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Thread: Spreading the pins conspiracy

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Spreading the pins conspiracy

    Scores have been down a couple of ticks from the norm this year across the board, there is no disputing that. I’ve already done a post about blaming the oiling machines. The latest theory I have heard is that houses are now spreading the pins out more than they are supposed to be.

    On the upside this was easy to debunk. All I had to do was simply go down to the pinsetters and take a video of where the pins are spotted on the suspected lanes of their choice. I reracked multiple times proving the pins came down to spot on. Of course, nothing is perfect but no pinsetter is going to put every pin exactly on spot every single time but they were always within the guidelines of tolerance. The pins were always either fully covering the spotting circle or on the line, well within tolerance. 1/32 of an inch is not going to effect anything to any degree. Conspiracy squashed!

    Having done this before, adjusting the spotting cells and pin deck to be 100% spot on is no easy feat. Neither would purposely doing the opposite. I find it difficult to believe that any center outside of the Peterson Classic would spend the time it takes to do this on purpose. It’s not just a quick turn of a wrench by any means. Not to mention if you had a surprise visit prompted by complaints to cause you to lose your certification.

    Come on people, scores are down because of a missed or screwed up season in 2020 and people practicing less. In addition to many newer and less experienced bowlers joining up. Not to mention us older folks have lost a step or two physically over the past couple years and we just aren’t what we used to be but don’t want to admit it.

    I guess it’s easier to blame it on shenanigans, faulty oilers and center neglect. It can’t possibly be the bowlers! LOL

  2. #2
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    I would like to add that pins being on spot is something that is routinely checked. Pins can get out of spot from wear on parts or pin jams that cause damage or someone throwing at dead wood on the pin deck causing the ball to jump into the machine and other circumstances. A damaged pin may also not set properly.

    When spotting cells, pin cups and other parts are replaced, correct spotting is checked and set if needed. That also includes when they replace all the bowling pins. Otherwise it’s definitely done prior to the yearly lane certification or they risk not passing. Again, no respectable center is going to do things like this on purpose to mess with scores.

    If they really think scores are too high they can simply choose to buy bowling pins that weigh 3 lbs. 9 or 10 oz. Vs 3.6 - 3.7 which is what MOST center get these days. Completely legal and no shenanigans required.

  3. #3
    Bowling Guru
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    When our averages go up as they have for many of us over a number of years, not so much because we have really improved our technique, but because the lanes conditions have gotten easier and we’ve bought new bowling balls that give us a better angle to the pocket, we naturally should assume that having our averages go down is the fault of someone or something else. It can’t be us😉

  4. #4
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    people always think of something outside of themselves.

    For the most part, I just smile and nod. . . but there are a few, though . . .

    some, actually look for REASONS, and as an observer, I'm happy to give my observations. You left a 4-pin, you came in just a touch heavy. . . you missed a touch left, it bellied quick and came in high. No big deal. You're leaving 10-pin after 10-pin? Look at where the 6-pin went, that type of thing.

    Others, the temper tantrums. . . I kind of enjoy poking. Leave a 5 pin - well, if you'd ENTER the pocket instead of LEAVE the pocket, you'd have picked it up. DOH! (said with a friendly smile) That kind of thing. Kicking the return isn't going to knock it down, though!


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