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Thread: The Bowling Survey

  1. #101
    Ringer swingset's Avatar
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    How old were you when you started bowling?: 6

    Righty or lefty? Righty

    What's your average?: 196

    Do you own your own ball?: Hellraiser Revenge, Rapid Fire, Damage, Slingshot, Stinger, Thunderbolt, Red Hammer

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? Earl Anthony

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Saturday night league, and a virtual one.

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Columbus Square Bowling Palace

    How about your LEAST favorite?: Sawmill Lanes in Columbus, OH. Hate how they dress and maintain their lanes.

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? Yup, fun and helps me to focus on hitting my mark.

    How about with music playing?: Prefer it.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? No, I try to eat healthy and nothing there is healthy.

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? Yes, honest one too...grazed the 7 as the ball was going off the ledge and it rolled and nudged the 10.

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: No, I've hit a 298 and 299 a couple times, but it's eluded me.

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: Lots.

    Have you ever won a tournament?: Nope.

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Nope, I watch some bowling on the internet, I love P-League.

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: Nope.

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: My wife hates it when I take a date bowling.

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling? Had a wet slide foot and didn't realize it. 10th frame of a league-deciding game with a strike needed to advance I fell on my face and hit one pin. Ugh.

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 299

    The lowest?: Who knows, probably abysmal when I was a kid. As an adult never lower than 140.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: 746

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: No, I was born on Christmas...bowling alleys are usually closed.

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: A few.

    Who won?: I tend to beat my friends, who aren't serious bowlers.

    Can you hook the ball?: Yup.

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: No, most houses I've bowled at are pre-pay.

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: No, but I dated a girl in college who wore bowling shoes she walked out with. Crazy girl.

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Not hard, I don't miss it often (I shoot plastic at it)

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: Nope, just got back from bowling 12 hand is tired.

  2. #102
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    [QUOTE=kakcpa;6529]This is a little thing going around Facebook right now...thought I'd put my survey here to have some fun. If you wish to participate, cut and paste into a reply, change the answers to be yours, and then we're off and running. Here we go:



    How old were you when you started bowling?: I think three. If not that, then it was four.

    Righty or lefty? Both.

    What's your average? 196

    Do you own your own ball? Seven to be exact (Brunswick TZone, Goliath, Inferno, Columbia 300 Purple Beast, Storm Anarchy, AMF Gray Angle, RotoGrip Pearl Cell)

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? Hard to say. Probably WRW or PBIII

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Tuesday night men's league.

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Marycrest Lanes (now closed)

    How about your LEAST favorite?: Victory Lanes (still open)

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? I will walk out of a center if they turn them on while I'm there. If they turn them on during hours in which they are not supposed to have it, I will demand a refund.

    How about with music playing? Hate it. Unfortunately I have to live with it sometimes because it seems bowling centers that don't do it don't exist these days.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? I don't eat and bowl.

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? No.

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game? No.

    If not, have you seen someone else do it? Plenty of times. It seems there's one every week in league.

    Have you ever won a tournament? I've won money, but never gotten first place.

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Yes.

    Have you ever bowled on TV? No.

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins? Never happened, so no idea.

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling? Throwing a gutter ball in a tournament after throwing five in a row.

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled? 297

    The lowest? Since I've been a regular bowler, something like the 115. Had to strike out to get that.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled? 794

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley? No.

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with? I don't use Facebook.

    Who won? See above.

    Can you hook the ball? Yes.

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip? Yes.

    Ever left without paying? No.

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes? No.

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're left-handed)? Yes.

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now? No. I pulled a muscle or something last week, so I need the extra day to recover.
    Last edited by TCJ; 05-11-2013 at 03:08 PM.

  3. #103
    Ringer Judy clemons's Avatar
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    Default Bowling survey for my pin pals, bowling friends & contacts or guests


    The rules, copy and paste this to your notes, change the answers to reflect yours, tag a bunch of other people that bowl, and have get to find out more about your bowling friends!

    How old were you when you started bowling?: 8

    Righty or lefty? righty

    What's your average?: 144

    Do you own your own ball?: yes 1 plus spare

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? parker bohn

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? monday mix

    What's your favorite bowling alley?showplace lanes amf euless,tx

    How about your LEAST favorite?: n/a

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? yes

    How about with music playing?: Music doesn't bother me.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? sometimes

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? no

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: no

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: yes 4 guys in mymonday night league

    Have you ever won a tournament?:no

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Always

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: No

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: my first date with my hubby was bowling he won i was too nervous to bowl

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: i went flat on my face in the oilover the foul line i came up drenched

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 216

    The lowest?: in last 5 yrs since hooking i bowled a 98 once

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?:500 something

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: no

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: about 6

    Who won?: its been diff times with diff people

    Can you hook the ball?: I can hook the ball, and throw straight if I have to.

