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Thread: A Question for Bowlers Everywhere

  1. #1

    Default A Question for Bowlers Everywhere

    A little over two years ago, the USBC announced that local associations no longer had to do yearly inspections and certification of bowling centers. The inspections were going to be "handled" by the National Association. Has anyone seen or heard of any centers being inspected and certified by any official organization in the last two years?

  2. #2
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Did you ask that question without laughing?

  3. #3
    Bowling Guru
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    No Rob, I haven’t. I can sort of understand the reasoning behind the decision, but I just don’t see how the USBC will actually be able to do all the inspections.

  4. #4
    Pin Crusher classygranny's Avatar
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    This is from the USBC website:

    USBC also determined it will not require local associations to perform annual lane inspections as the USBC Equipment Specifications and Certifications team continues its work to fully develop the program. The decision means all bowling centers will be certified until the national staff begins center certifications in 2022.
    Proud member of bowling forums & winner of bowling ball give-away!
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by classygranny View Post
    This is from the USBC website:

    USBC also determined it will not require local associations to perform annual lane inspections as the USBC Equipment Specifications and Certifications team continues its work to fully develop the program. The decision means all bowling centers will be certified until the national staff begins center certifications in 2022.
    Thank you. I don't know about all of you, but I know that where I bowl, back racks and weird topography are the order of the day.

  6. #6
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    Definitely no certifications going on locally around here. The local association is having a hard enough time fielding entries for tournaments, let alone going around and inspecting lanes.

  7. #7
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    What's the point? The USBC has never and will never stand up to the BPAA on this issue. They showed the extent of their power when they took a stand against Motiv...and it was pathetic.

    They (the USBC) represents about 5% (the sport part of a primarily recreational activity) that is dying and has been since the 1970s. They have bent a knee to the BPAA, the ball manufacturers, the PBA, and the members at every turn...trying to hold onto that last bit of the sport they still have...because they just don't have the power to do anything else.

    - If the USBC says they need to raise dues to better the sport...or ban wrist braces or stop 2-handed bowling to preserve the integrity of the sport...members cry and threaten a revolt. So...the most controversial thing they've managed to do is make a rule getting rid of weight holes...which effects about 0.005% of bowlers on balls they likely were not using or going to throw away within a year anyway.

    - When Motiv clearly and (from all evidence I've seen)...pretty much intentionally violated the ball specifications rule back a few years ago with the Jackal debacle. Did the USBC remove titles from the PBA bowlers that recently won them throwing illegal equipment...who deprived their competition of winning those titles? Nope. Was Motiv suspended from PBA play for a year per USBC rules? Nope. The PBA handles PBA business...and without a PBA...competitive bowling is all but dead. So...two bowlers got wins they likely stole.

    - During the Motiv debacle, did the USBC fully investigate what Motiv knew and when? Nope. Of matter of fact, early on, they acted like they were sad they had to enforce their own rules...coming out in a press statement saying "their hands were tied". In other words, "we wish we could let ball manufacturers cheat...but we accidentally put a rule on the books to limit cheating and a ball manufacturer violated it before we could take it out." While ball manufacturers have increased average scores and made honor scores so exponentially more frequent...the USBC has responded by simply not issuing as many honor score awards.

    - Has the USBC ever even 'considered' making the one change that would truly help tone down runaway scores the most and stabilize competition? Standardized oil patterns and volumes for sanctioned leagues...with REAL penalties for centers that don't comply? Nope. Because the first center that fails to comply will simply be the first of many to stop sanctioning leagues.

    They could set up a truly competitive sanctioned league system...with standardized patterns. A divisional system that encourages people to improve so they can rise through the divisions. They could look even closer at ball specs and equipment and work with the Olympic committee to see what it is about bowling equipment that needs to be changed to get bowling re-considered for the Olympics. They could then focus on youth development...getting bowling in the schools...making sure it's a high school sport at as many high schools as possible.

    The problem might be too late for all of this. I'm on the wrong side of 45 and I'm one of the younger half in nearly every league I'm in. In 10-20 years, about 75% of the league bowlers today are probably going to be dead. And while the leagues around here are mostly doing fine...and somewhat full...finding a good coach is nearly impossible and a good pro shop also scarce.

    So, back to the original sentence...what is the USBC gonna do if a center isn't in compliance? Is it gonna be Motiv 2.0? Here's a fine and a suspension. But, we'll waive the suspension and here's an apology letter for having to give you a fine? Can they do anything about the pins while they are there? One center I sub at the pins seem like they are coated in a thin layer of Nerf they are so dead.

    rant over
    (Gotta get down from my soapbox before I crush it)
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
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    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  8. #8
    Pin Crusher classygranny's Avatar
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    Also from USBC website...

    8. With the tiered center certification program, will centers be required to make
    repairs to my center to be certified?
    Repairs will be optional, but not required. Some centers will choose to make repairs in
    order to achieve a higher certification tier.
    Proud member of bowling forums & winner of bowling ball give-away!
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by classygranny View Post
    Also from USBC website...

    8. With the tiered center certification program, will centers be required to make
    repairs to my center to be certified?
    Repairs will be optional, but not required. Some centers will choose to make repairs in
    order to achieve a higher certification tier.
    Absolutely terrifying!

  10. #10
    Pin Crusher classygranny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobLV1 View Post
    Absolutely terrifying!
    Absolutely. I don't quite understand the tiered certification and the intent. Still trying to decipher all the information. But, I do know, I don't like it.
    Proud member of bowling forums & winner of bowling ball give-away!
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