Makeup - Burnt lanes SUCK. We found out, too late, that we could pay the center $10 to get a fresh shot laid out for us . . . but we didn't so we got party lanes. Ball hooked in the front half of the lane and then . . . just went straight after. Not enjoyable.

Game 1 - still figuring things. Nothing is hooking in the back ends, trying loft to get it further down and not hook off my hand, which THAT worked for THAT but not to hook in the ends. Using the extreme right (like outside of 5) works but only to set and roll. REALLY inconsistent. Hard to gauge. . . but at least I was only leaving singles . . . until the 9th when I left a big-4. Crap - 177. I THINK we took the point.

Game 2 - STRUGGLE for 1-3. Then get something going and save it 171. I think we took the point.

Game 3 - I've got SOMETHING . . . not much and multiple brooks, but at least it's something. Did very well until 10th when I left a 5-10. 212.

Overall, not a fun experience. Our fan was the only one without a little chain so we couldn't turn it up and I left my own fan at home. SMH. Sweating like a . . . really sweaty thing. Wife would NOT hug me! LOL