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: no

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: yes

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Yes, with a plastic ball, I can make the 7-pin about 97 out of 100 times.

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: yes i love bowling

  4. #104



    The rules, copy and paste this to your notes, change the answers to reflect yours, tag a bunch of other people that bowl, and have get to find out more about your bowling friends!

    How old were you when you started bowling?: Bout 7 or 8. Dont know when my first year of youth league was

    Righty or lefty? righty

    What's your average?: Last sanctioned average about 8 years ago was 170 something. Average yesterday during open bowling was a 204. You do the math lol.

    Do you own your own ball?: yes I currently own 3:
    Brunswick Aura Paranormal
    Brunswick Yellow Dot Zone
    Roto Grip Cell

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? pdw

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? None yet

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Dart Bowl

    How about your LEAST favorite?: any place with wooden lanes

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? no

    How about with music playing?: uhm....nah. don't really pay attention

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? sometimes

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? no

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: no

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: saw one guy do it in a king of the hill once

    Have you ever won a tournament?: does team event in youth city/state count? lol

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Whenever it is on

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: No

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: have never and will never take a date bowling. Never saw Bowling as a "date thing" to do

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: Bowling two straight gutters after I had sneaked off to the arcade and forgot it was my turn. My dad wasn't too pleased to find me there lol.

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 269

    The lowest?: Bowled a 108 with 4 splits after polishing the ball a couple weeks ago. That is the lowest I can remember in some time. Followed up the next game with a 213.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?:Bowled a 646 yesterday in a 3 game set so I will go with that. Sanctioned wise, its 500 something.

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: yes, actually.

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: My sister, brother, mother in law, wife, couple of other friends.

    Who won?: Usually me or my brother .

    Can you hook the ball?: So much that I've heard a few "wows" and had a couple of people shake their heads when I miss right and it comes back from the 1 or 2 board, heh.

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: no

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: nope

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Pretty easy for either side.

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: Always

  5. #105


    First posting, so figured this would get the basics out of the way...


    The rules, copy and paste this to your notes, change the answers to reflect yours, tag a bunch of other people that bowl, and have get to find out more about your bowling friends!

    How old were you when you started bowling?: 8

    Righty or lefty? righty

    What's your average?: 208

    Do you own your own ball?: yes, perl blue hammer that is about 20 years old

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? n/a

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Mixed Handicap

    What's your favorite bowling alley? n/a

    How about your LEAST favorite?: n/a

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? sometimes

    How about with music playing?: no music if in league, otherwise sure.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? never

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? yes (10th frame needed it to win the game)

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: no

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: yes

    Have you ever won a tournament?: no

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: rarely

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: No

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: I can bowl as well as my wife between my legs...

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: Had a ball stick to my thumb, go about 8 feet up in the air and land in the lane next to me

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 288

    The lowest?: 138

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: 803

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: no

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: a few

    Who won?: me

    Can you hook the ball?: Yes, yes I can

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: no

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: No

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: I'm about 4 out of 5

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: (I'd rather be sleeping right now)

  6. #106


    How old were you when you started bowling?: 22

    Righty or lefty? Righty

    What's your average?: 109

    Do you own your own ball?: Yes but I don't deserve them.

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? Mike Fagan

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Tuesday night Genie League

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Lake Bowl (only lanes for 45 mi.)

    How about your LEAST favorite?: The old Ephrata lanes, closed in the mid 80's.

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? Never done that.

    How about with music playing?: Music doesn't bother me.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? Not as of yet.

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? Nope.

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: Not even close!

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: Nope.

    Have you ever won a tournament?: Nope

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Nope, Youtube.

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: Nope.

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: Anyone I've ever dated.

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: I crash at the foul line a LOT. I had a ball skip over into another lane once. I was goofing around with friends and tried to see how fast I could throw a pink ball, 6 or 8 lbs. iirc. It caused someone else's whatchamacallit to come down and sweep the pins before they could shoot their spare. They laughed their azzes off. I got a warning from the management. Never did that again!

