View Full Version : YOUR short list for who you want on YOUR bowling show!

12-12-2013, 01:14 PM
Got this idea from another thread and decided not to hijack it. Here's the jist:

I will be winning the lottery soon...if God stops hating me...and I plan to have a 2-lane alley in the mansion. If this comes to fruition...I also plan to have a new internet bowling show where I invite a bowler from this site to come out and talk bowling for 10-20 minutes in an interview...then bowl against me on my lane. I'll also invite others like pros and people from my league and various others...it'll be a much more casual type of show for the everyday bowler. My biggest hopes as far as possible guests (Top 10 format):

1) John Goodman- dressed as Walter from the Big Lebowski
2) Jeff Bridges- dressed as "The Dude" from the Big Lebowski
3) Steve Buschemi
4) Barry Sanders- don't know if he bowls...but I'd *h*t myself to get to have Barry come on my show!
5) Joey Kocur- my all-time favorite Red Wing!
6) Chris Hardwick
7) Walter Ray Williams- and he's giving me a 74 pin handicap per game!
8) John Torturro- In his purple Jesus outfit from the Big Lebowski
9) Bill Murray- hopefully bowling with a replica of the ball he used in "Kingpin".
10) My Uncle...he's a really good bowler.
Honorable Mentions: 11) Jimmy Dale Gilmore- The musician/actor who played "Smokey" in the Big Lebowski...and every single time he rolled I'll yell "Over the Line!" and 12) Woody Harrelson

Iceman came in at #16 behind Randy Quaid, Steve Yzerman and Nick Lidstrom. Mike White came in at #18 behind Barry Asher.

So whats your "Top 10 List" if you had your own internet bowling show???

12-12-2013, 02:42 PM
What number did I come in?

And Woody Harrelson honorable mention? MFP - he made Kingpin the movie it was. He should be top 3.

Joe Kocur is a great choice. Harold Snepts would be a better choice.

12-12-2013, 07:04 PM
did i come in as number 27 that's my lucky number

my list is from 1-100 random people pulled from a hat.

yes, yes iceman i'm putting your name in there 50 times

12-12-2013, 07:18 PM
Jason Belmonte

Is that a short enough list for you?

12-13-2013, 01:00 PM
Jason Belmonte

Is that a short enough list for you?

He's on my short list of people NOT invited...and if he does come...he has to bowl like a normal respectable American bowler...not like some teenager under a black light. AND...because he's an Aussie...he'll have to endure typical annoying American questions about Koalas and Kangaroos. On second thought...I might just invite him to annoy him.

12-13-2013, 01:04 PM
What number did I come in?

You'll get invited eventually when I run out of good guests. All of my "fans" here on bowlingboards will eventually be invited...but you're gonna be after Iceman (due to his celebrity status), Mike White, Bowl1820, and Bunny...fo sho. So...just chill and wait your turn. I know you're looking for ANY excuse to escape Michigan...and I understand...but you'll get your turn eventually.

12-13-2013, 01:05 PM
The problem guest is gonna be Buschemi...I'm thinkin due to his immense popularity right now...gonna be tough to book him. : (

12-13-2013, 01:27 PM
Got this idea from another thread and decided not to hijack it. Here's the jist:

I will be winning the lottery soon...if God stops hating me...and I plan to have a 2-lane alley in the mansion. If this comes to fruition...I also plan to have a new internet bowling show where I invite a bowler from this site to come out and talk bowling for 10-20 minutes in an interview...then bowl against me on my lane. I'll also invite others like pros and people from my league and various others...it'll be a much more casual type of show for the everyday bowler. My biggest hopes as far as possible guests (Top 10 format):

