Pin Length: 2.5"

Starting Top Weight: 2.74oz.

Ball Weight: 15lbs 4oz.


Dual Angle: 70/ 4.5 / 70

X Hole (if there is one): None


Straigh out of the Box


Length: 40 ft.

Volume: Medium-Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

Virtual Gravity Nano Pearl Review

What a better way to compliment what was already an amazing ball than to release a pearlized version! The Nano was an incredible ball for me, so I was very excited when I heard that Storm was releasing a Pearl version. In the short time that I have had this ball, it is already making its way into my all-time favourites list.

Being a medium-rev tweener player, I do not go out on the lanes thinking that I can overpower them with revs or high speed. That being said, I need a ball that gives me a lot of control yet can be aggressive enough when I need it. The one thing that often concerns me with pearlized balls is that sometimes they are too long or too snappy in the backend. The NANO PEARL gives the perfect combination of getting down the lane and reading the backend smoothly without being jumpy.

The thing I love most about the NANO PEARL is its versatility and the many ways I can use it on the lanes. On a fresh condition, I am able to go a little straighter but it still gives me a strong finish, and once the lanes start to open up I am able to stay with it, move in and let it fly. The NANO PEARL also provides a pretty seamless transition in the event that you need something really aggressive to start with.

DISLIKES – I only have two right now!

Storm Amateur Staff Member
T.J. Calara – Calgary, Alberta Canada.