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 145

    The lowest?: 79 a week ago.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: 599

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: Nope.

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: A few.

    Who won?: All of them.

    Can you hook the ball?: Not yet, I haven't got my First Blood back from my pro shop.

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Read the above.

    Ever left without paying?: Once in Kent but I realized what I had done and went back and paid.

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: Nope.

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Yes.

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: No, I gotta let my ring finger heal up first.

  7. #107
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Daddy View Post

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 145

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: 599
    I assume that one of the above answers is a typo.

  8. #108


    The bottom number is. It is a misrepresentation. I read our scores wrong last time out. I think I got mine mixed up with my buddy's. Lol! Oops!

  9. #109
    What is Bowling?
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    How old were you when you started bowling?: 5 (on a league)

    Righty or lefty? righty

    What's your average?: 160 (i switched balls and improved mid season, so it's pretty low)

    Do you own your own ball?:
    Storm Byte
    Hammer Backlash

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? n/a

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Youth Handicap

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Suncoast or Goldcoast

    How about your LEAST favorite?: Orleans

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? Not really

    How about with music playing?: I don't mind it

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? Sometimes

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? No

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: No

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: Yes

    Have you ever won a tournament?: Yes

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: If I notice it's on, no usually.

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: No

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: I do!

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: Dropped the ball and had it roll behind me

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: 256 (I think)

    The lowest?: My average was 63 my first season, so there's that.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: around 640

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?: Yes

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with? maybe 3?

    Who won?: Me, with the exception of one time, by ONE pin

    Can you hook the ball?: Yes!

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: No, I pay before I play

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: Once.

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Yes!

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: I would if my thumb wasn't split open

  10. #110



    The rules, copy and paste this to your notes, change the answers to reflect yours, tag a bunch of other people that bowl, and have get to find out more about your bowling friends!

    How old were you when you started bowling?: Actually bowling leagues around 27

    Righty or lefty? Righty

    What's your average?: 192

    Do you own your own ball?: Yup bunches of em sitting in the corner and 4 in my bag

    Who's your favorite professional bowler of all time? Norm Duke

    Do you bowl in a league? Which one(s)? Tuesday night Ultimate League Broken Arrow Lanes, Wednesday night Rockwell League AMF Sheridan lanes Tulsa

    What's your favorite bowling alley? Probably Broken Arrow Lanes. Though I have always shot pretty good at both houses for the Springfield tournament and the House in Pittsburgh KS

    How about your LEAST favorite?: Pryor Lanes Pryor OK old wood and needed to be resurfaced 10 years ago

    Do you like bowling with the "cosmic" lights? Been a long time since I tried

    How about with music playing?: Music doesn't bother me.

    Do you like to order food from the snack bar while you bowl? Not normally the bowling alley food around here sucks and is way overpriced

    Have you ever made the 7-10 split? Many times ive picked it up aiming at either pin

    Have you ever bowled a 300 game?: 5 all are in unsanctioned tournaments

    If not, have you seen someone else do it?: I've seen countless people bowl 300 games.

    Have you ever won a tournament?: Sweepers several Ive cashed in abunch of open tournaments

    Do you watch bowling on TV?: Not normally I dont have cable

    Have you ever bowled on TV?: Only if you count recording yourself and watching it to see what your doing wrong.

    When you go bowling on a date, who usually wins?: Whats a date

    Any embarrassing moments happen while you were bowling?: Embarrassing things only happen to other people

    What's the highest game you've ever bowled?: Refer to the "Have you ever bowled a 300 game?" question above

    The lowest?: In a have a ball league this past summer (Brunswick Meanstreak) we were playing low ball and I had a few sub 100 games.

    What is the highest three game set you ever bowled?: Sanctioned League 747

    Ever had a birthday party at a bowling alley?:Kinda my birthday is New Years Eve so I have went and bowled color-ama on my bday several times.

    Which of your Facebook friends have you went bowling with?: Whats facebook

    Who won?: Between who

    Can you hook the ball?: Yes

    Do you use a ball with a fingertip grip?: Yes

    Ever left without paying?: Normally you have to prepay so no

    Ever walk out while still wearing the bowling shoes?: Dont think so

    Do you think it's easy to make the 10-pin (7-pin if you're lefthanded)?: Yes i can make it 9 out of 10 with any ball I own.

    Lastly, wanna go bowling right now?: I always wanna go bowling.

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