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Thread: Honey Badger Gold (Pearl) - Need More Length (THS)

  1. #11
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Charleston, WV
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    Let us know if it helps. The Badger is a great ball. I love my Claw. It is a lot of ball It will probably tone down some after it get 10-15 games on it too. Most balls do.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  2. #12
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hutchinson, KS
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    Balls I've thrown with a 2.57 RG or greater:

    - Brunswick Slingshot

    - Track 300A

    ......that's it.

    Similarities? Those are both entry-level balls with no power...good on dry a starter ball. Does that mean they're "bad"? No. actually, for the $55 I paid for it...the Slingshot was a great ball...for $55. Many people loved the had a nice little flare on the was decent. And, if I'm on burnt conditions...5-6 games into a tournament...the 300A does really well. Very controllable ball.

    How you got a polished Honey Badger with a 2.57 RG to overhook....I have no idea.

    What it "sounds" like to me...and please correct me if I am insinterpreting the facts...

    A) You are a beginning level bowler...and as you've been have been learning about oil transition...and how to move left to keep your ball hitting the pocket.

    B) You noticed, once you got far enough inside...with a bigger angle...your balls you were using wouldn't make the turn.

    C) You (correctly) decided you needed a ball that was stronger on the backend...but wouldn't hook too soon on transitioned lanes.

    D) You chose the Honey badger...because it was polished and Pearl and the advertisement said it goes long and has a good backend and the PSO was more than happy to sell it to you.

    E) You tried it in open bowling...on burnt conditions...and it worked quite well.

    F) On league night, instead of using it as a Ball #2/#3/ used it as a Ball #1. I get it...anxious to give it a try. It doesn't make the turn. You move right, it hooks too much. You move in, it doesn't make the turn. By the time you switch to the more aggressive balls...the lanes had transitioned...and now those balls are hooking too much.

    The GOOD that you...even as a newer bowler...kinda understood your ball motion and what was going least enough to understand lateral movement and know when the balls you were using weren't doing what you wanted them to. That's far, far better than many new bowlers that have no idea what they are doing and simply switch balls cuz they left a split and don't know why...must be the ball.

    The BAD you don't understand how the specs translate into ball movement...and you're not alone!! Amyers and I have been discussing this for a week...and we might BOTH be wrong...and Rob will come in here and give you his theories...and your PSO has his theories...and the majority of PBA pros don't "really" understand the specs...thats why they have ball reps to explain all that mumbo jumbo. If we ever got MWhite or Iceman back in this discussion...Whoa BOy!! You get Rob and MWhite and Iceman...and Aslan...all taking nonsense back and forth about the secret world of bowling ball THATs some terrifying reading!! Many an evening have been ruined when those superpowers have collided!!

    My that what you experienced when you moved in (pre-Badger purchase) was burnout. What is burnout? I dunno...I mean, I do...but it's hard to explain...just essentially it means the ball experiences too much friction to early and loses it's 'saved power'.

    To FIGHT who follows Aslan's ramblings...would ball DOWN...stay on the same line (or close depending on equipment) the ball goes longer on the burnt/transitioned lanes...saves up get a better backend reaction.

    Those two steps are great. Maybe you get a ball #3...even weaker...goes even longer...etc... Most league nights aren't 8 hours long...lanes usually don't transition that much over 3 games with 3-5 bowlers per team (but they CAN).

    The "skid/flip" about inserting a Ball #3...between Ball #2 and Ball #4...that is meant to deal with "carrydown". Some (Rob et al) will claim carrydown is a figment of older bowler's imaginations. He (Rob) is not crazy....he has some very convincing, analytical evidence supporting his case. Others will swear that carrydown is a problem and point toward the resurgence of urethane as one of the reasons why. me...and Amyers...will generally be in the middle. Carrydown 'can' exist...but it's not near the issue it was in the 1960s-1980s. The "skid/flip" ball has the length of a Ball #4...but the snap of a Ball #1. These balls are harder to control...but they can be very effective at managing a transitioned lane where carrydown has pushed some oil towards your breakpoint.

    I do not believe the Badger Pearl is a good "skid/flip" candidate...because it has too high of an RG, too low a differential, and is generally a weaker ball (per PerfectScale rating). It doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good Ball #4 or even a Ball #2...depending on your physical game and the lane conditions you bowl on. But, I've yet to see a ball with a 2.57RG, < 0.047 differential, and sub-200 PerfectScale value that was a good Ball #1 or Ball #2...not on synthetic lanes with a typical, fresh >13mph and average revs.

    If you're a 2-hander, thumbless, bowl at < 9mph, or bowl on wood lanes...then I may stand corrected...but I've watched my Track 300A on fresh conditions at 14mph with low-moderate revs...and whoa boy...better put the bumpers up if I try to play anything but up and in.

    My 2 cents...or 2 pesos...however the experts want to value them.
    Last edited by Aslan; 04-26-2019 at 01:42 PM.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #13



    Thank you so much! It's been a few months since I've been back on here. Finished our league and we are just now starting summer (as I imagine most folks are).

    I think you are spot on with regard to your analysis of my approach and where I am. That one night, as I discovered, was in part due to someone on our lane that night that is a semi-pro - his revs way surpass everyone in our league. He was coming in from the deep left across the lane to the breakpoint and able to bring it back into the pocket. He talked me later and said not to hang my hat too much on how I bowled that particular night because his line messes up everyone else. Take that for what it's worth.

    I have been trying to stick with this ball and trying to find it's spot in the lineup. When it hits the pocket, you can see it still has the energy and does a number on the pins. I did discover I had to calibrate my eyes to the lane. I'm a bigger fella and when I think I'm left in the lane, I'm really not. My left foot is on the last dot - but by the time I look where the ball actually lays down, it's about the middle. If I come in further left and lay the ball down on the lane about board 25 or 30 and aim for the breakpoint of board 8 or 9, I can get the ball to the pocket. The problem is it seems high / low - cannot get a consistent good hit out of it - leaves corner pins or splits.

    I have league tonight. I'm going to open with my Roto-Grip Disturbed with a 3,000 grit surface, and then move the Honey Badger in game 3 - but I'm going to sand it to 3,000 grit tonight (no-polish). This is summer, so going to experiment and learn more.

    Your read below was a great read. I admit I do not know enough about the RG and differential. When I bought the ball, I found a video on YouTube and a formula - a way to rank the balls with regard to weak / strong. I can't remember the link now - but I did that on my 2 balls I had, and then did it on ones I was looking at to get to the Honey Badger Gold.

    I'm not one to just go to the lanes and throw my shot over and over and hope / will it to the pocket. I want to learn. I'm too competitive to not learn and be open to concepts or help! So - again - Thank you!

    Your theory about why I can use the ball on the house lanes on weekends / practice and why I struggle in leagues is also spot on - makes sense after watching the reaction.

    A little more about me - I'm right handed / use thumb / tweener - I have more rev and can get the ball back from the break point easier than a lot of guys in our league, but revs not as much as the better guys in our league / need to work more on approach/timing as probably most newbies do in their first year / but I can be streaky and hit 7 or 8 strikes in a row - clean games are becoming more common / but doesn't take much to get me off the rails where nothing is working.
    Last edited by DHarris75; 06-18-2019 at 05:45 PM.

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