Congratulations on the Big 300!
I'm still working it.
After 26 years of bowling, I finally hit my first 300!Long time coming as I've been so close the last couple of years getting burned by a ring 10 or a nasty solid 8 or 9 pin somewhere along the way. Friday April 3rd, it finally happened. I still can't really believe it. I was using my Brunswick Swarm #16 that I got when I did the ProAm in Buffalo back in December 2008. I was debating spending the extra on the ball this season, but as a Christmas gift, my fiance gave me the money to get it. Glad we decided on that one! That ball has made a HUGE difference in my game. I've thrown some huge games with it, and now a 300. I would highly recommend the Swarm to anyone lookin' for a new ball for their arsenal.
Congratulations on the Big 300!
I'm still working it.
Talk To Your Ball, Listen To The Lane!
RH, HG 299, HS 714
In The Bag
Energy - Gravity - Bite - Maxim
I am a proud member of bowling Forums
Way to go!! on the big three oh oh!!!
Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798
"Talent without training is nothing." Luke Skywalker
Congratulations on your 300!![]()
High Game: 277
High Series: 661
'08-'09 Avg: 175
26 years you say... Okay, so now I know what I'm up against! hahahahaha. Congrats! Closest I've come is a 264, but I'm 25 years old, so I figure if it takes 26 years to pull off a 300, then I'm fine with that! hahahaha. Although, with my luck, it will be during a practice session and not league play.... D'oh!
Congrats! Now you can die a happy man (be glad you're not a BoSox fan... For years and years, I thought I'd go to my death bed like my Grandfather did: tons of heart break, no World Series victories).
Not helping the situation since 1983.
Bowling Average: 180
Bowling Handicap: Beer
Bowling Style: Completely Wheels Off
Righty / Lefty: Righty
Bowling Balls: Lane #1 Droid (Strike Ball), Storm Crossroad (Strike Ball. I hate the smell...), Hammer No Mercy (Retired Strike Ball. We had a good run. RIP, old friend!), Ebonite Magnum (Spare Ball), Ebonite Maxim (Spare Ball)
Best Game: 267
Best Series: 695 (just 5 more pins... I don't wanna talk about it!)
Haha Thanks guys :-) Actually, a happy girl Art ;-) hahaha Yep, bowling since I was 4, I'm glad it was before my 30th B-Day in Nov. LOL
Nope, Yankees fan all the way. Worked as a "batgirl" for the farm team that was the Yankees in my city (now the Tigers farm team). On another note, twice one week in March, I almost picked the Big Four too. Taken 3 out of the 4...Gettin closer on that too lol. Did snag the 2-8-10 a couple of weeks ago however. They started calling me "the split specialist" last season because I LOVE picking splits up. Although I hate leaving them LOL
Congrats on your 300 and its so good to get the 1st one off your back no matter how long it took
Congrats on the perfecto!!!!!
There's always one off center in the rack
Info: AVG 206, Stroker, Righty, Gladiator Pearl, Track The Rising, Hammer Rayzr, Storm Virtual Gravity, Storm Reign, PBA Platinum
Wish List-Hammer Jigsaw
I am a proud member of Bowling Forums
Congrats on the 300. Haven't had mine either just 278's and 279's. I won't go into how many years, but do we count the 17 years I didn't bowl?![]()