A friend is doing a search...here is her message...if you have any information, please PM me:

Ok this is going to sound a bit odd, but I have been searching for my biological father and I only had his name and that he was part of the PBA at some point. Through locating other types of information I found out that he passed away back in 1998 on January 1. His name was Rocky Lopes. He never got a chance to know me and I am here just trying to figure out what things I can do to find out things about him. Maybe even get a picture of him. He owned a bowling alley at one point called Sharon Springs Lanes in Sharon Springs NY. So if anyone reading this knows where I could start looking for information about him or just even a picture I would greatly appreciate it. He was from Paramus New Jersey originally and he bowled at the bowling alley that used to be there as well. Anyway now on to me. ..I am 28 years old and I am a wife to a soldier in the Us Army. We live near Fort Benning GA and I have 3 step children. 2 girls and a boy. I am a college student going for Criminal Justice with an emphasis in computer crime.. I will graduate in roughly 2 years providing this deployment for the military goes smoothly. Well thanks for reading and responding if you do. Feel free to message me on yahoo as well.. soldiersgrl0209