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Thread: Politcal Ramblings

  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    If you're correct, then I shouldn't have to pay car insurance. But I do. I also shouldn't have to pay a motor vehicle fee. Or tolls.
    To clarify, they can't require you to purchase a consumer product from the Government. Motor vehicle license / tolls are not consumer products.

    Obama care should be repealed as it has accelerated the already out of control health care costs that are crippling our economy.
    What should be done ? We should use the best of the solutions already in place in other countries, for example the UK, they have vastly superior treatment in every single measurable area and substantially lower cost , the cost savings would be in the 1.5 trillion area. They have universal coverage and also a supplementary elective insurance system of private clinics for those that want to and can afford extra coverage.
    Is it perfect, doubtful, is it far better in terms of cost and in terms of care than our current system YES ! If we had actual regular people in office instead of the ruling class corrupt worthless people it would probably be possible to get this type of system implemented. With the current ruling class, we have to figure what's in it for them to approve something like this and increased "donations" from the medical / drug companies to keep something similar to the current system will likely prevail.

  2. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post

    Rand Paul completely tore him apart about the targeting of ISIS family members, making concise points about constitutionality and treaties. But Trump responded the same way most Americans would respond to that, "So we have to follow the Geneva convention but those trying to kill us do not?" So, Rand Paul was totally correct...made great points...but Trump won the argument because he simply said what most Americans are saying/thinking.
    I think you hit the nail on the head, people are freaking sick of everyone trying to be politically correct, why should small groups of people be accommodated with some right that impedes the rights of millions of people, it's stupid.
    Trump is saying what average people think and that's why he has such a following. Sure there are some issues with things he says he wants to do but with a little help from intelligent advisers many of these idea's are workable.

  3. #73
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    The problem is when we look at our current situation in historical context. Usually when we've seen horrible tyrants become leaders of countries and then do terrible seems like it's always at a time of crisis when some charismatic outsider starts voicing what a nationalist majority feels.

    Adolf Hitler came to power when Germany's economy collapsed, unemployment was terrible, and they were hampered by WWI restrictions. He used that populist angst to drive out opposing politicians, strip the rights and lives of Jews, and essentially annex his neighbors. Had he not went "too far" and taken over Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands...France and Britain probably would have just let sleeping dogs ly.

    Trump is right about immigration and terrorists...but it's a slippery slope from being non-politically correct and telling it like it is...and pretty soon we're looking back at history thinking, "why did we elect such a terrible President?"

    And how bad have the choices become that even a liberal leaning moderate is thinking..."well Donald Trump is horrible...but he's slightly less horrible than the other options." I mean, both Clinton and Trump are leading the polls...yet every single poll about their likeability and trustworthiness shows that MOST Americans consider them lying, untrustworthy individuals. Something ain't working as intended!!

  4. #74
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    I honestly don't think Trump want to win. He has it made. Why would any sane person want to take on such a draining job? As to being trustworthy I don't think the American people need or should know everything that the government knows or does. What if there really is "aliens" and not the kind from Mexico. What would happen to religion if little green men started walking around the white house? What if we did have secret agreements with some of our enemies that saved lives but would make many people's head explode. Would you want to have known about the Cuban missile crisis when we were only minutes from world war III. Maybe we need a sneaky B like Hillery.

    Don't forget about the Vatican helping Hitler Catholics don't even want to hear about that now.

  5. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    The problem is when we look at our current situation in historical context. Usually when we've seen horrible tyrants become leaders of countries and then do terrible seems like it's always at a time of crisis when some charismatic outsider starts voicing what a nationalist majority feels.

    Adolf Hitler came to power when Germany's economy collapsed, unemployment was terrible, and they were hampered by WWI restrictions. He used that populist angst to drive out opposing politicians, strip the rights and lives of Jews, and essentially annex his neighbors. Had he not went "too far" and taken over Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands...France and Britain probably would have just let sleeping dogs ly.

    Trump is right about immigration and terrorists...but it's a slippery slope from being non-politically correct and telling it like it is...and pretty soon we're looking back at history thinking, "why did we elect such a terrible President?"

    And how bad have the choices become that even a liberal leaning moderate is thinking..."well Donald Trump is horrible...but he's slightly less horrible than the other options." I mean, both Clinton and Trump are leading the polls...yet every single poll about their likeability and trustworthiness shows that MOST Americans consider them lying, untrustworthy individuals. Something ain't working as intended!!
    We currently have a horrible tyrant in office, and he is using political correctness and working on his own personal agenda. We currently have an arrogant president who acts on his own through executive order, illegal agreements, and illegal activities. I think most American do think " why did we elect such a terrible president" He is Obama !
    There is little chance he is done, watch for him to attempt to take away more of our rights, he will almost certainly enact by executive order gun regulations in the next couple of months. The worst possible thing that could happen in the next election is electing Hillary ......

