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Thread: How does PAP influence ball reaction?

  1. #1
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    Default How does PAP influence ball reaction?

    My wife's PAP is 7 1/2' out and 1 1/2" up form the center point of her grip. I've noticed that most PAP's are much closer, say ~5". Does this long PAP need a special drilling pattern to get roll and ARC? She throws about 12 mph straight over the 2nd arrow but leaves a lot, I mean a lot, of splits.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
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    7-1/2" out? Sounds like a full roller to me. A couple of questions to clarify if I may:
    1. Does her track fall between her thumbhole and fingers, or track right of the thumbhole (assuming she's a righty)?
    2. You said she rolls at 12mph. Was that info measured at the arrows or the pins?
    3. What weight ball does she use?
    4. Has she tried moving her starting point. . . say . . .3 boards left of her normal start position and keeping the 2nd arrow as her target?

    But to answer your question, the PAP of a bowler doesn't have squat to do about reaction. . . . it's the relationship of the position of the pin and cg to the PAP. Check out to get a bit more generic info about PAP. (blatant plug there) A second thread you might want to look at is where PAP is also discussed. However, if her track falls to the right of the thumbhole, you might want to investigate full-roller drillings.
    Last edited by Graaille; 09-02-2009 at 03:46 PM.

  3. #3
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    The "doesn't have squat" answers the question. I'll check out the references you provided. Obviously I need a better understanding of ball dynamics.

    The ball speed is measured near the pins. Ball weight 12# - Ball - Gamebreaker

    The ball track starts just outside of the thumb/finger holes and flares a couple of inches from there.

    Strange but she carries probably 90% of high Brooklyn hits but can't (or won't) throw it there consistantly. I was wondering if it had something to do with that 7 1/2" PAP whicih one reason I asked the original question.

  4. #4
    High Roller Stormed1's Avatar
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    Default Pap

    How was the Pap measured? does she throw a backup ball? If that is the case her track would be on the right side of the ball and i could see that Pap more possible. If she does throw a backup aand does'nt want to learn how to throw a normal rh hook have your pro shop drill the ball layout wise as if she is a lefty

  5. #5


    Is it possible that her PAP was mis-measured? If her ball track is outside of the fingers and thumb, I would think her PAP would be in the 5-6 inch range. Mine is 5.25 and I track close to the fingers and thumb. Drillings should be based off of someone's PAP, so to your original question, yes her PAP should be considered and if the 7.5 is correct, there may be a need for a "special" drilling to get the most out of her ball. Keep in mind that it is preferable to use a non-flaring or low-flaring ball to measure PAP accurately. Good luck!
    USBC Bronze Level Coach

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the reply Paul,
    I emailed the Manufacturers ball designer for a "special drilling pattern" but he was of no help.
    Here's what the ball looks like.

  7. #7


    Hey hoppy,

    I am not a ball driller, so I really cannot advise you the layout that is on the ball, but I do know that one's PAP should be factored in when drilling a ball. Are you looking to get a second opinion on how the ball is drilled? If so, is there another pro shop in your area that you can take the ball to?

    There are adjustments that one should make when leaving splits and depending on how she bowls, your wife should adjust her feet and / or target either right or left. But first of all, she needs to consistently roll her ball over the same target. If she cannot do this, then she should work on being consistent, then the adjustments can be made.

    Some other questions for you and your wife: Is there a coach in the area that could help her out? And is she willing to make some changes in her game in order to get better?

    Again good luck!
    USBC Bronze Level Coach

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    Thanks for the reply-
    Ahhhh, the only option open to me is the way the ball is drilled. I just don't understand why the ball rolls like it does and was hoping there was a pattern that would get things 'right'.
    1. For instance, the ball is tracking on the wrong side of the finger holes (for a left hander or backup bowler)
    2. The axis is tilted 45 deg to the left and a little forward.

    In regards to the PAP, it's 6 1/2" to the right and 1 1/2" down. Somebody pointed out that it couldn't be 7 1/2 as that is more than 1/4 the way around the ball. That's another contradiction as the PAP for a left hander is on the other side.

    My gut feeling is that the ball is in a weak position going into the pocket. Seems the balll track should be on the right side (as the ball rolls down the lanes) and the axis should be tilted to the right if anywhere.

    Perhaps it's just the way the ball is released and no driling pattern can help.

    Thanks again for the ideas....
    Last edited by hoppy; 09-11-2009 at 03:43 PM.

  9. #9
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    Well one thing you might try would be drilling it pin over bridge, cg stacked below. If the image you included is 100% accurate, it looks like you've got it drilled more for a lefty, and a neutral drilling like pin over/cg under with no weight hole will potentially hold enough energy to clean the pindeck a bit better.

  10. #10
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    Yes, it is drilled for a lefty - well, a right handed backup bowler.

    The whole thing doesn't make any sense to me. Nothing is where it should be. I even called the manufacturer and their ball rep and ball designer looked at it and neither had any ideas except to use a left handed drilling pattern which it already was which shows how much attention it got...

    Thanks for the reply....every input helps.

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