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Thread: OK... having some trouble.

  1. #1
    Member crump582's Avatar
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    Default OK... having some trouble.

    I'm BRAND new to bowling. 30 years old and had little interest until now. I bought a ball (Onyx Vibe) and had it drilled (finger tip) and went to try it out. First three rolls... strikes. I was pumped, but I wasn't getting much movement (right to left) if any at all and after that I go back to my low scoring rookie self. So... I go by my grandfather's house after I get done. He's almost 80 and has some dimensia issues / memory loss. He is a big reason I want to learn to bowl and go more often so I can get him out of the house some... plus, I value his opinion. He was telling me that I probably wasn't getting enough forward roll on the ball and trying to spin it into moving instead of the forward motion of the spin creating it. I didn't argue (because I don't argue with him) and am now confused.

    I was trying to create a hook by rotating the ball counter-clockwise and not paying much attention to the forward rotation or "lift" of the ball.

    My main question... does the forward rotation help in creating the hook?

  2. #2
    Future PBA Baller
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    First off in my humble opinion is "It's not all about the h00k"
    Now Foward momentum is used for many reasons, 1 is not having to push hard on your swing.
    Also by putting your hand behind the ball will not only give you more forward roll it can make it easer to hit a target as well as a great starting point to play with more hand placements to create more h00k if needed.
    I only know from what i've read and found out the hard way from doing.
    I hope this helps, but I know theres alot smarter bowlers on this site that can help as well. Good Luck Jamie...
    P.S. please excuse the spelling, my spell check is broke hehe
    Arsenal = Hammer JIGSAW{16lbs} Columbia ICON 300 {16lbs}
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  3. #3
    Member crump582's Avatar
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    I think I just need to relax... I was expecting to be good at this from the "get go" and just need to spend some time bowling.

    Thanks for advice.

  4. #4
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    from what i was tought bowling as a stroker with not a big hook is:
    1. cuff wrist
    2. keep elbow straight with body
    3. turn wrist 1/4 on the down swing when the ball reaches my ancle.

    and you never want to lift your ball so much it thuds on the lane becuase it can possibly damage the lanes and i know from personal experience your ball can chip. I threw a perfect shot but it got stuck on my thumb got a little more air and i got a strike but comes back and a 1/4 chip is missing out of my ring finger hole i was like DANG never let that happen again lol

    But its also pratice if you want to be good, pratice thowing it at the same spped or hitting your mark every time.

    Another reason you could not be getting hook over throwing the ball? how fast are you throwing it? mabe you need a more agressive drilling?

  5. #5
    Member crump582's Avatar
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    Well... still have not been able to generate much movement in my ball, but I did manage to bowl a 184, 145, and 167 on Monday. Not that impressice, but just starting out the 184 is my new high score. Bowled the beginning of that game odd missing a one pin spare twice. I'm working on it and was pretty excited about the 184 after my first month!
    Last edited by crump582; 03-02-2010 at 04:20 PM.

  6. #6


    Are u turning your hand early on the release that could be causing the problem. I watched a video of chris barnes a while back that helped me the release should be from the edge of your ankle to 12 inches pass it.


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