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Thread: Colleen Aka "ThongPrincess"

  1. #1
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    Default Colleen Aka "ThongPrincess"

    This will be the hardest post I will ever make. I was awaken this morning to a text from a very good friend of mine Angie asking for prays and thoughts as her mother had past this morning. We on this board don't know Angie but we know her wonderful mother ThongPrincess. I do not have much info but as you lay down to bed tonight please think of our fallen friend. She has been bowling leagues since 1978 and a USBC Bronze certified coach since 1987. She was also 6th Grade Math/Science teacher and will be missed by all her students from the Granada Hills - So Cal area.

    RIP our friend and we will ALL be thinking of you !!!!!!!!!
    ~Brian Hirsch~
    VISE Staff Member You're #1 Online Bowling Forums

  2. #2
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    OMG what happened? This has hit us very hard. My wife was extremely good friends with Colleen and is in tears. They communicated regularly and we had no hint this was coming. We know she was fighting a pneumonia like condition, but we never expected to hear this. I'm stunned.

  3. #3

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    Thanks Brian for telling us.

    I spoke to her many times as we were merging with bbam, and she was great to try out the system for me. She gave me much advice on teaching as my wife herself has tossed around being a teacher. My wife has a disease that one of her friends has too. She was always wonderful to talk to and a great online friend.

    She will be missed.
    Go Broncos!

  4. #4
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    I have talked to Angie, her daughter and she will be getting on and may shed some light on what had happened
    ~Brian Hirsch~
    VISE Staff Member You're #1 Online Bowling Forums

  5. #5
    Bowler dpmusic70's Avatar
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    Hi Angie- Your Mom and I were friends through bowling in North Carolina at the Gathering each year. We also kept in touch through e mails. My name is Diane Palmer. I am so incredible sorry for your loss. I still can't believe that this has happened to her. I also kept in touch with her through facebook which she recently joined. All my thoughts and prayers are with you. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I loved your Mom and I am so very sadened by her passing away.

    Diane Palmer
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  6. #6
    Loved Very Much ThongPrincess's Avatar
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    Hi all, this is Angie, Colleen's daughter. It has been a very shocking morning/day. well some of you know she had phenomia, sorry for incorrect spelling, well she went to use the bathroom this morning around 5:30am and passed out as she was leaving the rest room. we called 911 she left alert, breathing, but very weak. The nurse said her vitals were good until the ambulance hit the parking lot of the hospital and that is when they lost her and the ER staff was unable to revive her. They are thinking she had a heart attack. We are waiting for the autopsy to be performed to know for sure. That is all the info I have at this time. As more info comes to us I will keep you all updated. My direct email is readysetgo1978@gmail, please feel free to contact me. I appreicate all your prayers and thoughts as my sister and rest of our family deal with our loss.
    Last edited by onefrombills; 04-05-2009 at 01:11 AM.
    USBCBronze Coach
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    Lefty - ball speed as measured by Qubica 15 - 16 mph
    High Game: 278 High Series: 716 High Ave: 194
    Current Highs: Ave 165 , Game 268, Series 597
    Current Equipment in use:
    Brunswick - Fury Pearl; Ebonite - GameBreaker, WhirlWind;
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  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThongPrincess View Post
    Hi all, this is Angie, Colleen's daughter. It has been a very shocking morning/day. well some of you know she had phenomia, sorry for incorrect spelling, well she went to use the bathroom this morning around 5:30am and passed out as she was leaving the rest room. we called 911 she left alert, breathing, but very weak. The nurse said her vitals were good until the ambulance hit the parking lot of the hospital and that is when they lost her and the ER staff was unable to revive her. They are thinking she had a heart attack. We are waiting for the autopsy to be performed to know for sure. That is all the info I have at this time. As more info comes to us I will keep you all updated. My direct email is readysetgo1978@gmail, please feel free to contact me. I appreicate all your prayers and thoughts as my sister and rest of pur family deal with our loss.

    Hello Angie, I sent you an email, and I hope that we can help you and your family in any way that we can.


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    My condolences goes out to the family.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

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  9. #9

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    Exclamation From the Owner...

    Hello Members,

    As I stare at my computer screen it is amazing how much emotions can take control of your thinking. We lost a great member and friend of this site.

    But I think to myself where is the line between website and person? With so many websites in the world and so many other bowling forums, why do I get so attached? Why is every member so important to me?

    This site makes no money, no one pays for an advertising spot, it truly is a non profit venture. For many site owners money is all that matters. Education and friendship is the foundation of this site.

    But is it really is this site non-profit? I mean for one to profit does money have to be involved? I say no. I have been blessed to have known this member by online words only, yet she has touched my life greatly in so many ways.

    I have had conversation with her about this site, mergers, software, teaching and diseases. And each and every time she poured her heart into her thoughts. was built with Dignity, Ethics, and Morals in mind. It is a family friendly site, and she Chose us to be around while online. She chose this site for a reason. I will never know why, but her lessons, tips, and advice will live on.

    So back to my original thought, why am I so upset about this? I mean I never met this person in real life, I only knew her through this site. Maybe I care too much. Maybe I take people for face value and appreciate everything they do in life to help humanity whether by mentoring or teaching. I am not sure.

    Maybe there is a line between how much an owner of a site should care about the site itself and its members? Maybe a site owner should look at a site as just that a site and have the ability to cut all ties at any time.

    I guess i am not that type of owner. I appreciate everyone for being here. I appreciate each and every person for choosing to spread the word about this site. I appreciate people for being themselves here. I guess I appreciate people.

    Maybe I do cross the lines. Maybe other owners would never think of posting about a member. But I am not other owners. I am the owner of this site, and we all as a whole stand for bowling. Some religions consider it's members, brothers, sisters and family in general. To me bowlers are family too.

    We lost a member of our family.

    I am only one person, but maybe as a whole we can move mountains. I have started a donation system on this site to originally help with server fees, maintenance, and other costs of running a website. Yet I believe that this site would not be half the site it is without this passing member.

    So I contacted this member's daughter to see what we can do. I have been told that I will be updated on what happens as things right now are very new and in the air. It is the hope that a reception will be held at a local center to raise funds for the financial part of this tragedy.

    So until I am told otherwise I want to use this donation system not for site use, yet 100% to go to any sort of memorial fund that is set up to help with financial costs.

    So if you are on the home page, look on the left hand side and you will see a donation button. This will take you to PayPal. Now as mentioned no paypal account is required. If you would like to donate 5 dollars via a credit card, that would be great. Anything helps I am sure. If you can only donate 3 dollars, maybe you can do 10 or 20, rest assured that every cent will go to Angie and her family to help. If I understand right she told me that no funds are available at this time to help with this, so I am hoping as a community we can help.

    Maybe you are not in the position to do so, this is fine. Just thinking of a stranger is wonderful. We live in a selfish world, where the clothes you wear, the car you drive and more determines how you rank in life to many people.

    This member helped each and every person she could, and she never knew what kind of material possesions anyone had. This is a true measure of a person.

    If you are having problems, please do let me know.

    Thank you for allowing me to speak my thoughts,

    Thank you for being a part of this community.

    Chris -
    Last edited by The KingPin; 04-05-2009 at 01:57 AM.
    Go Broncos!


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