KAOHSIUNG, Chinese Taipei - With a successful day of preliminaries under his belt Tuesday, Team USA's Chris Barnes feels like he has a shot to make a run at a singles medal at the World Games.

Barnes finished the singles preliminaries in second place Tuesday, totaling 3,904 for 18 games. He trails Korean left-hander Kong Byoung-Hee by 82 pins for the overall lead.

All players combined 12 games of preliminaries Tuesday with their six-game individual totals from Monday's mixed doubles, however, pinfall is dropped heading into Wednesday's round robin match play.

Team USA's Stefanie Nation did not make the cut on the women's side, finishing in 13th place, 141 pins behind the cut number. Zara Glover of England paced the women with a 3,849 total.

"I feel like I'm bowling a little better now than I did in mixed doubles on Monday," said Barnes, who averaged 221.3 for 12 games Tuesday. "I have two game plans in mind for tomorrow, and I think I'll be able to make a pretty good run at it. I'll have to be on my game pretty quickly and keep up with the moves if I want to stay with the rest of the field."

Nation was unable to gather any momentum Tuesday, averaging 185.8 for 12 games.

"Overall, it was a very frustrating day on the lanes, but the experience here in Kaohsiung has been amazing," Nation said. "On a positive note, my last shot in Kaohsiung was a strike."

After 10 games of round robin match play Wednesday morning, the top three men and top three women will advance to the stepladder finals to determine the singles medalists.

Bowling is one of more than 30 sports not currently included in the Olympics that are being showcased in the World Games until July 26. Bowling, along with archery, billiards and bocce, is classified as a precision sport.

For more information on the World Games, visit the official Web site of the event at www.worldgames2009.tw.