Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 15-16mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 4.5 x 4.5 x 4 1/4

The Crossroad is drilled pin down with the cg out a little bit with no hole. I wanted to compare it with my hyroad since it has the same cover but a different weight block and the Crossroad is a lot smoother overall than the hyroad. When the back ends are crisps and I need something smooth down lane and doesn’t jump off the spot the Crossroad is the way to go. I can also play pretty straight with the Crossroad and it won’t jump off the dry like the hyroad does. For sure a controllable ball for its kind. If you have the Victory Road solid or Victory Road pearl or both you should get the Crossroad and it complements the other 2 Victory Roads perfectly. Three different looks for Three Victory Roads.

I have a video on facebook and youtube! If you have any questions about the Crossroad email me at grichardson7716@aol.com.

Garrett Richardson
Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff
The Bowler’s Advantage