Big change from last week. No miss room at all. Both teams struggled except for a guy on the other team that rolled a 300-811. I started with the Zen Soul and could strike when I hit the pocket but every few shots the ball wold take off through the nose. Tried the Helios and same thing. They have a guy on the other team with a 225 average that is a high rev 1 hand lefty and he was having similar issues. He only rolled a 615 and was telling me some of the things he tried. There were tons of splits tonight on all lanes. In fact a guy a few lanes down picked up the 7-10 tonight.
Game 1: 182 (5 strikes, 3 spares, 3 opens-2 splits)
Game 2: 174 (6 strikes, 2 spares, 3 opens-1 split)
Game 3: 163 (4 strikes, 3 spares, 3 opens)
Series: 519
Average: 173.00
Running average: 192.83
Last years average: 196.??
Strikes: 46% (15/32)
Spares: 47% (8/17)
Single pin spares: 60% (3/5)
Splits: 0% (0/3)