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Thread: Politcal Ramblings

  1. #141
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    As far as the issue of taxes compared to demand the answer is not as clear cut as it might seem, there are many factors and many different type of businesses. Making general statements as if they are fact or apply to every business based on limited actual knowledge are simply uneducated opinion and are generally of little value.
    So I make the assumption, based on knowledge of economics, that demand and other factors are far more impactful on business decisions than taxes. You list all those factors and then claim the tax issue is unclear but obviously I have no clue since I've never ran a business of my own. You did nothing but prove my point...and make me wonder if your business owning experience might not have been that great because if you think tax increases are the part of your balance sheet you need to focus most of your effort on...that calls into question your business ownership skills.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but it's not even CLOSE. You're making one statement that taxes are a huge part of business owners making their business decisions...yet other than a gas tax affecting transportation's an absurd premise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot_pocket View Post
    I am beginning to believe you read to critique instead of understand. The term black candyland by the way is very racist and explains alot.
    My term "black candy land" was used to illustrate that blacklivesmatter is not living in "reality". Like many african Americans, there is this "chip on the shoulder" that has been passed on to them by their family and community and lack of diversity growing up. Just like redneck hillbillies that grow up hating black people even though they've never met one. It's reverse racism...but in this country we allow and in some ways celebrate reverse racism. As long as Al Sharpton, one of the most racist individuals in the country, has his own talk show on MSNBC...that speaks volumes.

    The that 99.5% (or more) of cops preserve and protect. They provide a valuable service and every one of us that finds ourselves in peril....hope that we can count on them to respond and assist us. It is not assume that because a handful of people with cell phones have taken video of occasional events...that cops are generally on some mission to gun down every innocent black person in the country is ABSURD. It's NOT reality.

    Did anyone ever apologize to Darren Wilson for ruining his career and screwing up his life due to the Ferguson incident? Doesn't Obama and Eric Cantor (also one of the most reverse-racist people to ever hold office) owe him an apology? Doesn't the continuing chanting of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" only serve to make the overall message/point ridiculous? Chanting a slogan born out of a lie? Why were no people prosicuted regarding making false statements and filing false police reports during the M. Brown shooting? Why was his father/father-in-law not prosecuted for inciting a riot by screaming into the microphone that people should burn the city to the ground? Why is it Martha Stewart lied about a stock deal and goes to jail, but Brown's hooligan friend that was an accomplice to theft, assault on a police officer, fleeing the scene of a crime, then making false statements to police....yet he's never been arrested and charged with anything.

    See, you live in "black candy land" because you don't see any of that as a problem. To you, the problem will always be white people and the raw deal blacks got dealt due to slavery. And there's now way out of way for the country to move forward....because no matter how much progress we make (i.e. 1/2 black President)....there will still be people claiming the MAN is out to get them...telling their kids if a white person disrespects you, feel free to put him in his place (and hope he doesn't have a gun). If you don't get a job, it's racism. If you have no money, it's racism. If a cop pulls you over, it's racism. Must be nice to always have a good excuse for every single thing that goes wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    Easy fix No one is allowed to have a gun out side of their home unless it locked up and in the trunk or rear of the vehicle. If a person getting arrested or stopped doesn't have a gun you can not shoot them. Sure there will be a few years to get through to the gun nuts but in the end I will feel safer going to the mall or a ballgame.
    100% agree given that criminals tend to immediately change their gun policies when new gun laws are passed.
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  2. #142
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    Aslan I agree with what you said to Hot Pockets. Add one thing. We must stop the police from covering up things the do wrong. That thin blue line must be ended. If a cop is a scumbag get rid of him and back up the 99.5%.

  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    Aslan I agree with what you said to Hot Pockets. Add one thing. We must stop the police from covering up things the do wrong. That thin blue line must be ended. If a cop is a scumbag get rid of him and back up the 99.5%.
    I was thinking about this yesterday. You are absolutely right. Much like we call on Muslims to stand up against radical Islam...we need more cops standing up to their racist and/overly abusive officersand say, "enough".

    I defend Officer Wilson due to his circumstance...but if I had to "guess"....I'm not so sure Officer Wilson didn't do something to encourage what happened. The way I see that exchange going was;

    Officer: "Hey (n-word)!! Get out of the middle of the ******* road! Learn to use a sidewalk."

    Now, that is simply a fictional storyline and I have no evidence of what the Trayvon Martin issue...we will never know the absolute truth. BUT...if it's a cop in a department that has "issues" dealing with the minority community...that's my best guess.

