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Thread: First 500 Series.. Time to get a ball!

  1. #1
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    Default First 500 Series.. Time to get a ball!

    Hey bowling boards!
    First time poster.
    A little background about me. I have been bowling on and off since I was 6. At 11 I joined a league for 3 seasons, earned a little money for college then quit. I justed used the money I got from my league and am enrolled in a bowling class. The first 2 weeks have been practice. First week was a 435 series and today was a 510 series.
    First game
    x 7/ 9/ 7- x 9/ 9/ x x 9/6 = 187
    Second game
    9- x 8/ 7- 81 9- 8/ 71 7/ x9- =135 ( I was in a mental rut and coundn't pick up my frames
    Third game
    9/ 9- 7/ 8/ 9- 9/ 8/ x x 8- = 188
    I had potentialy 2 200 games but couldn't get a strike my final ball.
    These games were bowled with house ball and my dexter shoes.
    I have been bowling on the second dot with a 3 step approach with an occasional baby step to get me to where I need to be. I throw with the slightest curve but blame the lack of spin on the plastic house ball.
    After the series my instructer congratulated me and worked with me. I was bowling on the second dot to the right and have moved over 1 to the left (where I used to start at) and am releasing at the second arrow.
    My question to the community is:
    Should I learn a 4 step approach?
    What brand ball would you suggest for my experience level?
    I would like to get some more movement into my throw, and even though I get good pin action, I would like to improve this even more.
    Looking foward to hearing your answers.

  2. #2
    Bowling Guru
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    In theory, a four or five step approach will make it easier to keep your swing in time with your steps. If you watch the pros, they all seem to use four or five steps. I've seen an old video clip of Earl Anthony demonstrating a three step, and a tournament on ESPN classic where Mike Durbin used a three step and lost. Now is the time to switch before you get set in your ways.
    As for what ball to get, I would suggest a reactive resin coverstock with a symmetric core and drilled with a fingertip grip. The symmetric core will make you learn how to release it properly to make it hook the way you want. The fingertip grip will give you more revs. The reactive resin will give you a stronger reaction down the lane.
    Glad to hear that you're getting instruction.
    p.s. I've been using a three step approach for 35 years. I should probably change to get my game to the next level, but I'm afraid of messing with what works.

  3. #3
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    420, and Palmer, huh? Me, too. Anyway, I was taught the 4 step when I was a kid and I stuck with that most of my life. A coach I truly beleive in, Ron Clifton, suggested I go to 5 steps for a multitude of reasons, and it has helped my game. Pick a company for whatever reason, and look at their mid priced line. Those balls, basically, were top of the line not too long ago and work fine. Ask your instructor what he'd recommend for the conditions you bowl on. As Jay said, reactive resin, symmetrical core and fingertip drilled. That's how you get to the next level. Best of luck, and keep us informed. Happy trees!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kev3inp View Post
    420, and Palmer, huh? Me, too. Anyway, I was taught the 4 step when I was a kid and I stuck with that most of my life. A coach I truly beleive in, Ron Clifton, suggested I go to 5 steps for a multitude of reasons, and it has helped my game. Pick a company for whatever reason, and look at their mid priced line. Those balls, basically, were top of the line not too long ago and work fine. Ask your instructor what he'd recommend for the conditions you bowl on. As Jay said, reactive resin, symmetrical core and fingertip drilled. That's how you get to the next level. Best of luck, and keep us informed. Happy trees!
    Gotcha Kevin, I'm John not Jay. I suppose I should sign my posts so you don't assume they are from Jay, who actually knows what he's talking about.

  5. #5
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    OK, confuse me. LOL! I recently learned Jay's name was John. What?

  6. #6
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    Oops! We're both named John. I guess you will have to to look at the averages. I'm the one with the sport average that's higher than his regular average.

  7. #7
    High Roller Stormed1's Avatar
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    There are a lot of "entry" level balls that are great pieces for "cheap" money vout right now. Columbia Freeze, Hammer Backlash & Vibe, Roto Dark Star & Riiot, Storm Tropical Heat Track 300c, Brunswick Slingshot & Avalanche, Ebonite Curve & Hard Ball
    Still love the game but had to quit because of my left leg amptation
    High game 299 x 5 High sanctioned series 805 (1989)

  8. #8
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    We just got Slingshots through our summer league and I'm impressed. Won't move much in oil, but it's sweet in the dry.

    And I'll have to remember the averages and the space in the screen name. Maybe gingko biloba is right for me.


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