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Thread: Oil Pattern, The manager could care less!!

  1. #1


    i respect your right to disagree, no problem there. I personally know the people who run our local USBC chapter, and these people hate reactive bowling balls and are doing everything in there power to prevent them from being of any use. They purposely put down oil patterns that do not favor reactive resin bowling balls. They purposely put down oil patterns that favor plastic and or urethane. Do i agree with them?? No i do not, as i myself like reactive resin bowling balls, yet i cannot use them due the stupid crap our local USBC is pushing!! When I recommend a urethane bowling ball to someone who does not hook the ball, and they are bowling on dry lanes!!! Then I am not wrong in advising this, unless they are so dry that they need to use plastic!!! Sure this person can buy an entry level reactive, but why recommend an entry level reactive when they are bowling on dry lanes?? That makes no sense, but then again most do not even know what they are bowling on, so yes i was wrong assuming they knew the lanes were in fact

    So yeah go ahead and recommend reactive for dry lanes for some one who does not even hook the ball, that's surely the right answer for a beginner...smh

  2. #2


    You are only looking at the shape of the shot, not the energy retention of the ball. The only requirement that the USBC has in terms of oil patterns is that there has to be a minimum of three units of oil from gutter to gutter. When you take a urethane bowling ball without much ball speed, whether it is hooking or going straight, it will hit like a toasted marshmallow if it is set down in the dirt. The problem with lane conditions that are "too dry" is that bowlers still insist on playing blackjack: standing on twenty and hitting ten!

  3. #3
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    Post Oil Pattern, The manager could care less!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TTREX View Post
    i respect your right to disagree, no problem there. I personally know the people who run our local USBC chapter, and these people hate reactive bowling balls and are doing everything in there power to prevent them from being of any use. They purposely put down oil patterns that do not favor reactive resin bowling balls. They purposely put down oil patterns that favor plastic and or urethane. Do i agree with them?? No i do not, as i myself like reactive resin bowling balls, yet i cannot use them due the stupid crap our local USBC is pushing!! When I recommend a urethane bowling ball to someone who does not hook the ball, and they are bowling on dry lanes!!! Then I am not wrong in advising this, unless they are so dry that they need to use plastic!!! Sure this person can buy an entry level reactive, but why recommend an entry level reactive when they are bowling on dry lanes?? That makes no sense, but then again most do not even know what they are bowling on, so yes i was wrong assuming they knew the lanes were in fact

    So yeah go ahead and recommend reactive for dry lanes for some one who does not even hook the ball, that's surely the right answer for a beginner...smh
    As far I know, for the house shot the only USBC requirement is a minimum of 3 units of oil. Is your local USBC also managing the centers?
    In my experience, the people who run bowling centers want to make a profit. They want to spend money to get new customers and keep the old ones just happy enough to keep coming back. My local center, is in the midst of redoing the bar, and has put a fair amount of money into keeping the place looking fresh. Judging from the complaints I hear from my fellow bowlers, thet may have changed something to save money on oiling the lanes, either cheaper oil, less oil or not re-oiling as often as last year.

    If the manager of your center is telling you the lanes are dry because of the local association, he’s trying to blame someone else for his or the owner’s decision to go cheap on the oil.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    If the manager of your center is telling you the lanes are dry because of the local association, he’s trying to blame someone else for his or the owner’s decision to go cheap on the oil.
    ... What he said!

  5. #5


    As crazy as this sounds our local association controls what the center puts down. The manager could care less!! The owner would rather leagues go away because he makes more money from birthday parties and open bowlers!! One center only has one league and refuses to add additional leagues because they say they will lose money, again they make more money on open bowling. Again yes our local association runs this city when it comes to bowling and they dictate what is put on the lanes!!

    If you come in and start throwing strike after strike after strike after strike, no joke they will get the guy in the back to pull some tricks to stop your ball from hooking!!!! Yes they are that dirty, and in there own words they say no one can do anything about it!!! They say if you don't like it then you don't have to bowl here!!!!! They are that idiotic that they will not tolerate any outsider coming in and making the lanes look easy!!!!

    Yes I know how stupid this sounds, but i do not lie!!!! I use to be the lane man there, and they hate me because i was the only lane man/mechanic who would not take a bribe to rig games!!!! All the other staff has conformed and will take money to rig games!! and or stop outsiders, or someone who is not in there circle from coming in and making the lanes look easy and giving them too much competition!!

    They will flat out tell you that they run this town when it comes to bowling!!!!