1) John Goodman- dressed as Walter from the Big Lebowski
2) Jeff Bridges- dressed as "The Dude" from the Big Lebowski
3) Steve Buschemi
4) Barry Sanders- don't know if he bowls...but I'd *h*t myself to get to have Barry come on my show!
5) Joey Kocur- my all-time favorite Red Wing!
6) Chris Hardwick
7) Walter Ray Williams- and he's giving me a 74 pin handicap per game!
8) John Torturro- In his purple Jesus outfit from the Big Lebowski
9) Bill Murray- hopefully bowling with a replica of the ball he used in "Kingpin".
10) My Uncle...he's a really good bowler.
Honorable Mentions: 11) Jimmy Dale Gilmore- The musician/actor who played "Smokey" in the Big Lebowski...and every single time he rolled I'll yell "Over the Line!" and 12) Woody Harrelson

Iceman came in at #16 behind Randy Quaid, Steve Yzerman and Nick Lidstrom. Mike White came in at #18 behind Barry Asher.

So whats your "Top 10 List" if you had your own internet bowling show???

Thanks for putting me ahead of Mike White, but shoulden't I be above your Uncle?? Do I need to have a bowl off!!!!!
I am trying like hell to get a one time 100,000 bucks, challenge with Jason/Bowula/The Dude, before I do my Christmas shopping!!!!

I think he is light on cash at the present time!!!!

What do you do for a living besides write on this website,, lol,,, ??

I am retired, but you? Your only almost 40, where do you get the time to write such long....LONG threads?
Why not put those skills to work and write for Hustler magazine?? I think it would be right up your ALLEY!!! LOL

Then you wouldn't have to ((((hold your breath in hopes of winning a lottery)))) LOL
Iceman will probably MELT before you win that money!!!

12-13-2013, 02:00 PM
Iceman will probably MELT before you win that money!!!

I do NOT appreciate the lack of confidence. I NEED to win the lotto. I'm taking a break from poker...so there goes my chance of getting rich that way. And you've SEEN me bowl...so that remains just a "frustrating hobby". So lotto is my only ticket to a mansion with an alley.

And my Uncle is a better bowler than even the Iceman. Granted...he's been bowling for roughly 50 years...so he had a head start...but still.

12-13-2013, 02:08 PM
I do NOT appreciate the lack of confidence. I NEED to win the lotto. I'm taking a break from poker...so there goes my chance of getting rich that way. And you've SEEN me bowl...so that remains just a "frustrating hobby". So lotto is my only ticket to a mansion with an alley.


good luck!

12-13-2013, 06:24 PM
I do NOT appreciate the lack of confidence. I NEED to win the lotto. I'm taking a break from poker...so there goes my chance of getting rich that way. And you've SEEN me bowl...so that remains just a "frustrating hobby". So lotto is my only ticket to a mansion with an alley.

And my Uncle is a better bowler than even the Iceman. Granted...he's been bowling for roughly 50 years...so he had a head start...but still.

2 bad he doesn't live in my neck of the woods!! YOU might think he is better then Iceman,,, but I have this ability to rise to the occasion!!

Buy him a ticket to KCI airport,,, I will pick him up, take him to the bowling alley, beat him, then put him on a flight back to Where Ever he lives!! One GAME,,, One Winner..... The Iceman!

J Anderson
12-13-2013, 09:28 PM
2 bad he doesn't live in my neck of the woods!! YOU might think he is better then Iceman,,, but I have this ability to rise to the occasion!!

Buy him a ticket to KCI airport,,, I will pick him up, take him to the bowling alley, beat him, then put him on a flight back to Where Ever he lives!! One GAME,,, One Winner..... The Iceman!

Sorry Michael, but a single game where one person has 'home lane' advantage isn't a fair test. Three game set, one point per game plus one for total wood, fourth game for tie breaker if necessary.And of course you'll be bowling scratch!

12-13-2013, 10:15 PM
Sorry Michael, but a single game where one person has 'home lane' advantage isn't a fair test. Three game set, one point per game plus one for total wood, fourth game for tie breaker if necessary.And of course you'll be bowling scratch!

