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Thread: Bought a bowling book

  1. #21
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    I plan on getting The Game Changer eventually. With getting the new ball and focusing on fun I have decided to do just that. Take what I know so far and without adding anymore things to it, go out and have fun and not over think bowling. With the new ball last night in League I was 20 pins over my average and I bowled great except for a few small errors at times, most mental. So last night I decided i am sticking with what I know and will come back to soak up more information when I think I am ready to start tweaking.

    Stupid errors I did last night:
    1. Step with my right foot first even though I always step with my left foot first. Even dumber was to try and fix my approach after the misstep and not just stepping back and starting over.

    2. Throwing it in the gutter. My target is the 2nd arrow or just one board to the right of it. I lost focus and totally threw it into the gutter.

    3. Beating myself up over missing the pocket. I missed the pocket and instead of forgetting it I though about it and the next ball i overcompensated to make sure I didn't miss and missed left.

    4. Not taking my time.

    these to me are stupid mental things that I just need to overcome. I will attack this before trying to absorb more things to work on.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottymoney View Post
    Stupid errors I did last night:
    1. Step with my right foot first even though I always step with my left foot first. Even dumber was to try and fix my approach after the misstep and not just stepping back and starting over.
    Can't say I've ever started with the wrong foot, but the number of times that I've felt myself going wrong on the approach and should have stopped and started over seems almost endless. The worst was on the first ball in warm-ups my second step felt wrong like it slipped backwards. I hadn't switched the on my SSR8s back for bowling left-handed after I had bowled a few right-handed games earlier in the week. Didn't stop and start over, but did a nice face plant on the lane when my right foot stopped dead instead of sliding.

    Sounds like a good plan to just focus on executing what you know and having fun for now.

  3. #23
    Ringer AZBowla's Avatar
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    If I could tell myself only one thing when bowling it would be this: Just. Relax.

    The other night when I suddenly had my A-HA moment and my game went from embarrassing to (for me anyway) awesome, it was because I just decided to stop looking at the scoreboard so much and to just relax and throw the ball as fluidly and effortlessly as I could. Next thing I know, I'm perfectly balanced at the foul line, holding the finish all the way until the ball hit the pins and the pins were flying everywhere with each shot. It was to date the best time and most fun I've ever had bowling. It's my goal now to bowl that relaxed and at ease every time I go and to have at least that much fun if not more. After all if it ain't fun, then why do it?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    Can't say I've ever started with the wrong foot, but the number of times that I've felt myself going wrong on the approach and should have stopped and started over seems almost endless. The worst was on the first ball in warm-ups my second step felt wrong like it slipped backwards. I hadn't switched the on my SSR8s back for bowling left-handed after I had bowled a few right-handed games earlier in the week. Didn't stop and start over, but did a nice face plant on the lane when my right foot stopped dead instead of sliding.

    Sounds like a good plan to just focus on executing what you know and having fun for now.

    Yeah this was a first for me. I have never stepped wrong foot first. I was telling my wife about these blunders during dinner. She replies to me I did that before but I caught myself and was able to start over. I just told her I was bull headed and thought I could get back on track.

    I now have my thought before every ball: "Left foot first, walk straight, release up through the ball"

    And yeah it is fun time, no more researching on what to change, or to try other styles and lines. It is time to master what I know and fine tune it.

  5. #25


    I don't mean to sound mean but how did you think you could compensate for leading off with the wrong foot? 6 baby steps or 4 giant steps? I've reset just because something on my lead foot didn't feel right. I can't imagine making it through a whole approach after leading off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry and I really don't want to sound mean. Have you recently changed from a 4 step approach to a 5 step approach? Have you recently tried switching hands? My 5 step approach is so engrained that when I'm horsing around and trying to bowl right handed or when I try a 6 step approach, I have to make a conscious effort to lead off with my left foot and even than it doesn't feel correct.

  6. #26
    Ringer AZBowla's Avatar
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    Meh, we all do dumb stuff once in a while. I've actually tripped over an untied shoe lace before and dumped a ball right into the gutter. Talk about a preventable accident - the first thing I do when I walk onto the approach is look down at my feet so I can place them where on the boards I want to start from, so I should have noticed the untied shoe right away, but for some reason my mind was elsewhere and I totally spaced it. Thankfully, the only thing that went into the gutter was the ball. I could have very easily ended up doing a face or body plant into the gutter on that one.

  7. #27


    not read that book hope it helps you

  8. #28
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    It was just me being thick headed and trying to fix a mistake rather than just stopping and starting all over. And the only thing I can think of is I was concentrating so hard on keeping my arm straight all the way through the follow through and just started badly. It was completely stupid and completely my fault. Definitely won't happen again.

  9. #29
    Ringer GeoLes's Avatar
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    My coach says to do all your thinking behind the approach. (how I hold ball, how I swing, release, etc.) end with where will I stand and through which mark will I release. Stand on the approch, set your feet, walk to your mark and release the ball downlane. - Done.
    I live by three simples rules:

    1. Don't ever ask about my business
    2. Never discuss business at the table
    3. Don't ever side with anyone against the family

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