    I have sent letters to the owners about it with nothing done about it. The owners don't care, the managers don't care and when they get a manager who does care they find a way to set him up and get him fired, such as stealing to the point that the manager loses his job!!! I have given up trying to fight it because no body will do anything about it.

    A lot of crooks in this town, con artist who will take your money and leave you with nothing and do not care if you quit. They will put down a lane condition and throw reactive bowling balls down the lanes from different brands, from heavy oil reactive's to medium to light oil reactive's and when they get it to where nothing will hook they then say...YEAH!!!! THAT"S HOW WE LIKE IT!!!!!

    They will tell you if you don't like it then you can leave!!!!! The owners are never there, they are too busy to be concerned with it, all they care about is family fun entertainment open bowling and Lazer tag...etc They are more about the serving of food and beer than the league bowlers being happy.

    Believe me many have tried to make change, but without success as they get run off!!!! I don't have the manager telling me what is on the lanes, i know these people and they flat out tell you how it is!!! I have helped the local USBC put together prize awards, sitting there listening to them complain about too many high score's cause’s them to have to buy too many of these cheap league awards.

    in there own words these are cheap awards but when you have to buy so much of it it cost too much, money, and they talk about how they must lower scoring to stop it!!! They would rather stick the money in there pocket than to have to give out awards for honor scores bowled by kids and adults who have bought reactive resin bowling balls and started shooting high numbers!! The local association hates it and will do all they can to stop it!!!

    One center owner is on board with all this nonsense, again if you don't like it, they will tell you to leave!!! The only thing I can do is sell my house and move far away where this does not go on, which i plan on doing in five years when my house is paid off. The only way for me to enjoy bowling is to move to a town where this crap does not exist!!! But sadly for now I have to deal with it, and that means I cannot enjoy bowling as long as i live here.

    As far as the lanes they switch back and forth from a flood to super dry, one extreme to the other. They purposely will put down a reverse block, they will purposely put down a pattern that is so short that a plastic ball will hook at the arrows. They will purposely put down a pattern that is so long nothing will hook anywhere on the lane from 1 board to 39 board with no back end reaction at all no matter what type ball you use!!

    Like i said its all about stopping people from shooting high score's and having high averages!!!

    It is insane!!! So for all of you who get to enjoy bowling, please have enough fun for me while you are at it

    Our local USBC teaches people to sandbag so that when you go to USBC tournaments you will have a better chance because you will have a super sized handicap!!!!! They teach people to actually do this!!!! They are for it 100% They say that no one can do anything about it!!!!

    And you know what? They are right...

    But I will stop here because this is off topic, I did not mean to hijack this thread and get off topic, I was simply trying to offer advice to someone who does not hook the ball and they claim to bowl on dry lanes. I am sorry if i was wrong with my giving advice, I thought people liked to hear various opinions from people with different experience levels, I thought putting in my 2 cents might help some one not get rip'd off by people who push certain type bowling balls to people who have not yet learned how to hook the ball, please forgive me for my interference.
    Last edited by TTREX; 10-29-2018 at 03:31 AM.

  6. #6


    Well then... This might be an interesting topic for another thread.


    If your local USBC is actually doing that, it's solidly grounds for the hammer coming down from National. I'm actually curious what the chapter is. That level of corruption and straight up rules breaking would mean a swift and immediate kick for anyone involved.

    Of course, this could all be a massive exaggeration.
    Last edited by mc_runner; 10-29-2018 at 08:52 AM.

  7. #7


    This brings the words "conspiracy theory" to a whole new level! If the center owners would rather have open bowlers than leagues, then they simply disband the leagues and with the leagues go any power that the local association has over bowling centers. The idea that the local association is dictating difficult league conditions is absurd.

  8. #8
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    I've served on both local and state USBC boards at no time have I ever and I mean ever had any input on the shot on a league nor would I expect to. I have had some input on shots but at a tournament level only even then we usually tried for a balanced playing field never anything to do with trying to favor one ball composition over another. To do so would be maddening anyway in my opinion. There are multiple styles out there as soon as you attempt to do something to favor one group you will be creating another gap somewhere else.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  9. #9


    I'll have to defer to the experts but, in my inexperienced mind, purposefully changing the house shot to take reactive balls out of play doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Is this the only spot in town? Also, are there any pro shops in town? I can't imagine that they would go along with a local group killing off a significant income stream for them.

  10. #10
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    Please explain to me why people can come on any site and accuse their assn. of things yet not put a thing in their profile. There should be some minimum data required in the profile. Location, sex, age etc. They don't have to give their name. Just give us a little back ground to see if they are making up stuff.
    That is the problem with most post on the internet. Hiding behind a key board and criticizing is easy.

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