View Full Version : the best tip ever to tell if u power your ball

07-22-2013, 04:41 PM
by power i mean muscle but lets get down to the tip right when you start to go on your approach ball movement or step how ever you start begin humming you will def notice a difference if you but remember EVERY one does muscle the ball to some point like me mines right on my release is when i muscle the ball try it one time and let me know what you find out about your self

07-22-2013, 04:59 PM
You're correct when you say that every one muscles the ball at some point. The point that you want should be at your release point. I call it "the explosion point". That's the only spot where you should be using any force whatsoever and that's just to push the ball out onto the lane and to rotate the ball with your wrist and fingers. Before that "point" ist should be all gravity. Easy to say, somewhat hard to accomplish, but when you do finally achieve it your "lightbulb" will go on and you'll feel it. That's what you want, is to feel it.

07-22-2013, 05:03 PM
You're correct when you say that every one muscles the ball at some point. The point that you want should be at your release point. I call it "the explosion point". That's the only spot where you should be using any force whatsoever and that's just to push the ball out onto the lane and to rotate the ball with your wrist and fingers. Before that "point" ist should be all gravity. Easy to say, somewhat hard to accomplish, but when you do finally achieve it your "lightbulb" will go on and you'll feel it. That's what you want, is to feel it.

howdy bob long time

a good way to go about this is think of your swing as a swing set you know how u get to the top and you kinda float thats what u want =D

07-22-2013, 05:04 PM
And that's a ver good example. It really should float, just as long as you can get the rotation at the end of the swing with just a little punch.

07-22-2013, 07:01 PM
Oh I could really get things going here so I will.

How can you cup your wrist without any muscles being involved? You can't. The forearm flexor is contracted which is controlled by the bicep brachaillais (sp).
When the arm is straight the triceps is contracted, not relaxed. Bent the triceps are relaxed while the biceps are contracted. So that means no matter how you hold your arm, there is muscle tension.
I will wait for another time to get into the three parts of the shoulder.

So what I'm saying is the swing should be as tension free as possible but understand, there is some tension in the arm at all times.

07-22-2013, 07:12 PM
are you talking cupping before u start or at the top of your swing

if at the beginning you should have a steady humm if at the top then u will here the increase
i also said everyone muscles the ball

07-22-2013, 07:27 PM
Oh I could really get things going here so I will.

How can you cup your wrist without any muscles being involved? You can't. The forearm flexor is contracted which is controlled by the bicep brachaillais (sp).
When the arm is straight the triceps is contracted, not relaxed. Bent the triceps are relaxed while the biceps are contracted. So that means no matter how you hold your arm, there is muscle tension.
I will wait for another time to get into the three parts of the shoulder.

So what I'm saying is the swing should be as tension free as possible but understand, there is some tension in the arm at all times.

I agree, but you can bet that if your elbow is bent you don't have a "free swing" which is considered a "muscled swing".

I plan on trying the humming thing as it sounds interesting...my coach says I have a really nice "free swing" (one less thing I don't have to worry about so much).

07-22-2013, 08:40 PM
Th only time I muscle through (I hope) is the instant after my thumb comes out and my fingers have all the ball weight

07-22-2013, 09:31 PM
Bowling seems to have incorporated the term muscling for forcing and accelerating. When the thumb comes out is where you want to accelerate at. Even pushing the ball out, the pushaway, requires the use of muscle. So in reality a free swing is actually one that is smooth and effortless with no unneeded extra force.

Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. Make my OCD kick in.

07-23-2013, 07:57 AM
I know I put way to much power on mine most of the time. Too much speed not enough revs and I miss the head pin. Then I adjust for lower speed and I brooklyn. Guess it comes with the territory of being a noobie.

07-23-2013, 11:40 AM
Bowling seems to have incorporated the term muscling for forcing and accelerating. When the thumb comes out is where you want to accelerate at. Even pushing the ball out, the pushaway, requires the use of muscle. So in reality a free swing is actually one that is smooth and effortless with no unneeded extra force.

Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. Make my OCD kick in.

The thing is though, a free swing means you aren't muscling the ball through the swing. No one is talking about using muscles to hold the ball when talking about not muscling the ball.

07-23-2013, 11:44 AM
I think Bilf is just going on the literal terms of muscling the ball. What my former boss would say, "Words have meanings." Technically you are muscling the ball by doing anything with it. I always think of muscling the ball as just putting to much force behind it.

07-23-2013, 01:26 PM
I've always considered Muscling the ball to mean when you 'Force' the ball.


Pulling the ball down into the backswing vs allowing it to fall/hinge into it.
Pulling the ball higher at the top of the backswing or holding it in that position instead of gravity controlling the height.
keeping the elbow bent or bending it mid swing
pulling 'up' on the ball at release vs. through the ball in plane with the swing.

Things like that.