Jackal Carnage,
I drilled my Carnage 45 X 4.5 X 60 Pin under bridge to utilize the core and cover combination. I believe this ball is well suited for players who need a ball that will allow them to play straighter angles on heavy oil or long sport patterns. This ball will play well for players with smaller rev rates as the core revs easily and maintains continuation through out the lane. This ball will also fit those with higher balls speeds and see a need for something that will give them strong heavy roll to play in the puddle. The intended use for this ball is matched well for the line up as a whole. If you need more ball than the Havoc and less down lane motion than the original Jackal. This ball is for you. Where the Havoc has some trouble with the larger volumes of oil, The Carnage will not have an issues with this at all. As a player with a heavier hand a bit slower ball speed this Carnage does not see the lane all that often. When the Carnage has seen the lane the over all motion is one that leads me to believe this ball belongs in the bag for those times when over all control is needed on longer heavier patterns.
Clayton Mohr

Motiv Staff