  6. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    I honestly don't think Trump want to win. He has it made. Why would any sane person want to take on such a draining job? As to being trustworthy I don't think the American people need or should know everything that the government knows or does. What if there really is "aliens" and not the kind from Mexico. What would happen to religion if little green men started walking around the white house? What if we did have secret agreements with some of our enemies that saved lives but would make many people's head explode. Would you want to have known about the Cuban missile crisis when we were only minutes from world war III. Maybe we need a sneaky B like Hillery.

    Don't forget about the Vatican helping Hitler Catholics don't even want to hear about that now.
    I don't think Trump originally wanted to be president but he like many Americans see a government that is totally out of touch with the people, both parties are out for themselves and the people that pay them, and those people are not the citizens of this country. He is the only one who doesn't owe anyone any favors and if he gets elected will push to reverse all the stupid things done over recent years that handicap our country. People are sick if the political correctness crap! Why do we give more rights to the criminal than to the victims of crime ? PC that's why.
    Why should we owe China millions of dollars, why is there a huge trade deficit, why do we spend nearly two times more as a percentage of GDP on health care for sub par results. The reason for all of it was stupid legislation. It goes back at least to NAFTA where we sent billions of dollars in manufacturing to Mexico. Why?
    Hillary, we need hillary like a bullet to the head.
    Is Trump perfect, certainly not, but he knows enough to surround himself with people who are experts in there fields, and he unlike hillary and obama wants to see our country prosper.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    I don't think Trump originally wanted to be president but he like many Americans see a government that is totally out of touch with the people, both parties are out for themselves and the people that pay them, and those people are not the citizens of this country. He is the only one who doesn't owe anyone any favors and if he gets elected will push to reverse all the stupid things done over recent years that handicap our country. People are sick if the political correctness crap! Why do we give more rights to the criminal than to the victims of crime ? PC that's why.
    Why should we owe China millions of dollars, why is there a huge trade deficit, why do we spend nearly two times more as a percentage of GDP on health care for sub par results. The reason for all of it was stupid legislation. It goes back at least to NAFTA where we sent billions of dollars in manufacturing to Mexico. Why?
    Hillary, we need hillary like a bullet to the head.
    Is Trump perfect, certainly not, but he knows enough to surround himself with people who are experts in there fields, and he unlike hillary and obama wants to see our country prosper.
    NAFTA was a terrible deal for the factory workers of America. No argument there, Totally a Republican backed plan...
    Why the deficate? Because Rep's won't raise taxes on the rich and do what they should "oh I forgot you can't bite the hand that feeds you"
    I agree Obama is a woose.
    He should have made Obama care cover everyone same as every where else in the world. Please don't say who is going to pay for it. I will do my share. Will you and Trump?

  8. #78
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    I think maybe switch from Fox News to CNN or ABC news or something. I'm not saying "go liberal" and watch MSNBC or PBS...but the idea that Obama is a "tyrant" is silly. Our system of government wouldn't allow "tyranny". Like any President in these modern times, he is forced to try and get things done "despite Congress" rather than working WITH Congress. And if you want to blame someone for that...look no further than the Newt Gingrich congress that worked well with President Clinton...but also started the whole "demonizing rhetoric" that has gotten worse and worse since then.

    I know it's both sides of the aisle...but Bush could get nothing done as the liberals wouldn't budge. Then Obama could get nothing done with conservatives that wouldn't budge. We're seeing extremely conservative people like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell being thrown out of office for not being tougher. We're constantly on the verge of a government shutdown. And we have a President that tries to legislate from the White House only to have some of those get overturned in the Supreme Court.

    Governing is about compromise. Fox, Rush, the freedom caucus....these groups not only refuse to compromise, but IF THEY DO, they risk losing their seat to a challenger that will paint them as "too compromising". It's an endless spiral downward. Ronald Reagan was less conservative than John Boehner...he'd have never won the Republican primary nor been re-elected if he was running today. How sad is that, the poster boy for new age conservatism...would be too far left to even bother running for the Republican nod?

    It's going to take a real tragedy, like 9/11...a large war like WWIII...or a legitimate 3rd party to fix the system. Now that we've started not only condoning, but REWARDING congress for refusing to govern...we're done. And it's so childish...that I fear how history will remember this. The House just sent a bill to the White House to get rid of Obamacare and undo many of Obama's orders. There's a 0% chance he'll sign that. So why send it? Answer: Because then they can say they did it...and get re-elected by their base. It's not about governing anymore.

