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Thread: Hello from Allen TX

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Allen TX

    I have been reading the board for about a week, and just wanted to drop in an say hey. Just a little history to give you an idea of where I am in my bowling endeavor.

    Started bowling in 79' / 80', Bowled a mixed and a mens each week for about two years, with my average starting around 150 and ending with 172. My high game was a 256, which got me a 100 pin over average patch, my 250 patch, and a few free beers. I don't remember why, but I just stopped.

    Fast forward 2002, look at my old 16 lb ball, Ebonite Magnum 7, and thought why not. So I picked up a 14 lb Ebonite Savage and went bowling. I soon realized I wasn't as young as I thought and stopped after a few weeks. January 2009 rolls around and my wife and I decided that Sundays and bowling sounded good, so we have been going every week sine and rolling 7 games. At .99 a game, it a great deal.

    My running average since January is now 180, with a high game of 244. I plan to join a summer league consisting of 3 member teams. Just picked up a Hammer Black Widow Bite, so far so good. My goal is to hold a 200 average by the end of the year, as well as roll my first 300.

    Well, that's probably more than most want to listen to, so I will shut up now.
    Talk To Your Ball, Listen To The Lane!

    RH, HG 299, HS 714

    In The Bag
    Energy - Gravity - Bite - Maxim

    I am a proud member of bowling Forums

  2. #2
    Super Moderator

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    Greetings! Welcome to the board and glad you're back bowling. Sunday night leagues are kind of rare around here, but that's when we bowl. There's a few other Texans on here, too.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by ebowler View Post
    I have been reading the board for about a week, and just wanted to drop in an say hey. Just a little history to give you an idea of where I am in my bowling endeavor.

    Started bowling in 79' / 80', Bowled a mixed and a mens each week for about two years, with my average starting around 150 and ending with 172. My high game was a 256, which got me a 100 pin over average patch, my 250 patch, and a few free beers. I don't remember why, but I just stopped.

    Fast forward 2002, look at my old 16 lb ball, Ebonite Magnum 7, and thought why not. So I picked up a 14 lb Ebonite Savage and went bowling. I soon realized I wasn't as young as I thought and stopped after a few weeks. January 2009 rolls around and my wife and I decided that Sundays and bowling sounded good, so we have been going every week sine and rolling 7 games. At .99 a game, it a great deal.

    My running average since January is now 180, with a high game of 244. I plan to join a summer league consisting of 3 member teams. Just picked up a Hammer Black Widow Bite, so far so good. My goal is to hold a 200 average by the end of the year, as well as roll my first 300.

    Well, that's probably more than most want to listen to, so I will shut up now.

    Hello and welcome to Bowling Forums.

    I am glad that you found us and I hope you have a great time here.

    Go Broncos!

  4. #4
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    It is so great to have you here on the board and if ya need anything just ask....were here for all !!!!
    ~Brian Hirsch~
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