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There's always one off center in the rack
Info: AVG 206, Stroker, Righty, Gladiator Pearl, Track The Rising, Hammer Rayzr, Storm Virtual Gravity, Storm Reign, PBA Platinum
Wish List-Hammer Jigsaw
I am a proud member of BowlingBoards.com Bowling Forums
I'd like to win one. sign me up
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INFO:Avg. N/A Righty,Stroker,Equipment Roto Grip,Brunswick,Ebonite 15lbs.
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Add me! Enter me!! I want to win!!
I'm not sure that "enter me" is quite what I want to say, but I'd love to be added to the list.
Hey Please add me to your give- a way list. And with a name like mine, don't you think this bowling ball would be perfect for me?LOL. I am now just getting back into the sport after having my 7th knee surgery. I will be in my first league in almost 6 years starting in May,and that new Storm ball would be perfect.
I Storm just has some of the best balls I think out there on the market. I have a Rapid fire and a Deminsion.