    However, that doesn't excuse what M. Brown did. It's that simple. And this BLM narrative that because cops are sometimes racist or profile or whatever....that it justifies unrest, violence, and civil disobedience....that is NOT what Martin Luther King fought and died for and BLM should be ashamed of itself.

    That's my opinion.

    But, who cares? I'm not black. I'm not a cop. I got enough problems of my own so...I'll let other people figure that mess out. As long as BLM doesn't get in my way at a mall at Christmas time or doesn't lay down in the freeway blocking traffic while I'm trying to get somewhere....I'm good. BUT! If they DO get in my way....and it's been a long and bad day...and I haven't smoked any weed to help "mellow" me....I'm not saying I'll just drive through the crowd....but I'm not saying I won't. It could go either way. And if I DID...I'd get charged, I'd go to ruined, etc... And the people responsible for the incident to begin with?? Probably celebrated as heroes...I dunno....seems unfair. But I'm white and male....I can't claim "unfair".

    NH Primary Predictions:

    Sanders 52%
    Clinton 48%

    Trump 29%
    Kasich 16%
    Rubio 11%
    Cruz 11%
    Bush 11%
    Christie 9%
    Carson 9%
    Fiorina 4%

    If the above happens; bad news for Republicans. It'll keep Jeb in the race. Bad news for Christie and Carson as well...they are losing their path to the Presidency. And Fiorina is just an evil non-factor hoping for the VP gig.

  4. #144
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    What about the cops in Chicago who all swore in their reports that their fellow officer shot and emptied all 16 rounds into a guy who was just walking home from doing nothing more than breaking into a few cars?

  5. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    So I make the assumption, based on knowledge of economics, that demand and other factors are far more impactful on business decisions than taxes. You list all those factors and then claim the tax issue is unclear but obviously I have no clue since I've never ran a business of my own. You did nothing but prove my point...and make me wonder if your business owning experience might not have been that great because if you think tax increases are the part of your balance sheet you need to focus most of your effort on...that calls into question your business ownership skills.
    Yes the tax issue is unclear, so you want to expand your business , of course you are aware of things like Tax Incentives. they are TAX advantages promised to companies to expand. How might that have a huge influence on your plans more potentially that only demand...

    I didn't say all companies are focused on taxes nor are the focused on demand, I just said it depends because that is the correct answer ......

    I did not prove your point because as usual your answer was finite. As most people would agree answers to more complex questions often have exceptions.

    I like how you call into question the skills of anyone who dares to call you out. I guess trying to belittle others makes you feel better about yourself ......

    I recall a time when name calling was a viable way to win an argument, I think I was ten .....

    BTW every business I have owned or run has made money ......

  6. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    What about the cops in Chicago who all swore in their reports that their fellow officer shot and emptied all 16 rounds into a guy who was just walking home from doing nothing more than breaking into a few cars?
    Obviously an officer shooting someone 16 times for breaking into a car, is way beyond a reasonable reaction and that officer has some serious problems and people like that should not be police officers.

  7. #147
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    I'm talking about the other officers who backed his story.

  8. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    What about the cops in Chicago who all swore in their reports that their fellow officer shot and emptied all 16 rounds into a guy who was just walking home from doing nothing more than breaking into a few cars?
    It says they swore he shot 16 rounds into a guy who was walking home from breaking into cars? Was that what they swore? Was that what the officer did ?

    I take it from your other comment that the other offices swore to a false account of the incident, if so then they should face some disciplinary action. No question that is we are to obey and give respect to the officers they should act in a way that deserves it.

    It's human nature to stick together but in events like this there is no question that they went way further than a slight bending of the facts....

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot_pocket View Post
    i think fordman1 is trolling...i cant accept the fact that he would be that naive.

    That's what I'm going with.
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  10. #150
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmyb View Post
    That's what I'm going with.
    I don't think so. If he's a troll, he's a rather good troll. Or a very bored troll. Trolls feed on more action than a bowling site can often offer. IMO

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Obviously an officer shooting someone 16 times for breaking into a car, is way beyond a reasonable reaction and that officer has some serious problems and people like that should not be police officers.
    How many times SHOULD a person be shot for breaking into a car?

    Am I the only one that has ever taken combat training or even seen movies where combat training is being discussed? Even a Western?? C'Mon...bowling isn't on TV near enough for that to be the excuse. It's very simple:
    1) Decision to use deadly force.
    2) Shoot to kill.

    Those are #1 and #2 and there's no #3. If you aren't going to use a gun to kill someone, you should NEVER take it out. You take out the weapon AFTER you've made the decision to use deadly force. Once that decision is ALWAYS...ALWAYS shoot to kill.

