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Thread: Pleased to meet you...

  1. #1

    Default Pleased to meet you...

    Now that the introductions are over, could you lend me a hand? I've rarely bowled in my life until this past Winter, when my wife and I joined a mixed-couples league. I didn't do very well, holding an average of around 106 for season. I started off just throwing a straight ball, as that was all I could do, but I began watching and taking advice from the bowlers of our team and throughout the league on how to make a ball hook. I juggled with the two methods for several weeks until I decided to just go for a hooking ball - it just looks better and seems to even be more effective. It took several more weeks before I was doing it consistently and to find a guide mark.
    Currently I'm using my mother's 12lb. Hammer, which I don't believe to be drilled to any certain specification, and has just the standard drilled holes without the fingertip inserts. My only experience with the fingertip inserts is of mixed results as my teammates fingers are slimmer than mine. I just cannot grip the ball well, but when my ball is thrown well, I get a good amount of hook on the ball, much better than the Hammer I'm usingl. I'm not sure if this is from the fingertip grip, the ball being better suited for hooking, or possibly the drilling layout. If anyone could help me figure out a good drilling layout, or maybe just give me some suggestions as to what to ask when having my ball drilled, that would be great.

    Edited for style : I am right-handed, and basically a stroker. I try to keep the ball under control, throwing with a medium pace and don't bring my arm as far back as to be parallel with the floor. I typically start on the last mark on the right side, and throw the ball straight.
    Last edited by bulldoja; 05-22-2010 at 06:53 PM.


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