What makes a good player great? Sound basics? Size? Strength? Shooting ability? Speed? I believe its Attitude. The ability to except situations and make them work in their favour. Losers never seem to know why they lose. They blame the referees for bad calls, the gym conditions, the court surface, their teammates, etc. Winners on the other hand play above the problems. Winning and losing comes down to who can stay focused. Great players never let their opponent or outside conditions control their game. They are mentally tough, mentally conditioned. Its easy to get frustrated when pressure and mistakes happen. The more you dwell on it, the more mistakes you'll make.

show sportsmanship! Its easy to be a good winner, but it takes real class to hold your head up after a tough loss. Great players never take losing well. If you gave 110% during the game, and you were beaten, there is no shame in having lost. Give credit to the team who played better on that given day. Learn from it and let it go. The respect you'll gain from opponents and fans on both sides are well worth it.

Stay in shape! Spend as much time caring for your body as you put into your game. Eat well, get the correct amount of rest,cardio at least three times a week, most of all stay away from drugs.

Never give up! Winners never quit. Finding a way to win is the mark of a great team. Nothing is What you see plain as day may be hard for someone else to see. Never take any opponent for granted, respect every ones ability. Be a player who says "can" not "can't". Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Be a total player.

Play hard! But never take yourself so serious that you forget to smell the roses. Enjoy the game, many lessons about life are taught from your adventures on the hardwood. Take what it has to give you and apply it to what life throws your way. Remember, we cannot always control what goes on outside, but we can control what goes on inside. Be mentally tough, Never let what happens during a contest take you out of your game. Concentrate on what is important, experience, learn. Be the best you can, and the best will come back to you. Champions are made, never born. Ability can get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.Work hard and be aggressive. Never be out hustled or out fought. The team who is persistent usually comes out on top. Show enthusiasm! Nothing is ever work, unless you would rather be doing something else. Make a commitment to excel, you never stop improving. When things you did yesterday still look big to you today, you haven't done much today. There is no substitute for practice. Don't count the days.....make each day count! The only person that keeps you on the bench and from being a starter.....is you!


Strong players criticize themselves, not their teammates. Everyone has room for improvement no matter what the level of play, and talking about someone else's short comings never helps improve your game. Take an interest in your squad and friendships will grow along with the success of the team. Remember, there is no "I" in team. It takes five players working together to become successful.


Never be afraid to take charge. When a teammate gets down pick them up with some encouragement and get it back on track. At practice be the first one on the court and the last one to leave.