    The reason behind that is that usually #1 is justified by a fear ones own safety. So if an officer were trained to just maim a person...and they missed (because it's harder to maim than to have to aim for targets that are harder to hit)...their could be killed...because the opposition is not going to live by those same rules and guidelines.

    Now, your response could be, "Why use deadly force for car burglary?" I would assume, without reading the article, that the officer felt the person was a threat to his or someone else's safety...maybe the officer was alone and the assailant larger. I don't have the details. But my first question in cases like these have nothing to do with the police officer. My first question is, what was the person doing before getting shot? If the answer is more towards "murdering someone" and less towards "attending Sunday school"....then I'm going to have a much different view.

    Stop breaking into cars. I've never been shot even once by a cop. I've also never broken into a car. I bet there is a good correlation between not breaking into cars...and not being shot by police. How many times you are shot, is irrelevant. Cops are trained to shoot center mass and throw as much lead down field as it takes to completely incapacitate the assailant. He shot him 16 times, because he didn't have 17 shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Yes the tax issue is unclear... How might that have a huge influence on your plans more potentially that only demand...most people would agree answers to more complex questions often have exceptions.
    So your first premise was that taxes affect business decisions a great deal....then when challenged you avoid the question and claim the other person has no business knowledge and thus their opinion should be marginalized...then when further challenged with real economic claim the other person is being mean and that everything is too complex for there to be an actual I guess your answer on taxes is still a 'good' answer.

    1) Supply and Demand principles are the foundation of free market economics. They supersede what you believe, your political motivations, or how much experience you have as a shift manager at a restaurant. They are the FOUNDATION of economic principles. Anyone with actual business training or a degree in that field would understand this.

    2) A person would a business in an area where the demand for their product is low, but the supply of competitor products is high. To do so, would require not just tax policies, but actual tax incentives. And if you are arguing for tax incentives, then you are not arguing for limited arguing for a very expanded government that uses taxpayer money to circumvent the free market by "picking winners and losers". If I sell bicycles...and there's a town that wants bicycles and the town has a low supply of is a NO BRAINER that such a place would be a business opportunity. The only way tax policies would come into play is if we're talking about an extreme, almost despot type of scenario where the area had few laws, was high in corruption, low in security, and 'tax collectors' run a muck essentially 'stealing' from the businesses. That is a FAR cry from the scenario most companies face in the United States.

    3) Again, you've never answered the original question. If a person makes a 1 billion dollars a year profit...and Obamacare reduces that profit to 500 million...a profit return that cannot be duplicated in the stock market, bond market, or real estate speculation...why does that same billionaire have the moral high ground? It's the essential question Republicans can't answer. What is "enough"? Just like Democrats struggle when asked about the 'fairness' of the progressive tax system...Republicans never seem to be able to accept the notion of being "rich enough".

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    I like how you call into question the skills of anyone who dares to call you out. I guess trying to belittle others makes you feel better about yourself .....I recall a time when name calling was a viable way to win an argument, I think I was ten .....
    So, I offer a political opinion. YOU CALL ME someone who obviously has questionable business skills and has never owned a business. I DEFEND my YOUR skills into question....and I'm the 'bad' guy.

    Tony...people that live in glass houses should not throw rocks. I'm not a bully, so I will refrain from responding to you from here on out. You are out of your league in this debate and it's not a fair debate for that reason AND for the reason that apparently I have to follow certain rules or I am behaving like a 10-year old...meanwhile you break those rules and it's perfectly acceptable. Difference between a primary election and a general election. In the can be Joe the Plumber and repeat stuff you heard on the O'Reilly Factor and everyone cheers. In a general election, those myths get exposed and challenged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    BTW every business I have owned or run has made money ......
    Obviously not 'enough' money. Otherwise you'd be more like Warren Buffet and less like Joe the Plumber.

    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    ...who was just walking home from doing nothing more than breaking into a few cars?
    Really?? That's all? That poor, poor man. What kind of America do we live in where a person gets gunned down after an innocent and happy day of raping, pillaging, murdering, and stealing??

    Oh wait....this is where I get told why some laws we are allowed to break and some laws we are not. Cheating on taxes, okay. Speeding, okay. Illegal entry into the United States, okay. Breaking into cars or homes, okay. Shooting a knife wielding drugged up maniac or a 280lb Mike Brown who is going for you gun..."burn this city to the ground"!!

    Note: Regarding the city burning....also added to the list of "okays", blocking freeway traffic and rioting as well as making false statements to police officers.

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