Come on guys let's get to a real topic, if were going to boast our post count, at least make them count.
Come on guys let's get to a real topic, if were going to boast our post count, at least make them count.
If it were a real topic it would be somewhere else!
Meh, If you say so.
So my old, disabled, fat butt beat out an infield hit yesterday in softball. It went well with my double and 2 run homer in the first game. Game 2 didn't go as well. Two line drive outs and a solo homer.
Gold Coach Candidate
Owner/Operator of Bowlerz Score Coaching
Tweener Rev Rate of 420, Speed 19 mph
Key Bowling Staff Member
Key Bowling Coaching Staff
IBPSIA member
Former Staff Bowler at
Last time I played league softball I played third base in a Church league. Amazing how competitive that league was. BTW. the ast time I legged out a hit like that I needed the pxygen bottle at first base...
Nowadays, my bat speed is so low, it appear that the bat is in orbit around a huge round body instead of beingswung.
I am a proud member of bowling Forums
IN THE BAG > RG -Hyper Cell Fused, Menace; Storm -Code Black, Reign of Power, Lock; [COLOR=#006400;,Track - Hx-10, [B]"
High Game/High Series - 299(2)/300(13)/856 (Elmira, NY in 1980); Member of Corning, NY Junior Bowling HOF.
Tweener; PAP= 4.75 over x .75 up/Tilt 10 degrees/Axis of rotation 40 degrees/Revs = 368 and speed is 16.86 MPH average.
At 43 I'm the oldest on the team by ten years and have been the oldest on the field in every game we've played so far. My double would have been a triple but I caught the heavier, younger guy that hits before me just before second base. And I have given standard orders that I need oxygen any time I get to third. Softball is killing my knee and affecting my bowling but hopefully that will subside soon. Hitting has also caused my ulnar nerve in my right elbow to flare up but other than the pain that doesn't affect the bowling.
Gold Coach Candidate
Owner/Operator of Bowlerz Score Coaching
Tweener Rev Rate of 420, Speed 19 mph
Key Bowling Staff Member
Key Bowling Coaching Staff
IBPSIA member
Former Staff Bowler at
Everyone is finally tired of posting here. I will win by stealth. Bwaaahaaahaaa.
I am a proud member of bowling Forums
Storm Modern Marvel
Radical Time's Up
Storm Black Ice
I agree woth GeorgiaStroker...
I am a proud member of bowling Forums
IN THE BAG > RG -Hyper Cell Fused, Menace; Storm -Code Black, Reign of Power, Lock; [COLOR=#006400;,Track - Hx-10, [B]"
High Game/High Series - 299(2)/300(13)/856 (Elmira, NY in 1980); Member of Corning, NY Junior Bowling HOF.
Tweener; PAP= 4.75 over x .75 up/Tilt 10 degrees/Axis of rotation 40 degrees/Revs = 368 and speed is 16.86 MPH average.