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Thread: Video coach

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Westminster, Co.
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    Default Video coach

    In another thread I asked about inviting anyone with insight from whom I can better myself at bowling.

    Many gave their input with what they have gained from experience.

    I would love to hear from those that think the following idea is a good one, or have used this aspect before.

    While looking at some videos of different bowling ball’s lane reactions I came away thinking about the prospect of using the video camera taping me from the back.

    After doing so for a number of games, I saw some very ugly errors I was very unconsciously doing in my approach. I could have been honest to say that I had a good handle on many aspects of the approach, but when looking at the tape I made of me bowling, heaven forbid I was a mess at it.

    Incorporating this type of coaching I found that I was bowling a little better.

    What are your ideas.

  2. #2
    Bowler owlish's Avatar
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    Smile here's some input

    If you have the funds check out MBC. They have a deal where you video cam your approach and they analyze it for $99. I haven't done it yet but plan to once I get over my injury. I subscribe to the site and I'm telling ya it's been the best $6 a month I've ever spent. Serious coaching that applies to my game and I can watch video lessons, MP3 lessons and handouts to read and take quizzes as well.

    If you really got the money and time head to Bowling Institute of Technology & Research. For some dough you can have a partial day, half-day or full blown coaching by the best in the world, period. They have cams all over the place and can kinetically analyze your approach/style.

    I haven't done the full boat lesson but plan to this year or next at the latest. I suppose it depends on how serious anyone is about the sport.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Westminster, Co.
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    Default Very good suggestion


    I just visited MBC and found the site, and your suggestion, a very good one. For that 60 bucks I think is a good investment for learning to be a better bowler.

  4. #4
    Bowler owlish's Avatar
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    Tyler TX
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    Default I like the Monthly payment plan

    $5.95 US a month and you can stop anytime. Cannot beat unbiased, well-tested advice.


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