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Thread: Boomer's Summer Season

  1. #11
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    Not so good this week

    I was in and around the pocket all night. Just couldn't get it to carry. Got worse in third game - although a few were complete misses - but pocket 7-10, 10's, etc. and I missed more 10's this week than in a month . . . sigh.

  2. #12
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    Got ROLLED last night.

    New team - and short timer team, they're leaving July 1. The dad and son have the wierdest drillings - they use a way-offset thumb so they basically palm the ball (they do use the thumb hole) but can't do anything else. Then combine with their 1980 Brunswick balls and they make a MESS of the lanes. The two hit a ton of strikes but can't pick up any right-side spares. Loud, over-exhuberant. Since they just started, their averages started WAY low but are going WAY up . . .

    Game 1 - pretty solid. I was inside of their mess and they hadn't pushed oil down to my break yet. Split in the 8th but in the pocket most of the time. 203.
    Game 2 - missed a 10-pin. Gah - I'm starting to pick them up again but. . . arg frustrating. Then I wiff a 9. Really? Then wiff a 3-6-10. 168. Coulda-woulda-shoulda.
    Game 3 - got the right lane down after a baby split, but never really figured out the left - ring 10, 6-10, ring 10, 3-6-10 - was trying to get better entry. 186. Was a better game than the score reflects.

    We lost all four.

  3. #13
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    Last night was good. We got hit by a freight train . . . but what are ya gonna do?

    First game, OK I guess. struggled at the first half but eventually got solidly in the pocket. 182. Didn't matter - our opponents, one shot 300 and a second shot 269. We shot about 850, but they shot over 970 . . . what are ya gonna do? LOL
    Second game, better. Still tugged it now and again and my ankle was twinging (needed better balance) but was clean for 218. I shot better but my teammates did not. We lost, but not by a whole lot.
    Third game, whiffed a 10, but was otherwise clean. 203. We won the third and were winning total until the 9th when they noticed and really turned it on. Not that they were sandbagging, but they knuckled down and focused even more and pulled out an extra 70 pins to catch up and beat us for total by about 20.

    Losing this week was FAR better than last week. Last week's team was obnoxious, arrogant and, except for the mom who was sweet, just PITAs. This week's team is probably made up of our best bowlers, or right among them, ALL FOUR, but is absolutely not arrogant (even with the 300), encouraging, fun to bowl with. Really enjoy bowling with them - don't enjoy getting BEAT, but . . . LOL

  4. #14
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    Took last week off - we were temp-fostering a 13wk old deaf boxer puppy - which meant we didn't sleep for a week. Ugh - cute as a button but a LOT . . .

    Anyway, back to it!

    Went up against some friends this week. Nice guys, really sweet old lady (uses her first three fingers and a thumb - interesting)

    Game 1 - lady just was ON. Lanes were dry so things were hopping. The two guys were struggling finding their line (down and in) - I moved in, laid down on about 17-18, crossed 15 at arrows. Worked great. Whiffed a friggin SEVEN. Bah. LOL - otherwise was good. 226. Nice old lady (82) kicked our ARSES (she shot 213 or something) so we lost the point.
    Game 2 - CLEAN baby! Found I could miss well right and it would come back - but if I missed a LITTLE right, it was a bucket or something. So either HIT my mark or MISS a bunch right. Still - clean 215. We won the point.
    Game 3 - first three frames floundered. Not sure. Next four, making adjustments - needed to move LEFT. Not left - LEFT. Finished with the last 5 to take total. We lost the game but had just enough to take total. 189

    630 series.

  5. #15
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    Loss of carry was frustrating!

    Started out good. Had a good look and good sloppy carry. Game 1 was ok - one split which bugged me, but finished well for 213. We took the point (helped that we had a REALLY good sub to help out)
    Game 2 - started OK, but lost carry. Got the same flippin split and whiffed a 10, but ground out a 184. We took the point.
    Game 3 - strike, big 4, then the next 4 but lost carry again. Made adjustments but . . . Grrrr. . . but fine, 207. We lost the point but won total by juuuuust a bit. I had to mark and count to do it. (Our sub blew into 3 or 4 splits - oh well)

    Overall - 604 - not bad. Had a good time, lots of laughing, but WOW was it frustrating to not carry.

  6. #16
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    Decent evening - I strained my back a few weeks ago (moving lead and brass in really hot heat) so it's been a struggle. I got a big ol' shot in the arse late last week along with some muscle relaxers and such which made a big difference.

    We bowled a really sweet team. Fun people to bowl with. We gave them 22 sticks and off we go.

    Game 1 - didn't miss the pocket until the 10th when I went in high. Pocket 7-10 in the 4th, couple of ringing 10's . . . 218. Back starting to hurt but not bad.
    Game 2 - back twinged pretty bad in frame 1 and 2 - need to change my approach to baby it. Got back on track but whiffed a ring-10 in the 8th. In the 10th, I needed 9 pins total to take the game but rolled into a baby split. OK, just need 1 so . . . the last two times I tried for a baby split I went BETWEEN them so . . . just get the 3 pin for the win. 163.
    Game 3 - let's slow it down to make it easier to bowl. My back is now killing me but drop speed and move well left. Get lined up by the 4th frame and then charge. Stone 9 in 7th, covered, then 3 more into the 10th. Left a 2-10 in the fill. Got out of there with a 223.

    We took all four points. Only one that was REALLY close was game 2 which we won by one pin.

    Went home, took meds, went to sleep.

  7. #17
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomer View Post
    Decent evening - (moving lead and brass in really hot heat).
    That sounds horrible.

    Quote Originally Posted by boomer View Post
    Went home, took meds, went to sleep.
    Legit. Pop those pills! Save some for me!

  8. #18
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    It was - but it made my mother-in-law about $2500 (and was still a GREAT deal for the family friend who bought it all) and my wife and I got a really REALLY good steak dinner . . . not quite sure it was worth it, though. LOL

  9. #19
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    Default Great, then worse, then better

    Up and down. Finally got my Zen Master redrilled the way I like it and OOH do I like it. Set to 2000 abralon, with my IT and everything happy it was off to the races:

    Game 1: never missed the pocket. Stone 9 in the 5th and pocket 7-10 in the first fill - 265. DANG wish I'd been in the sidepots buuuut, not with new/old ball. LOL We won the point by about 130
    Game 2: pocket pocket then didn't finish and kinda derailed myself. 183. We lost the point - they all bowled above their averages. Now we're up in total by about 20 . . . ugh.
    Game 3: OK, back on after punching out last game. . . turkey then 3-6-10 and chop it. OK, settle back down - turkey then leave 3-9 and chop IT. Sigh - stone 9, strike strike 4 - 218. In the 10th, my wife had to mark to keep us even with me on strike and their anchor on a spare. Had to strike and I did. He spared so we won three.

    Good night. Have to soften the edges of my finger inserts - they're a bit . . . abrupt? LOL

  10. #20
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    Week = Meh. LOL -

    We bowled a team that we LOVE. Unfortunately two of them were not there so it was only half-love. . . LOL

    Game 1: Three 10-pins - got 'em all. Just . . . a grind. Strange how you can get four strikes, a clean game and end up with 203. Lost this point - had I struck in the 10th, we could have won.
    Game 2: Couple of opens, a stone 8, and five strikes to finish 203. We won this point.
    Game 3: We are up about 60pins total so . . . halfway through we were still in good shape to take both the third and total . . . I just couldn't strike. Clean game but how can I get a clean game with four strikes and still get only 198? Sigh.

    We lost 3 points.

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