Don't worry Iceman of little faith. I'm sure when I win my millions…I can afford a first class ticket for you and my uncle to fly to Reno and bowl in the only stadium that matters…the national bowling stadium. That way there's no "home Ice advantage". After seeing the inflated scores you and Jaescrub have been rolling…I need to get you on an alley that is flat.

But don't worry…you still have a shot to bowl against me scratch in my own personal lanes in my mansion when my internet bowling show gets up and running. I figure other than Walter Ray…since it'll be my home field…it's not fair to ask for handicap…even from the greatness that IS the Iceman!!

12-13-2013, 11:17 PM
This is going to be a meeting of Two bowling warriors, Aslan, and E=mc/squared,,, I mean E tank,,,, I think!!

You both live in the same area, probably not more then 30 1/3 miles apart! Exchange with one another your where abouts, and lets RRRRRRUUUUUUUBMMMMLLLLEEEEE! (that's rumble for those of you that R seeing impaired)!

ICEMAN is putting up the money that WILL BE MAILED to the WINNER! It has to be scratch!! Neither one of you have posted your USBC numbers, and frankly ICEMAN has been fouled before, by a bowling god on this site!

Remember this my two good friends,,, on ( ANY GIVEN DAY, A MAN CAN INSPIRE TO GREATNESS!)

Lets do this before Christmas,,,, I will mail the $5000.00 mm to the Victorious Winner who will be praised and glorified on this web site by millions!!

THE DATE __________________X E-tank______________________ X Aslan_______________________

the winner will get to pay Iceman $5000.00
Aslan's mother will put this all on vedio so all of us can see this magnificent duel to the 10 frame!!
Shoot out at the AMF Coral!! High NOON!! Damn,,, I just wish I could be there in PERSON!

12-14-2013, 12:08 PM
Well…scratch IS a bit unfair IF e-tank's average is truly 199. But as long as the venue isn't his home rink…I'd be game. If for nothing else, to provide entertainment to the bowling boards.com community that has loved and embraced me. Wait… Well, still.

Okay e-tank…Iceman has cyber peer pressured us and it worked on me (because I'm feeble and weak and need his acceptance)…lets see if it will draw out the mysterious "e-tank" who is hiding in what is considered by most to be the best place in the US to live…despite finishing Top 10 in cost of living…the great city of San Diego…where the mayor may put women in a headlock and grab their hoots…but at least he's not on crack (we think).

12-14-2013, 01:38 PM
Well…scratch IS a bit unfair IF e-tank's average is truly 199. But as long as the venue isn't his home rink…I'd be game. If for nothing else, to provide entertainment to the bowling boards.com community that has loved and embraced me. Wait… Well, still.

Okay e-tank…Iceman has cyber peer pressured us and it worked on me (because I'm feeble and weak and need his acceptance)…lets see if it will draw out the mysterious "e-tank" who is hiding in what is considered by most to be the best place in the US to live…despite finishing Top 10 in cost of living…the great city of San Diego…where the mayor may put women in a headlock and grab their hoots…but at least he's not on crack (we think).

Is E-tank man enough to face the LION!! I have decided YOU Aslan should have the choice of lanes since his average it Reported to be 199!! And your average shall we say is,,,, less then the atomic weight of a goose feather molecule!

I admire your courage Aslan!!! To dream the impossible dream will be the Theme of this joist!

Bunny the two ball winning person you admire will do the vedio! Thanks for saying you will be a part of this bowl off!http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/etank_zps389dc9f7.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/etank_zps389dc9f7.jpg.html)http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/e5f6833a-b0ed-49d1-b9e6-c8ed58104dac_zpsfb1f20bc.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/e5f6833a-b0ed-49d1-b9e6-c8ed58104dac_zpsfb1f20bc.jpg.html)
Tank about this BATTLE!

