Quote Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
Here is a link for you on the proper release from the Kegel Training Center. If you watch this video you don't have to loft the ball to make it work. If you do have to loft the ball then you are using a wrong ball for the lane condition you are bowling on. In this video the pros are just laying the ball onto the lane like a plane making a smooth landing. They also don't turn their hand much to get rotation on the ball. Like the instructor in the video says less is more. Try this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fo29U0iXd8.
Ok, that is a good video. I am also going to practice with a towel on the lane also. I just have to get my mind right when I bowl. I almost feel as if I wait until my slide foot to turn the ball and let go I will pull it. Most of it is mental. But like I said, the other day I rolled 5 games and averaged 195. Not bad for practicing after 3 weeks after being out of bowling for 7 years. I'm just not sure how I got into that habit. On the positive note, I am gaining my confidence back in bowling, which can go a long way.

As for the wrist support, I am going to hold off, but it just bugs me that my release point and the inconsistency I have in my hook from time to time. My dad uses the Kobra and he recommends them to anyone who is interested in one. I think he has been using that model for 15 years or so. Maybe even longer.

What I did the other day was

-Stood more upright when releasing
-Opened my hand outward on backswing
-Lead with pinky/ring finger on dowswing
-Slowed my feet down

It seemed to help, or I felt as it did to get the ball out on the lane a little more.