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Thread: Why isn't bowling in the Olympics?

  1. #11
    Cranker Jord_84's Avatar
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    Lol, bowling is most definitely a sport. You've got to have endurance to go to tournaments and shoot a ton of games. (Which you can't do with a beer in your hand...alcohol can't be consumed during state or national tournies). Not to mention, it takes a great deal of physical and mental strength to keep the high scores rolling in...despite all the variables that affect each game. It takes a fine-tuned athlete to know what changes to make and how to execute them.

    During my high school career, I played basketball, I ran hurdles in track, I rode horseback, and I was on swim team. While bowling isn't as physical as other requires more knowledge and mental concentration than any sport I've ever participated in.
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  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Kokomo Kid View Post

    I am curious if you are going to write an article about this?

    Yes, that's part of the reason I'm asking the question. Thanks for asking.

  3. #13


    Could lack of standardization be an issue? I mean, as far as equipment and lane oil. The usbc red white and blue patterns could fix lane credibility if centers actually adopt them, but what about the balls? Other than size (and weight?), balls are pretty much anything goes. This puts a lot of emphasis on equipment rather than skill, which may be something the olympic people don't like.

    I'm not very knowledgeable about this, but it seems that there's not many standards in bowling compared with other sports.

    ...or maybe they just can't decide whether to make it a winter sport or a summer sport.

  4. #14


    I agree wether you sweat, drink beer or see who can belches the loudest this should be an Olympic sport. Bowling is played by more people world wide than any other "activity" period. Come on seriously twirling!!!! If it has something to do with oil patterns that just make one up special for the Olympics, pass out the pattern and let people practice on it. And since we dominated the sport of womens softball and they removed it "which was a crock!" there is an opening to slide in bowling. I may be biased because I like to bowl but come on give it a chance.

  5. #15
    SandBagger WAC4504's Avatar
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    I don't believe that the Red White and Blue oil patterns have much of anything to do with getting in the Olympics. If it was just a matter of oil patterns the OC would create there own pattern and the rest of the wold would have to follow. Personally I have lost all respect for the Olympics and don't even watch them, I believe most of it has to do with money and corruption. And as far as Curling goes just how many African nations and 3rd world countries have Curling rinks, and if shuffle board isn't an Olympic sport I'd want to know why not? Just my thoughts.
    Good luck and good bowling

  6. #16
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    well on that same note, how many african nations have people in the olympics period?? as for bowling being in the olympics i say go for it, at least give it a try.....

  7. #17
    Cranker Jord_84's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    well on that same note, how many african nations have people in the olympics period?? as for bowling being in the olympics i say go for it, at least give it a try.....
    All of them, when it comes to track and field at least.

    but bowling is definitely far more a demanding and popular sport than curling.
    Maybe we should start a petition to oust curling in favor of bowling lol
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  8. #18


    As I mentioned before, the red white and blue oil patterns were brought up during the world series of bowling telecasts. They spoke of the significance of having universal oil patterns to be considered by the olympic comitte. The usbc is making big strides in getting bowling considered as an olympic sport. So I think at some point we will have our sport as a olympic sport

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by mike-boogie View Post
    I think they explained this on the pepsi red,white and blue telecast. The usbc is making attempts to get bowling considered by the oly usoc. In order for that to happen, every bowling center across...

    the nation and worldwide must have the same oil patterns, to make it fair, so no one has a advantage or disadvantage. Hence the red,white and blue oil patterns. This way, there would be a worldwide...

    standard oil pattern used by all with three tiers. beginner, intermediate and expert or professional. It's really an awesome idea, and I hope it works out! Hope all our centers participate!

    Then we can see the sport we all love get it's rightful recognition in the Olympics, and see the best bowlers in the world compete for the title of best bowler in the world!
    Hey mike-boogie,
    Thanks for your comment. But, I don't believe this is what is holding us back from getting bowling into the Olympics. This has never been mentioned as a reason before now. Besides, if the Olympic Committee wants a standard set of lane conditions, then they can specify these for world events and all countries would comply if they want to compete. No. I think it's more to do with politics and money. Just my opinion.

  10. #20
    Ringer Maine Man's Avatar
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    I covered this very subject in my blog roll recently. Please check out my take on bowling and the Olympics here:

    Please feel free to comment on anything you read in the blog, thanks!
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