That's a great looking ball..I went to my pro shop yesterday and have narrowed my search for a ball replacement to fill the gap between my Hyper Cell and my Motiv Ascent Apex ( I know, theres plenty of space here!). Hammer Assassin, Legend, and Bad ***. I have read all your comments on these balls and you make theme all sound great. I am replacing the Optimus as my in between ball with a Hammer, never owned a hammer, just want to. However, I don't want the reaction that I got with the Optimus, for me it had a lazy arc to the pocket and when it got there is was weak. The RG and Diff. on the Bad *** is exactly the same as Optimus. You seem to love yours. My Hyper Cell is awesome with a 2000 finish in heavy oil, I once went to 4000 then polish on it and it went long and strong on medium oil, I would love to have a Hammer that with that kind of reaction on med-hvy oil. Revs up fast and turns the corner strong..My pro shop guy said either Legend or Assassin, which will give me more of an angular move instead of an arc?