Or R they both just LION!! LOL

12-16-2013, 04:48 PM

Yeah Ice...this is the equivalent of you asking Bill F. to bowl you...it's not gonna happen. Like I said, e-tank has too much to lose and not enough to gain. Even IF...his non-sanctioned imaginary average IS even close to 199...even no-tap...and he has an off night and I roll heavy...then he will forever be known as the kid who said he had a 199 average, then rolled 116 against Aslan...which proved he was a fraud. And if he wins, he gets..."congrats...you beat a career 137 average bowler scratch despite a 62-pin advantage in average." See what I mean? He has nothing to gain.

Think of it like this ICE...lets say the lovely and talented Mrs. Claus/Iceman met a 13-year old boy and that 13-year old boy developed a crush on her (who wouldn't right?). And one day...he shows up at your door and challenges you to a fight, winner gets the girl (Mrs. Ice). You would have ZERO incentive to ablige him. If you win...which you have a 99% chance of due to doubling him in size and muscle mass...all you did was beat up a child for a woman you ALREADY HAVE. But...if you lose...that 1% shot that he hits you square and just right...and knocks you out cold. You just got beat up by a 13-year old. Your wife may stay with you...but she'll lose all respect for you because you couldn't even protect yourself/wife/home from a small child.

That is why e-tank will require more incentive...or at least more "peer pressure". He has to "get something out of it" since beating someone who is almost certainly a worse bowler does him no good.

12-16-2013, 11:37 PM

Yeah Ice...this is the equivalent of you asking Bill F. to bowl you...it's not gonna happen. Like I said, e-tank has too much to lose and not enough to gain. Even IF...his non-sanctioned imaginary average IS even close to 199...even no-tap...and he has an off night and I roll heavy...then he will forever be known as the kid who said he had a 199 average, then rolled 116 against Aslan...which proved he was a fraud. And if he wins, he gets..."congrats...you beat a career 137 average bowler scratch despite a 62-pin advantage in average." See what I mean? He has nothing to gain.

Think of it like this ICE...lets say the lovely and talented Mrs. Claus/Iceman met a 13-year old boy and that 13-year old boy developed a crush on her (who wouldn't right?). And one day...he shows up at your door and challenges you to a fight, winner gets the girl (Mrs. Ice). You would have ZERO incentive to ablige him. If you win...which you have a 99% chance of due to doubling him in size and muscle mass...all you did was beat up a child for a woman you ALREADY HAVE. But...if you lose...that 1% shot that he hits you square and just right...and knocks you out cold. You just got beat up by a 13-year old. Your wife may stay with you...but she'll lose all respect for you because you couldn't even protect yourself/wife/home from a small child.

That is why e-tank will require more incentive...or at least more "peer pressure". He has to "get something out of it" since beating someone who is almost certainly a worse bowler does him no good.

Where do you get these weird analogies, me fighting a 13 year old for my wifes hand!

I change my mind,,, I vote YES!!!

In reality you and him just might be on the same mental level!!! So a very fair bowling challenge!!

But he did back out... so .... ((((((don't you wonder if he is for REAl?????:rolleyes:) maybe like the only bowling god on this site???

I NEVER BACK DOWN,,, Pete Weber,,, are you out there!! Come try the ICEMAN on my turf!!! Not that block set up for tv sports stuff!!

12-31-2013, 02:48 PM
...he has to bowl like a normal respectable American bowler...not like some teenager under a black light.

Wait....What? What exactly do you have against his style of bowling? Why is it wrong just because you cannot do it or think it's unconventional? Ridiculous.

12-31-2013, 05:30 PM
Wait....What? What exactly do you have against his style of bowling? Why is it wrong just because you cannot do it or think it's unconventional? Ridiculous.

Oh…hello dead horse…let me grab a sledge hammer….I'll be right back.

Sorry kiddo, I know you're new…so you won't get the joke…but essentially I am not a huge supporter of 2-handed bowling. But believe me…I've taken heat for it. So I'll spare the site that discussion again…feel free to PM me if you want to converse about it. Or…just hate me for my opinion…whatever. Either way.