Chris will you be my friend ?
Hello to all, as we go we will give you tips on making your experience here the best it can be. Friend List / Profile Page Friends are great to have. When you find a member you like, just click on their name and their profile will be displayed for you. As this page you will find any information that user is willing to be public as in IM"S, Webpages and such.
You can view other posts made by that user and threads started.
One nice feature is you can "Befriend" that user and ask them if they will be profile friends with you. When you click the "Befriend" link it will ask you if you want to ask the person to be friends with you.
Then if accepted, you will have added them to your list of friends. And like other sites, you have a Main 12 Friends list, (12 for strikes in a perfect game,cheesy I know)
You can then move them around and place them as you wish.
Now you can have them handy to PM them, look at their photo albums and such.
I hope this helps and stay tuned for more Bowling Forum tips.
Go Broncos!
Chris will you be my friend ?