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View Full Version : Ball for fast roller???

10-12-2009, 09:45 PM
I'm in need of a ball that will hook when rolled at higher speeds 18+ mph...any ideas whats a good high speed roller learning to hook ball?

10-12-2009, 10:57 PM
One of the more aggressive balls; the virtual gravity, jigsaw, etc. should hook well at 18mph if you throw it with good rpms, but if you're just learning to hook then it will be pretty hard to hook even an aggressive ball at 18mph unless the lanes are bone dry

listen to that guy

10-13-2009, 12:56 AM
With higher speed you will need an agressive layout and surface to slow the ball down and allow it to hook. All the manufacturers make balls that will work with surface adjustmentsBut Since it sounds like you are still learning there is no reason to go with high end equipment untill you get a consistant release. Brunswick Copperhead , Columbia Noize , Ebonite Lanebreaker , 900Global Maniac , Hammer burn, Nomad solid, Furious or t-road solid all would work with surface adjustments to 1000 or 2000 abralon and agressive drillings

10-13-2009, 08:11 AM
With higher speed you will need an agressive layout and surface to slow the ball down and allow it to hook. All the manufacturers make balls that will work with surface adjustmentsBut Since it sounds like you are still learning there is no reason to go with high end equipment untill you get a consistant release. Brunswick Copperhead , Columbia Noize , Ebonite Lanebreaker , 900Global Maniac , Hammer burn, Nomad solid, Furious or t-road solid all would work with surface adjustments to 1000 or 2000 abralon and agressive drillings

I agree with the hammer burn a buddy of mine just got one and our spans are close,i throw 16-18 mph and on fresh ths 38ft the thing just rips on backend ,outhooks my fresh resurfaced dimension handsdown.rams down the pins well too.

10-13-2009, 08:38 AM
I've heard the Ebonite Tornado might work well, any thoughts?

10-13-2009, 12:30 PM
I've heard the Ebonite Tornado might work well, any thoughts?

that ball will not react with such a high ball speed...

also where did you see/find out your ball speed?? 19-21mph is a very fast ball.

10-13-2009, 12:56 PM
gparls that would be expected between the Dimension and the Burn. The Dimension is a much earlier rolling ball and also has much more surface than the Burn. the burn is more skid flip by design

10-13-2009, 01:37 PM
gparls that would be expected between the Dimension and the Burn. The Dimension is a much earlier rolling ball and also has much more surface than the Burn. the burn is more skid flip by design

i had the dimension polished and finished with 2000 arbalon,and it is drilled very aggressive. so it will snap a good backend,but your right. the burn really turned the corner hard even at 18 mph,as much as i liked his burn.i'm gonna opt for the jigsaw for my next ball.seems to read the lanes a little better,and that new core really seems to keep the pins low on a good pocket shot .less corner pin spares from what ive seen.

10-13-2009, 03:27 PM
hey, I bowl at roughly 19-20mph ball and i ended up going with the Hammer Black Widow Pearl, very nice back end and a overall good ball :D look into that one OR look into the lanebreaker a very agreesive ball from what ive seen. Good luck with ur choices.

10-13-2009, 10:29 PM
The place I bowl at in Grand Rapids michigan has speeds on all rolls after they get to the pins listed above your score. A lot of people I watch seem to bowl between 11-14mph. I average the 18-20mph now/lately, but seeing 22-24mph isn't uncommon...one of my bowling buddies hits 26+ on a regular basis. We don't "Throw" them at all, its more of a high powered roll right off the line.

After talking to the guy at the Pro Shop there he mentioned the Hammer Razyr as a "starter" ball for learning to hook for me. I'm thinking about it...I don't wanna overpsend on something I intend to replace in a few months anyways. We figure 15lb ball, might slow my rolling speed down a touch. Once I get the hooking relase motion down and such I plan to change to a ball there I can be natural in my roll where I won't be forced to "take something off" if such a ball really exists.

10-13-2009, 10:44 PM
I had my jigsaw drilled for max hook because I'm a stroker and my speed is close to yours at around 16-17 mph, it works for the first game or to. Then it seems like im forcing it so i switch to a longer ball and im fine.

10-13-2009, 11:03 PM
What do you mean max hook? I've saw balls that start hooking almost ASAP and I've watched balls roll fast and then allof a sudden BOOM, and make a B-line for the pocket. Which would be the max hook?

10-14-2009, 01:31 AM
The Razyr is designed as more of a drier condition ball from Hammer. It has a somewhat aggressive coverstock without much of a core, That was one of the reasons a Furious was recomended as it has a good core without being that expensive. At the price point of the Raazyr i would look at the Tropical storm as it has a stronger cover aand more core dynamics

10-14-2009, 01:29 PM
What do you mean max hook? I've saw balls that start hooking almost ASAP and I've watched balls roll fast and then allof a sudden BOOM, and make a B-line for the pocket. Which would be the max hook?

I did the Strong layout with the High Track Because thats the Oil line/track left on my ball after I throw It.

Here is the Jigsaw drilling instructions, this will give you some common drilling's to view


10-14-2009, 08:19 PM
Got the ball today. After working with my Pro Shop genius we did end up going with the Tropical Storm as my "Beginners Hooking Ball" with full expectations of upgrading to a much higher level ball once I get down the basics of hooking, control, revs, etc. Any tips for using the Tropical Storm? I had it drilled for full thumb and just fingertips on middle and ring fingers.

10-14-2009, 08:22 PM
picture of the layout??

10-14-2009, 08:34 PM
What do you mean picture of layout?

10-14-2009, 08:37 PM
can you take a picture of the drilling on the ball.. the pin and CG in relevence to the holes