5"x4" w/ a 3" pin buffer.
For me it ended up being a pin over ring, with mb in a stacked position.
Initial impressions: Pretty!!! I thought from the info that this ball was going to fit pretty nicely between the cell and cell pearl. I wanted to see the ball get a little longer than the cell, but not quite as long as the pearl.
Decided to go with a little weaker drilling to get the look I was after.
Ball motion is exactly what I expected on the THS. I get about 2 feet less length than the pearl, and gets through the heads a little cleaner than the cell does for me.
As far as the strength of the ball it is easily 5-7 boards stronger than my pearl, but potentially could be alot stronger if drilled to do so....
Hopefully this helps, and here is a link to my video: