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Thread: Christmas prank

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Christmas prank

    As you know, my son wants the Zen Master. As much as I disagree with him getting it, I caved and got it. A couple days ago he said he knows he's getting it because he texted his boss and he told him I bought it. I said "That's odd for him to tell you that because I didn't buy anything from him." He thought he was being slick trying to trick me into giving it up

    Knowing his boss I know he wouldn't have done that. I went into the pro shop yesterday and asked his boss if he likes pulling pranks on people. He said "Depends on who." I said "My son." He said "Oh hell yeah I'm all in, what do you need?" I pointed up at the shelf at the Winnie the Pooh bowling ball and said "That!" I said "I'm want him to open that on Christmas!" He said "Here you go, take video because I wanna see it!"

    I was told this is very cruel but at the same time hilarious. I'll wait until everyone is done opening gifts then give him the real one. It's not that cruel, it's not like I'm swapping his lube with superglue. His reaction is going to be great though. He needs to learn not to mess with Dad, I'm WAY better at this stuff than he is.

  2. #2
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    Won't he suspect something is up when you start recording him opening presents?

    This isn't really cruel. Cruel would be getting the Zen Master box, putting a 15lb rock from the garden in it, and then having him open that up.

  3. #3
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryster View Post
    Won't he suspect something is up when you start recording him opening presents?

    This isn't really cruel. Cruel would be getting the Zen Master box, putting a 15lb rock from the garden in it, and then having him open that up.
    No, we typically do record it. Nothing unusual there

  4. #4
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    you could always do what my wife and kids did when they bought me my IQTP - it's butterscotch scented (Storm, obviously) so they got me a box of butterscotches and told me to figure it out . . . I never did. How am I supposed to know (beforehand) that the ball smelled like butterscotch? LOL

  5. #5
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    The prank went well. He opened it and he was like "What the heck is this?" I said "It's a spare ball, didn't you need one?" He said "With Winnie the Pooh on it?" I said "Yeah, don't you remember how much you loved watching that? I said now you can go on bowling adventures with your childhood hero!"

    He actually sniffed the ball thinking it would smell like honey. Then I could tell he was afraid to say he didn't like it so as to not hurt my feelings. By his reaction, he was extremely confused of why I would buy him this. He thanked me for it and hung his head because he clearly didn't get what he was hoping for.

    It was then his brothers turn to open gifts. I let him stew on that ball while he waited for his brother. Before my wife opened, we took a quick break and I snuck the ZM he wanted where he was sitting. He opened it right away seeing it was what he wanted. Huge smile!

    He said "You know Dad, I really don't need a spare ball if you want to return it." I said "Return it? I didn't even pay for it. Do you seriously think I'd buy that for you? You really thought I'd let you bowl in meets and tournaments out in front of colleges with a Winnie the Pooh ball?" I then explained that everyone was in on it. His reaction was priceless. He said when he opened it he felt bad that I would spend that kind of money on something he clearly wouldn't use. He thought it was some dad/childhood thing with him and it meant something to me. Then he vowed to get us back!

    Needless to say that went perfectly <taking a bow> He can now tell the story how he got the Zen Master from the Prank Master. The best gifts always have a good story behind them and this he'll never forget!

  6. #6
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