    And it's why Republicans are starting to really decline. They are losing touch with the values of the country and the non-wealthy. The social issues are turning against them, which is their only real selling point to the lower classes. Without opposing gays and abortion...what can they "sell" to a person in the bible belt that is living off social security benefits? They used to sell trickle-down ecomonics...but after Newt, Clinton, and G.W....the world is now a global trickle down economics no longer works. Give a tax cut to a businessman...he closes his factory in Illinois and opens a new facility in India....pockets the remainder. But the argument is...those rich folks will spend "some" of that money on luxury those making $12,000 watches and 2 million dollar might them out.
    In Bag: (: .) Motiv Trident Odyssey; (: .) Hammer Scorpion Sting; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 186; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.4mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 181

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  9. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    NAFTA was a terrible deal for the factory workers of America. No argument there, Totally a Republican backed plan...
    Why the deficate? Because Rep's won't raise taxes on the rich and do what they should "oh I forgot you can't bite the hand that feeds you"
    I agree Obama is a woose.
    He should have made Obama care cover everyone same as every where else in the world. Please don't say who is going to pay for it. I will do my share. Will you and Trump?
    They should have modeled the health care plan on the UK system, it's ranked number one in most area's and even in choice the big sticking point it's better than our current plan. If we spent the same percentage that they do on health care for everyone that is a citizen we would save 1.2 Trillion dollars a year, so do I get a percentage of the savings ?
    The big money is being wasted / spent by insurance / pharmaceuticals / and other medical factors that spend millions of dollars to support political leaders....its the power of money.

    Don't peg me as favoring one party, they are both despicable, I am looking for people outside of politics that are not lawyers, we already know all the politicians are corrupt, there is not one who I would trust.

  10. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post

    I think maybe switch from Fox News to CNN or ABC news or something. I'm not saying "go liberal" and watch MSNBC or PBS...but the idea that Obama is a "tyrant" is silly. Our system of government wouldn't allow "tyranny". Like any President in these modern times, he is forced to try and get things done "despite Congress" rather than working WITH Congress. And if you want to blame someone for that...look no further than the Newt Gingrich congress that worked well with President Clinton...but also started the whole "demonizing rhetoric" that has gotten worse and worse since then.

    I know it's both sides of the aisle...but Bush could get nothing done as the liberals wouldn't budge. Then Obama could get nothing done with conservatives that wouldn't budge. We're seeing extremely conservative people like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell being thrown out of office for not being tougher. We're constantly on the verge of a government shutdown. And we have a President that tries to legislate from the White House only to have some of those get overturned in the Supreme Court.

    Governing is about compromise. Fox, Rush, the freedom caucus....these groups not only refuse to compromise, but IF THEY DO, they risk losing their seat to a challenger that will paint them as "too compromising". It's an endless spiral downward. Ronald Reagan was less conservative than John Boehner...he'd have never won the Republican primary nor been re-elected if he was running today. How sad is that, the poster boy for new age conservatism...would be too far left to even bother running for the Republican nod?

    It's going to take a real tragedy, like 9/11...a large war like WWIII...or a legitimate 3rd party to fix the system. Now that we've started not only condoning, but REWARDING congress for refusing to govern...we're done. And it's so childish...that I fear how history will remember this. The House just sent a bill to the White House to get rid of Obamacare and undo many of Obama's orders. There's a 0% chance he'll sign that. So why send it? Answer: Because then they can say they did it...and get re-elected by their base. It's not about governing anymore.

    And it's why Republicans are starting to really decline. They are losing touch with the values of the country and the non-wealthy. The social issues are turning against them, which is their only real selling point to the lower classes. Without opposing gays and abortion...what can they "sell" to a person in the bible belt that is living off social security benefits? They used to sell trickle-down ecomonics...but after Newt, Clinton, and G.W....the world is now a global trickle down economics no longer works. Give a tax cut to a businessman...he closes his factory in Illinois and opens a new facility in India....pockets the remainder. But the argument is...those rich folks will spend "some" of that money on luxury those making $12,000 watches and 2 million dollar might them out.
    You were the one who compared Trump as president to the Nazi regime, then you say our government wouldn't allow it. (tyranny)
    Keep in mind that the politicians are really united in keeping control of things and keeping the ruling class in power, the current politicians have largely elevated themselves to be above the law and entitled to a higher level of benefits, outsiders are not welcome, by accepting all the money both legal and other from big business, PACs of all kinds, foreign interests they have become more interested in their personal welfare than that of the country.

    It's in our best interest to elect non politicians and non lawyers to office. You pick on the Republicans as losing touch and not understanding the non-wealthy , you should be including all politicians, do you see anything but wealthy people running for office ? There is not a good guy to root for. The system of government has been bastardized over the years until it has reached this level, it is badly in need of being shaken up and change the path while it's still possible.

    Was free trade a smart option to take, did we and do we have the ability to change things, can we enact legislation where companies are rewarded with employing US workers and paying US taxes, can we enact legislation that rewards the politicians for acting in the best interest of the people and limit the ability to sit in office for 30 years, yes we can do all of these things, but not with the people in control right now. It's probably time to do away with weasels who are running things now and get a new guy in at the top to shake things up.

    Trump would not be nearly as bad as you think he would be, he's a loud mouth who talks about things people are thinking, that doesn't mean he's going to try to do all of those things, he's also not politician so he says non PC things. Just think about the crap Obama, Hillary and the other politicians say behind closed doors, probably pretty bad.

    It's a good sign that the establishment is afraid of Trump and in the end I think the people will be better served by getting more and more of the career politicians out of office, even if it's forced term limits by executive order that makes it happen.

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