View Full Version : What does the PAP tell you??

The German Shepherd
06-12-2012, 03:20 PM
SInce I have joined this Board, I have been asked what my PAP is by at least 3 members here and this has led me to wonder what this means. I know what a Positive Axis Point is and all that, but what can you tell about a bowlerm judging solely by their PAP?? Please, my inquiring mind needs to know...for example, my PAP is 4 3/4 and 3/4 of an inch UP...


06-12-2012, 03:30 PM
I'll let Bowl1820 answer this as I'm sure he'll give you a better answer than I could... lol

06-12-2012, 03:58 PM
Maybe these articles here will help you understand the PAP a little better

Positive Axis Point from bowlingball.com's BowlVersity (http://www.bowlingball.com/BowlVersity/positive-axis-point#idc-cover)

Know Your Positive Axis Point by By Mike Austin Precision Pro Shop (https://www.allbowling.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-17026.html)

06-12-2012, 05:33 PM
Just Knowing the PAP location in itself won't tell what type of bowler you are, It won't tell you the bowlers Tilt or Axis Rotation or Rev's or Speed. At the most it might give a idea of how close that person tracks to the finger holes.

I believe most of the time on here when P.A.P. is brought up. It's in regard to a balls layout, Say someone comes on they don't know why their ball is reacting a particular way and someone asks hows it laid out? So they say "My pin is above my ringer finger, MB is here"

Now that gives you a general idea of what the ball is suppose to do. But knowing that the PAP is 2 inches from the pin or 6 inches from pin can make a big difference in how that ball was reacting.

So knowing the PAP location someone can take good guess at the pin to pap distance or ask them them to measure it.

Here is another link to go with the ones above:

06-12-2012, 08:20 PM
Just Knowing the PAP location in itself won't tell what type of bowler you are, It won't tell you the bowlers Tilt or Axis Rotation or Rev's or Speed. At the most it might give a idea of how close that person tracks to the finger holes.

I believe most of the time on here when P.A.P. is brought up. It's in regard to a balls layout, Say someone comes on they don't know why their ball is reacting a particular way and someone asks hows it laid out? So they say "My pin is above my ringer finger, MB is here"

Now that gives you a general idea of what the ball is suppose to do. But knowing that the PAP is 2 inches from the pin or 6 inches from pin can make a big difference in how that ball was reacting.

So knowing the PAP location someone can take good guess at the pin to pap distance or ask them them to measure it.

Here is another link to go with the ones above:

Is there any easy way of figuring out what your PAP is? Or is that something the proshop will have to do?

06-12-2012, 09:01 PM
There are several ways to find the PAP on your ball that you can do yourself.
Here's alink to one of the simplest ways.

But to get the measurements you would need a Pro-Sect to measure it.

Also here's a video with info
