.

    Game 3 - OK, let's stay firm but really focus. Two shots that were pocket but a t o u c h high - left 4 pins. Meh. Move a touch left - bang, turkey. OK, feeling good. Nope - hit marks and a touch high - 4-pin. Then 6-7-10. Really? OK, board and a half left . . . double. Kinda over-thought the 10th (which I needed to punch out to take a pot. . .) and left the 6-10 which I spared and then filled with a strike. 210.

    Not sure, overall. We were the last pair to finish (we were bowling the secretary's team so they are always slow) so the pace was WAY slower than it has been . . . maybe that got to me a bit. We also got our team filled - it's back to a family affair: 88yo Father in Law, my wife and myself, and Son-in-Law.

    We lost all four.

  10. #10
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    Another grind. Sigh. The left side of the house is dryer than the right (high) side. We were in the middle so I was in between balls - the Marvel S worked but I had to swing it a LOT. The IQTP worked but I had to be spot on. Meh - you live, you learn. I need to learn to listen more to the lanes.

    573 - six splits (1 washout) 3 makeable opens (including a 7 pin - STUPID miss)

    Game 1 - opposing team was half late and couldn't run the equipment but waited until practice to ask me to fix things for them because they thought their two members would be way late. Seriously? It's NOT that difficult to run the system but . . . then they show but everything is S L O W getting them up and going and they are THE SLOWEST TEAM in the league (we bowled the second-slowest team LAST week . . . I don't deal well with slow) so after a 15 minute wait, look a Greek Church! TYVM. Blech. 174.

    Game 2 - had more rhythm. Had to walk around a lot to keep my knee loose. Front 3, ring 10, then pocket 7-10. I can't remember the last time I got a 7-10 the "traditional" way - I need to figure the physics of this . . . Anyway could have been a deuce except for a 4-7-10 in the 10th which was totally my fault. 191.

    Game 3 - swapped to the IQTP - two that came in real light. Then OK until the 7th when I missed heavy, then came in a bit heavy, then OK until I pulled it again in the 2nd fill. 208.

    The team was really sweet - one guy has a physical disability but is really sweet. One other guy is a no-thumb (three holes in his ball) that just WINGS it. Lady throws straight and their anchor is a lefty (damed lefties! LOL) - all were really pleasant to bowl with. Just S---L---O---W. We were 15 minutes later than the next slowest team.

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